Exploring the Possibility of a Sunless Solar System without a Central Star

In summary: Originally posted by Sunless In summary, a sunless solar system is a large object with smaller objects orbiting it that does not orbit around a star.
  • #1
The Grimmus
Sunless "solar"system

Is there such thing as a sunless solar system maybe not called solar but has all of the charicteristics of one minus the sun.
Possably a huge object being the gravation force or Dark matter or a mini black hole
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Or would a pulsar do? Such things are knwon (and indeed were the first planetary systems discovered in the late late late 80's).
  • #3
I've never heard of a 'sunless solar system'
Although i have read, that if our sun collapsed into a stellar black hole, the planets would continue to orbit around it, but they'd receive no sunlight, and the Earth would die.
Actually in Science last term, there was a question on one of our homework sheets, something like "if the sun followed this process (how stars begin and die, we had to read that) what will happen to the planets? The Earht?"
Well i just wrote that the Earth would die because lack of sunlight, and i got it correct.
  • #4
Its definately possible for this to happen, all it would take is a body with a large gravitational field (could be anything) to have other smaller objects in orbit.
  • #5
They do exist and have been found. They've seen solar systems with one visible star. The star can be seen to have what is called an acretion disk, surrounding some other object which can't be seen. That unseen object could be anything from a black hole to a brown dwarf.
  • #6
Originally posted by Andy
Its definately possible for this to happen, all it would take is a body with a large gravitational field (could be anything) to have other smaller objects in orbit.

but if it where to be that big would that creat soem kind of fision at least in the center of the object?
  • #7
No, not if all the elements involved in fission like Hydrogen had run out.

That is how a black hole forms in the first place.
(It was basically just a REALLY big star that ran out of fuel and so couldn't generate the pressure neede to hold itself together and so ended up collapsing in on itself) The gravity would still be there, just no reaction.
  • #8
Originally posted by Draco
I've never heard of a 'sunless solar system'
Although i have read, that if our sun collapsed into a stellar black hole, the planets would continue to orbit around it, but they'd receive no sunlight, and the Earth would die.
Actually in Science last term, there was a question on one of our homework sheets, something like "if the sun followed this process (how stars begin and die, we had to read that) what will happen to the planets? The Earht?"
Well i just wrote that the Earth would die because lack of sunlight, and i got it correct.
Hmm... I would have thought that mercury would undergo spaghetification due to the extreme tidal forces.
  • #9
It would seem that, by definition, a solar system requires a star. But certainly other systems consisting of stuff orbiting a non-star exist (just don't expect 9 planets, an asteroid belt, etc.)

"all the characteristics of a solar system"...I don't think there's a standard one-size fits all definition (other than the requirement of the star)
  • #10
well i meant having planents and other objects orbiting it and follows the orbit of a galaxy not another object
  • #11
so surely then saturn and its mooms could be classed as one of these systems.

it is a large object with smaller objects orbiting it. and it is not a star
  • #12
but it relvolves around the sun which revolves around the center of our galaxy if saturn where to revolve around are galaxies nucules then yes

FAQ: Exploring the Possibility of a Sunless Solar System without a Central Star

What is a sunless solar system?

A sunless solar system is a hypothetical system in space that does not have a central star, such as a sun, at its center. Instead, it is comprised of objects such as planets, moons, and asteroids that orbit around each other without a dominant source of light and heat.

Can a sunless solar system support life?

It is unlikely that a sunless solar system could support life as we know it, as the absence of a central star would lead to extreme cold temperatures and lack of light for photosynthesis. However, there is a possibility that life could exist on moons or planets within a sunless system if they have their own internal sources of heat and light.

How are sunless solar systems formed?

The formation of a sunless solar system is still a topic of debate among scientists. One theory suggests that they may be formed from the remnants of a star that has exploded, leaving behind a collection of planets and other objects that continue to orbit each other. Another theory suggests that they may form from the collapse of a giant interstellar cloud of gas and dust.

Do we know of any sunless solar systems in our universe?

Currently, there are no confirmed reports of a sunless solar system in our universe. However, there have been several potential candidates, such as the star system Epsilon Eridani, which has a debris disk that could potentially form planets without a central star. Further research and observations are needed to confirm the existence of sunless solar systems.

What are the potential implications of discovering a sunless solar system?

The discovery of a sunless solar system would greatly expand our understanding of the diversity of systems in our universe. It would also challenge our current theories and models of planetary formation, as well as raise questions about the potential for life to exist in unconventional environments. Additionally, it could have practical implications for future space exploration and the search for habitable worlds beyond our solar system.
