Electronics VS. Electrical Engineering?

In summary: Electronics EngineerIn summary, Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering are closely related fields, with Electronics being a subset of Electrical Engineering. While many universities do not make a distinction between the two, some still prefer to use the term Electronics for Computer Engineering. However, in the US, Electrical Engineering encompasses Computer Engineering and other areas such as digital and analog electronics, communications, and power. Computer Engineering primarily focuses on software engineering, digital circuit design, and microprocessors, while Electronics Engineering deals with electronic circuit design, VLSI, and communication systems. Both Electrical and Electronics Engineers may study courses such as signals and systems and electromagnetics.
  • #1
What's the difference between Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Electronics is a field of electrical engineering. Most universities do not make such a distinction, and designate 'electronics' as a subset or concentration within the electrical engineering degree program..

for instance, I am an electrical engineering major, where my concentration is electronics.
  • #3
Still in many parts of the world it is used Electronics (low voltage) old name (older) and the new name for Electronics is called Computer Engineering.

Electrical Engineering=High Voltage=High Power

Computer Engineering=Electronics= Low Voltage

leright, you are right, particularly for Canada and USA, but many Euoropean countries and many parts of India and China still prefer name Electronics for Computer Engineering.

Example; someone graduated in Russia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, India China, Hungary, former East Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc. from Electronics Engineering Program are working as a Professional Engineerrs and or University Professors in Computer Engineering Depts.
  • #4
budala said:
Still in many parts of the world it is used Electronics (low voltage) old name (older) and the new name for Electronics is called Computer Engineering.

Electrical Engineering=High Voltage=High Power

Computer Engineering=Electronics= Low Voltage

leright, you are right, particularly for Canada and USA, but many Euoropean countries and many parts of India and China still prefer name Electronics for Computer Engineering.

Example; someone graduated in Russia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, India China, Hungary, former East Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc. from Electronics Engineering Program are working as a Professional Engineerrs and or University Professors in Computer Engineering Depts.

Well, if other countries are referring to 'electronics' as 'computer engineering' then they are wrong.

There are many many areas of electronics that are not part of computer engineering.

In the US, electrical engineering encompasses computer engineering and digital electronics, analog electronics, communications, power, etc. However, often separate computer engineering and electrical engineering degrees are usually offered, but no degree program called 'electronics' is offered. However, an 'electronics' degree or diploma is often offered at the technician's level.
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  • #5
budala said:
Electrical Engineering=High Voltage=High Power
Computer Engineering=Electronics= Low Voltage

So the low voltage, low power electronics in a TV station studio is all Computer Engineering? And the 250kW transmitter connected to the studio is is Electrical Engineering?

That makes no sense.
  • #6
Computer Engineering=Electronics= Low Voltage

This is a grossly inaccurate statement as to what computer engineering is about!
  • #7
guys, according to you I am wrong, Please could you tell me are the following courses from Computer Engineering or Electronics, or Electrical Engineering Programm?

1. Microprocessor Systems
2. Electronic Circuits
3. Signals and Systems
4. Probability and Stochastic Process
5. Electromagnetics
6. Communications Systems

Thank you very much.

***** Those are one semester courses
  • #8
There could be plenty of overlap.. though I don't know too many computer engineers who would take courses in electromagnetics. They could be all taken by CpE or EE.

To the original poster, read the program requirements at whatever university makes the distinction and that should provide the answer :)
  • #9
budala said:
guys, according to you I am wrong, Please could you tell me are the following courses from Computer Engineering or Electronics, or Electrical Engineering Programm?

1. Microprocessor Systems
2. Electronic Circuits
3. Signals and Systems
4. Probability and Stochastic Process
5. Electromagnetics
6. Communications Systems

Thank you very much.

***** Those are one semester courses
Those seem like introductory courses that a both a CE and EE would take. Although I'm not sure what "signals and systems" is.
  • #10
ranger said:
Those seem like introductory courses that a both a CE and EE would take. Although I'm not sure what "signals and systems" is.

usually CEs take signals and systems, but they usually don't take electromagnetics. EEs would definitely take all of them.
  • #11
leright said:
usually CEs take signals and systems, but they usually don't take electromagnetics. EEs would definitely take all of them.

I don't see signals and systems in my course requiremnets. Mayb its known by another name?
  • #12
ranger said:
I don't see signals and systems in my course requiremnets. Mayb its known by another name?

Maybe your school integrated the signals and systems subject matter into the circuits curriculum. Many schools require 7 credits of circuits and network theory coursework, and just mix signals and systems in with it.

At one point did you learn LTI system theory, Fourier analysis, etc in your circuits courses (I would hope so)? A lot of schools teach this stuff in a stand alone course called signals and systems.
  • #13
1. Microprocessor Systems - computer engineering
2. Electronic Circuits - electrical engineering (electronics)
3. Signals and Systems - mostly electrical engineering
4. Probability and Stochastic Process - mathematics that engineers take
5. Electromagnetics - electrical engineering
6. Communications Systems - both electrical and computer engineering
  • #14
Electrical Engineer: will study machines, generators, transmission lines, power plants, power electronics, introduction to microprocessors and will have the strongest system control course.

Electronics Engineer: will study electronic circuit design(both digital and analog), VLSI design , more advanced course on solid state circuits, introduction to microprocessors, modern control, Antenna theory, Microwave Engineering, optoelectronic and will have strongest communication systems course.

Computer Engineer: will study software engineering, digital circuit design, control theory course, operating system programming, database design, data communication and will have the most advanced course on microprocessors and programming.

Microprocessor Systems - Computer Engineer
Electronic Circuits - Electronics Engineer
Signals and Systems - All three
Probability and Stochastic Process - All three
Electromagnetic - Both Electrical and Electronics
Communications Systems - Electronics
  • #15
At my school CE's take a class called Signals systems and transforms like leright said
  • #16
Since Romania was mentioned here, I have to make a correction: nope, Computer Engineering and Electronics are two different things here.
You could compare:
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  • #17
leright said:
Maybe your school integrated the signals and systems subject matter into the circuits curriculum. Many schools require 7 credits of circuits and network theory coursework, and just mix signals and systems in with it.

At one point did you learn LTI system theory, Fourier analysis, etc in your circuits courses (I would hope so)? A lot of schools teach this stuff in a stand alone course called signals and systems.

Yes, indeed. This is how my school does it. So I'm all good :)
  • #18
l46kok said:
What's the difference between Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering?

sometimes, it is just semantic. there are Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electrical & Electronics Engineering departments at different universities all being roughly the same (except i wouldn't expect "Electronics Engineering" or "Computer Engineering" to have courses in Power Engineering or Electromechanical Energy Conversion or similar). Computer Engineering (i would not call that "CE", you don't want to be confused with the Civil Engineers) might have less of the formal mathematical Signals and Systems stuff that EEs have and have more of the Computer Science stuff (algorithms, languages, etc.).

  • #19
Are 3rd year courses introductory courses to you?
  • #20
budala said:
Are 3rd year courses introductory courses to you?

Those arent 3rd year courses for me (excluding the signals and systems part). Most of those are two part courses in my case, where the first part can be said to be an intro.
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FAQ: Electronics VS. Electrical Engineering?

1. What is the difference between electronics and electrical engineering?

Electronics is a branch of engineering that deals with the study and application of electronic devices and circuits, while electrical engineering is a broader field that encompasses the study of electricity, electromagnetism, and the design and development of electrical systems.

2. Can a person with an electronics degree work as an electrical engineer?

Yes, a person with an electronics degree can work as an electrical engineer, as both fields share some similar concepts and skills. However, they may need to acquire additional knowledge and skills in specific areas to excel in the field of electrical engineering.

3. Which field offers better job prospects, electronics or electrical engineering?

Both fields offer excellent job prospects, as there is a high demand for professionals with knowledge and skills in these areas. However, the job market for electrical engineering may be slightly larger, as it covers a wider range of industries and applications.

4. What are the key skills required for a career in electronics or electrical engineering?

Some of the key skills required for a career in electronics or electrical engineering include a strong understanding of mathematics and physics, problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, attention to detail, and the ability to work with complex systems and equipment.

5. Is it possible to specialize in both electronics and electrical engineering?

Yes, it is possible to specialize in both electronics and electrical engineering. Many universities offer combined programs that cover both fields, allowing students to gain a comprehensive understanding and skill set in both areas. Additionally, professionals in these fields can pursue further education and training to expand their knowledge and skills in specific areas of interest.

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