How Does the Human Body Use Oxygen and Can We Breathe Alternative Gases?

In summary, the human body needs oxygen as an electron and H+ acceptor for the reaction that creates ATP. While other compounds can be used under certain conditions, special proteins are required and changing them would not solve the problem. Additionally, the human body is specialized to use oxygen and altering this would require major modifications to human physiology. It is also important to consider the effects on energy metabolism and the electron transport portion.
  • #1
why does the human body need oxygen, what does the human body use it for.
is it possible to create a alternate gas that the human body can intake
Is it possible to alter human genetics to breathe poisons?
Biology news on
  • #2
Because oxygen is the electron acceptor and H+ acceptor for the reaction that creates ATP. Oxygen was probably used by earlier bacteria because photosynthetic microorganism polluted Earth with oxygen.

In other organism and under anaerobic conditions, other compounds such as sulfur (Desulfuromonas), sulfate ions (Desulfovibrio), carbon dioxide (methanogens), and nitrate ions (enteric bacteria, Pseudomonas and Bacillus) can be used but special proteins are required. If you could integrate the proteins required to used the compound amount, it propably would not solve the problem. Our blood and lund are specialized to get oxygen in and to get carbon dioxide out. You would to change several component of human physiology.

Human could also have problem using poison because a lot of poison block the respiratory chain and stop the transfer of electron and the translocation of H+. Major modification would be needed
  • #3
Check out info on "Kreb's Cycle".
  • #4
Phobos, it is acutally what happen after the kreb's cycle that is of interest, he would actually have to look for "Energy Metabolism", then "Electron Transport Portion".
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FAQ: How Does the Human Body Use Oxygen and Can We Breathe Alternative Gases?

What is the function of the human body?

The human body is a complex system that performs a variety of functions to keep us alive and healthy. These functions include movement, digestion, reproduction, respiration, circulation, and more. Every part of the body, from the smallest cell to the largest organ, has a specific role in maintaining our overall well-being.

What are the major organs in the human body?

The human body is made up of several major organs, including the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and intestines. These organs work together to perform vital functions that are necessary for our survival. Each organ has a specific job, but they all rely on each other to keep the body functioning properly.

How does the human body maintain homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the process by which the body maintains a stable internal environment. This is essential for our survival, as changes in our internal environment can be harmful. The human body maintains homeostasis through various mechanisms, such as temperature regulation, hormone production, and the coordination of different organ systems.

What are the different systems in the human body?

The human body is made up of several interconnected systems, including the skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, circulatory, and reproductive systems. Each system has a specific function, but they all work together to keep the body functioning properly.

How does the human body change with age?

The human body goes through various changes as we age. These changes can include a decrease in muscle mass, changes in hormone levels, and a decrease in bone density. As we get older, our bodies may also become more susceptible to certain diseases and conditions. However, leading a healthy lifestyle can help slow down the aging process and keep our bodies functioning at their best.
