Navigating an Engineering Major as a Foreign Student

In summary, the conversation discusses a foreign student's options for choosing a major in engineering. They mention their experience in AP Physics C and Calculus BC, as well as their interest in computer engineering and mechanical engineering. The conversation also touches on the importance of knowing programming for a computer engineering degree, but notes that it can be learned in college. Ultimately, the decision on which major to choose is suggested to be made based on personal interests and career goals.
  • #1
I'm a student from foreign country.
Because of that, AP Physics C (Mechanics Part, same as Physics I in college) is the first and only physics I can take in high school.
Even with my limited English skill, I got an A last semester in AP Physics C class and understand the concepts pretty well.
Calculus BC, which is Calculus I and II, isn't too hard for me. Just doing homework everyday and get an A.

Since I'm new to the country, I don't really know how to distinguish the three majors listed on the title.

Can someone recommend what major I should choose?

I love computer, but the bad part is that I only know some basic stuff like Word, Excel at this moment (SENIOR YEAR). Otherwise, I know nothing about those C, C++, Java, etc...
If I want to major in Computer engineering, will it possible for me achieve my goal? (without any knowledge about those strange computer language, but with the love of Physics).
Do professors teach the Computer Engineering students from basics to advanced stuff? Or They're supposed to know some background before stepping in the class?

Or I can major in Mechanical Engineering since I kind of like my AP Physics C class too.
Physics news on
  • #2
your first 2 years of college for either major will be largely the same, so you don't have to make the decision right now. Try both and see what you prefer
  • #3
I agree with Woopydalan. Also, I think it's important to think what kind of job you want after you graduate. Do you want to design hardware, make engines or deal with power? Basically, what aspect of engineering excites you the most will answer this question for you.
  • #4
Am I supposed to know any background knowledge before I major in computer engineering?.. some programing language...or something like that...
  • #5
You will take at least one (if not a two class series) introduction to programming type classes for a Computer Engineering major. Most schools Electrical Engineers will also take these classes, some schools all engineering majors will. So they will start you with the basics even if you have never programmed before.

If you know how to program these will be a breeze, if you don't this will be your time to learn. If you want to get a head start programming is something you can learn on your own, you can get a development environment for pretty much any language free online and find plenty of tutorials as well.
  • #6
I agree with the posts above. But remember, "programming" is different from the daily work we do on computers. To be a good computer engineer, you should be able to apply logic (basic common sense that we most of the time take for granted) well. It is like making a computer understand what you want it to do, by using a limited set of expressions. But I found programming fun, even though computer engg. is not my major.
  • #7
There may be some schools where you need to know programming before you start a computer/software engineering degree, or you may find that a lot of your classmates start out knowing a little bit of programming, but you can definitely get one of those degrees without any prior programming knowledge.

FAQ: Navigating an Engineering Major as a Foreign Student

1. What challenges do foreign students typically face in an engineering major?

Foreign students may face challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, and adjusting to a new education system. They may also struggle with homesickness and feeling isolated from their home country.

2. How can I improve my English proficiency as a foreign student studying engineering?

There are many ways to improve your English proficiency as a foreign student. You can attend language classes, practice speaking with native English speakers, read English books and articles, and watch English movies and TV shows. It is also helpful to immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment and practice speaking and writing in English as much as possible.

3. Are there any resources available specifically for foreign students studying engineering?

Many universities have support services and resources specifically for foreign students. These may include tutoring, language assistance, cultural organizations, and workshops for adjusting to university life. It is important to research and take advantage of these resources to help you navigate your engineering major.

4. How can I build connections with other students and faculty in my engineering program?

One way to build connections is to get involved in extracurricular activities related to your engineering major, such as joining a club or participating in research projects. You can also attend networking events and reach out to professors or classmates for help or advice. It is important to be proactive and make an effort to connect with others in your program.

5. What can I do to succeed in my engineering major as a foreign student?

To succeed in your engineering major as a foreign student, it is important to stay organized, manage your time effectively, and seek help when needed. Building strong study habits, attending class regularly, and actively participating in class discussions can also greatly contribute to your success. Additionally, it is important to take care of your mental and physical health to ensure you can perform at your best in your studies.

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