How can we prove a given identity?

In summary, "Strange Incredible Identity" is a term used to describe individuals with unique and unusual abilities or characteristics. The acquisition of this identity is believed to be a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Examples include photographic memory, synesthesia, and extreme physical abilities. While some aspects can be studied in a laboratory, the complex nature of the human brain makes it difficult to replicate. There is ongoing debate within the scientific community about the validity of "Strange Incredible Identity" as a concept.
  • #1
How can we proceed to prove the following identity ?


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  • #2
The original expression :
[tex]\sqrt{22+2\sqrt{5}\ }\ +\ \sqrt{5}\ = \
\sqrt{11+2\sqrt{29}\ }\ +\ \sqrt{16-2\sqrt{29}+2\sqrt{55-10\sqrt{29}\ }\ }[/tex]

First, note that 16=11+5 .

So, we can rewrite the last part :

[tex]\sqrt{22+2\sqrt{5}\ }\ +\ \sqrt{5}\ = \
\sqrt{11+2\sqrt{29}\ }\ +\ \sqrt{ ( \ \sqrt{11-2\sqrt{29}\ }\ +\ \sqrt{5}\ ) ^2\ }[/tex]


[tex]\sqrt{22+2\sqrt{5}\ }\ +\ \sqrt{5}\ = \
\sqrt{11+2\sqrt{29}\ }\ +\ (\ \sqrt{11-2\sqrt{29}\ }\ +\ \sqrt{5}\ )[/tex]

Thats the same as:

[tex]\sqrt{22+2\sqrt{5}\ }\ = \ \sqrt{11+2\sqrt{29}\ }\ +\ \sqrt{11-2\sqrt{29}\ }[/tex]

Squaring both sides, we get:

[tex]22+2\sqrt{5}\ = 22\ +\ 2\sqrt{11^2\ -\ (2\sqrt{29})^2\ }[/tex]


[tex]22+2\sqrt{5}\ = 22\ +\ 2\sqrt{121\ -\ 4*29\ }[/tex]

Which is true.

  • #3

Proving an identity often involves breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts and using known mathematical principles and properties to show that both sides of the equation are equal. It may also involve using algebraic manipulations or substitution to simplify or transform the expression.

One approach to proving an identity is to start with one side of the equation and manipulate it until it matches the other side. For example, if the identity involves trigonometric functions, you may need to use trigonometric identities or the unit circle to simplify the expression.

Another approach is to work backwards from the desired result and find a series of steps that will lead to the given identity. This may involve using the distributive property, combining like terms, or factoring.

In some cases, it may be helpful to use a proof by induction, which involves showing that the identity holds for a base case and then assuming it holds for a general case and proving that it holds for the next case.

Ultimately, the key to proving an identity is to carefully analyze the given expression and use logical steps to show that it is equivalent to the desired result. It may require creativity, patience, and a thorough understanding of mathematical concepts.

FAQ: How can we prove a given identity?

What is "Strange Incredible Identity"?

"Strange Incredible Identity" is a term used to describe a phenomenon where individuals possess unique and unusual abilities or characteristics that set them apart from others.

How do people acquire "Strange Incredible Identity"?

The acquisition of "Strange Incredible Identity" is not fully understood, but it is believed to be a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Some people may be born with these capabilities, while others may develop them over time through training or exposure to certain stimuli.

What are some examples of "Strange Incredible Identity"?

Examples of "Strange Incredible Identity" include individuals with photographic memory, synesthesia (a condition where senses are cross-wired, allowing someone to, for example, see colors when they hear music), and extreme physical abilities (such as incredible strength or flexibility).

Can "Strange Incredible Identity" be studied or replicated in a laboratory setting?

While some aspects of "Strange Incredible Identity" may be studied in a laboratory setting, such as brain scans to understand the neurological basis of certain abilities, many aspects of this phenomenon are difficult to replicate in a controlled environment. This is due to the complex nature of the human brain and the unique experiences and genetics of each individual.

Is "Strange Incredible Identity" a real scientific concept or just a myth?

There is ongoing debate within the scientific community about the validity and definition of "Strange Incredible Identity". Some argue that it is simply a label for a collection of unique abilities, while others believe it is a legitimate concept that warrants further study. Ultimately, the understanding and acceptance of "Strange Incredible Identity" as a scientific concept is still evolving.
