Can a Ball Slide Rather Than Roll Down an Accelerating Inclined Plane?

In summary, It is possible to make the coefficient of friction between a ball and an inclined plane low enough so that a ball will slide down the plane and not roll down the plane, but it will always have some degree of rotation due to the unbalanced moments and forces involved. This can be seen in an experiment where a rotating ball is rolled down an inclined plane and its rotational velocity decreases due to friction. Additionally, in a system where a solid sphere is rolling down a sloped belt that is moving up, the ball can reach a state of equilibrium where it remains stationary relative to a stationary observer, but this requires the belt to continuously accelerate uphill and will eventually reach a terminal velocity determined by various factors such as mass, angle, and coefficient
  • #1
Is it possible to make the coefficient of friction between a ball and an inclined plane low enough so that a ball will silde down the plane and not roll down the plane?
Physics news on
  • #2
Thecla said:
Is it possible to make the coefficient of friction between a ball and an inclined plane low enough so that a ball will silde down the plane and not roll down the plane?

It is possible to make it very very close. Ever go bowling? Notice how if you put a spin on the ball, it spins one way, but takes a long time for that spin to make the ball move on the lane? Same thing.
  • #3
Unless it is zero there will be a force between the ball and surface that will cause the ball to spin. That dosen't mean it won't slide, however any friction will make it spin.
  • #4
kgbgru said:
Unless it is zero there will be a force between the ball and surface that will cause the ball to spin. That dosen't mean it won't slide, however any friction will make it spin.
If you roll a ball down an inclined plane, the accelerating force (parallel to the inclined plane) is proportional to mg sin(θ), while the force pushing the ball against the inclined plane is mg cos(θ). If the ball has a moment of inertia (e.g., I = 2mR2/5 for a solid ball), a decelerating force parallel to the inclined plane (and opposite to mg sin(θ)) is required just to spin the ball. If the angle of the inclined plane exceeds a critical angle, the force pushing the ball against the inclined plane is insufficient to make the ball spin, even if the coefficient of friction is 1.

Calculate the critical angle.

Bob S
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  • #5
Any unbalanced moment about the ball will cause rotation. Any friction will create a moment about the ball equal to Rmg cos(θ) times the coefficent of friction. Unless the inclined plane is a wall or the coefficient of friction is zero the ball will spin.
  • #6
Isn't this just a static friction equation? Round objects spin on a surface because they are not applying enough force to break the static friction. If the force required to break this static friction is so low that the ball can break it easily, it should just slide as opposed to rolling.
  • #7
The ball will slide and spin, but it's angular inertia combined with the rate of acceleration down a plane will prevent it from truly rolling (no sliding), if the plane is angled steep enough and/or if the coefficient of friction is low enough. The result is that the torque from friction is not enough to cause sufficient angular acceleration for the ball to transition into or maintain a true roll.
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  • #8
So if I understand this correctly, since the coefficient of friction between the ball and the inclined plane is never exactly zero, the ball will never slide without rotating down an inclined plane no matter what the angle of inclination is.
  • #9
An interesting experiment is to roll a rotating ball down an inclined plane. The loss of rotational momentum [velocity] from top to bottom is attributable to friction.
  • #10
I have a related question to this general area, but involving something I have not seen discussed elsewhere, so here goes (excuse me if this is the wrong thread, I am a newbie on this site):

How would you diagram/describe all of the forces involved in a system where a solid sphere is rolling down a sloped belt (like a conveyor belt, say) that is moving up (i.e., the top surface of the belt where the sphere contacts it is moving toward the top of the slope), and given this construction, could there ever be an equilibrium reached where the forces imparted by the friction between the two objects (belt and sphere) and all the other forces involved (gravity, rotational inertia, etc.) cause the ball to remain stationary (but still rotating, of course) relative to a stationary observer?
  • #11
tadietz said:
How would you diagram/describe all of the forces involved in a system where a solid sphere is rolling down a sloped belt (like a conveyor belt, say) that is moving up (i.e., the top surface of the belt where the sphere contacts it is moving toward the top of the slope), and given this construction, could there ever be an equilibrium reached where the forces imparted by the friction between the two objects (belt and sphere) and all the other forces involved (gravity, rotational inertia, etc.) cause the ball to remain stationary (but still rotating, of course) relative to a stationary observer?
The sloped belt would have to be continously accelerating "uphill" in order to keep the ball in a stationary position. The belt speed and the ball's angular velocity would be constantly increasing.
  • #12
rcgldr said:
The sloped belt would have to be continously accelerating "uphill" in order to keep the ball in a stationary position. The belt speed and the ball's angular velocity would be constantly increasing.

I would agree this would happen up to a point, i.e., where the sphere reaches it's terminal velocity. Terminal velocity in a system as described could vary largely based on the frictional forces between the sphere and the belt, the mass of the sphere, the angle of the belt, etc.

The general formula I want to derive or find is one where all of the usual factors for mass, angle, coefficient of friction (CoF), etc., involved with the sphere, belt, and acceleration due to gravity are included and can be solved for various values given those known or derived experimentally (like CoF).

Another factor that will need to be somehow factored in is the resistance to rotation of the belt due to the required rollers at either end, which would probably just be a constant in the formula - derived experimentally like CoF tends to be.

FAQ: Can a Ball Slide Rather Than Roll Down an Accelerating Inclined Plane?

1. What is the difference between ball sliding and rolling?

Ball sliding and rolling are two different types of motion that a ball can exhibit. Sliding occurs when the ball is in contact with a surface and moves due to a force acting on it. Rolling, on the other hand, is when the ball rotates on its axis while moving forward. In rolling, the ball maintains contact with the surface at all times.

2. What factors affect the speed of a ball sliding or rolling?

The speed of a ball sliding or rolling can be affected by several factors, including the surface it is moving on, the force applied, the shape and size of the ball, and any external forces acting on it, such as friction or air resistance.

3. Can a ball slide and roll at the same time?

Yes, a ball can exhibit both sliding and rolling motion at the same time. This can happen when the ball is on a surface with low friction, such as ice, and has enough force applied to make it slide and roll simultaneously.

4. How does the weight of a ball affect its sliding and rolling motion?

The weight of a ball does not directly affect its sliding or rolling motion. However, a heavier ball may require more force to start sliding or rolling and may also be more resistant to changes in motion due to its inertia.

5. What are some real-life examples of ball sliding and rolling?

A common real-life example of ball sliding and rolling is a bowling ball. The ball slides as it moves down the lane before transitioning to a rolling motion towards the pins. Another example is a soccer ball, which slides when kicked and then rolls on the ground. Other examples include marbles rolling down a ramp and a billiard ball sliding and rolling on a pool table.

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