Commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator

Thus, in summary, the commutator relations in position representation are: a) [V,ρ] = (V(q')-V(q))*ρ(q',q) b) [p,ρ] = (d/dq'' - d/dq)δ(q'-q) c) [p^2,ρ] = -(d^2/dq'^2 - d^2/dq^2)δ(q'-q)
  • #1
Hey guys,

maybe you can help me with the following problem. I have to calculate the commutator relations in position representation:
a) [V,ρ]
b) [p,ρ]
c) [p^2,ρ]

Note that <q'|ρ|q>=ρ(q',q) is a matrix element of the density operator

I already solved the first one. You just have to apply the potential operator on a matix element of the density operator.

The rest however is more tricky as the momentum operator is not diagonal in this domain.
I got the hint that I should try an integration over an auxiliary variable which should lead to something like <q'|ρ|q''>~δ(q'-q'') (Delta functions)

A Fourier transformation is NOT necessary as far as I know.

The result of c should be something like:

Thanks a lot for your help!
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  • #2
</code>For b), you can use integration by parts to get the desired result. Specifically, let <q'|pρ|q> = ∫dq'' ρ(q',q'') p(-q'')Then, integrating by parts, and using the fact that the boundary terms vanish since ρ(q',q'') is assumed to be zero at q'=±∞ and q''=±∞, we obtain<q'|pρ|q> = -∫dq'' (∂/∂q'')ρ(q',q'') (-q'') = -(∂/∂q'') ∫dq'' ρ(q',q'') (-q'')= -(∂/∂q'')δ(q'-q'') = (d/dq'') δ(q'-q'')Similarly,<q'|ρp|q> = (d/dq) δ(q'-q)Therefore,[p,ρ] = <q'|pρ|q>-<q'|ρp|q> = (d/dq'')δ(q'-q'') - (d/dq)δ(q'-q)= (d/dq'' - d/dq)δ(q'-q)For c), note that[p^2, ρ] = <q'|p^2ρ|q> - <q'|ρp^2|q>= -(d/dq'')^2 δ(q'-q'') - (-d/dq)^2 δ(q'-q)= -(d^2/dq'^2 - d^2/dq^2)δ(q'-q)

FAQ: Commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator

1. What is the commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator?

The commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator is a mathematical operator that represents the difference between the product of two operators and the product of the same two operators in reverse order. It is used to determine the extent to which two operators can be simultaneously measured.

2. How is the commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator calculated?

The commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator is calculated using the formula [A,B] = AB - BA, where A and B are the operators being compared. In this case, the density operator represents the density of the system and the kinetic energy operator represents the energy associated with the motion of the system.

3. What does the commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator tell us about a system?

The commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator provides information about the uncertainty in the measurement of two properties of a system. If the commutator is zero, it means that the two properties can be measured simultaneously with no uncertainty. If the commutator is non-zero, it indicates that there is some uncertainty in measuring both properties at the same time.

4. How is the commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator related to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?

The commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator is directly related to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know the exact values of certain pairs of properties of a system at the same time. The commutator quantifies this uncertainty by providing a lower bound on the product of the uncertainties in the two properties.

5. How is the commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator used in quantum mechanics?

The commutator of density operator with kinetic energy operator is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to analyze the behavior of particles at the quantum level. It is particularly useful in determining the energy levels and wave functions of a system, as well as predicting the outcome of experiments. It is also used in the development of mathematical models and equations that describe the behavior of quantum systems.
