Why Do I Need an Integrating Factor for Polar Coordinates?

In summary, The conversation discusses the use of domain decomposition and integrating factor to solve a partial differential equation with a singular perturbation parameter. The speaker also explains the use of polar coordinates and the significance of the integrating factor in simplifying the problem. They mention that even when the perturbation parameter is set to 1, the integrating factor is still necessary for solving the equation.
  • #1
I'm solving the following equation in the unit square using finite differences:
epsilon(u_xx+u_yy)+u_x+u_y=0, where epsilon is a singular perturbation parameter.

I need to use domain decomposition to isolate the corner singularity in the outflow corner. My subdomain in this corner is a quarter disk so I translate the d.e. to polar coordinates. If I don't use the translation:
v=exp(M(x+y))u, M=1/2epsilon, before translating to polar coordinates, then my solution has a concave shape, but it should be convex.

I find that even when epsilon=1 I need to use this integrating factor. Does anyone know why this is? Have searched high and low with no success.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The integrating factor helps to transform the partial differential equation (PDE) into an ordinary differential equation (ODE). Without it, the PDE is difficult to solve due to the presence of the singular perturbation parameter, epsilon. It helps to separate the variables and thus simplify the problem and make it more tractable.
  • #3

An integrating factor is necessary when solving equations in polar coordinates because it helps to account for the change in variables and maintain the correct shape of the solution. In this case, the use of the integrating factor v=exp(M(x+y))u helps to transform the equation into a form that is more easily solvable and accurately captures the behavior of the solution near the corner singularity.

Without the integrating factor, the solution may appear concave instead of convex, which is not the correct behavior for the given problem. This is because the change in variables from Cartesian to polar coordinates introduces additional terms that need to be accounted for in order to accurately represent the solution.

Additionally, the use of an integrating factor becomes even more crucial when dealing with singular perturbation problems, such as in this case where epsilon is a singular perturbation parameter. These types of problems require careful consideration and the use of integrating factors can help to mitigate any issues that may arise.

In summary, the use of an integrating factor is necessary when solving equations in polar coordinates to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the solution, especially in cases involving singular perturbations.

FAQ: Why Do I Need an Integrating Factor for Polar Coordinates?

1. Why do polar coordinates require an integrating factor?

Polar coordinates are a type of coordinate system that uses a distance from the origin and an angle to describe a point in space. In some mathematical problems, it is necessary to convert equations from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. This conversion often involves the use of an integrating factor, which helps simplify the equations and solve for the unknown variables.

2. How does an integrating factor work in polar coordinates?

An integrating factor is a function that is multiplied by an equation to make it easier to solve. In polar coordinates, the integrating factor is usually a function of the angle, which helps to simplify equations involving trigonometric functions. It essentially transforms the equation into a more manageable form, making it easier to solve for unknown variables.

3. Can you explain the concept of integrating factor using an example in polar coordinates?

For example, let's say we have the equation r^2 = 4cosθ. To solve for r, we would need to divide both sides by cosθ. However, this would result in an equation with a denominator, which can be difficult to work with. By using an integrating factor, we can multiply both sides by secθ, which cancels out the denominator and simplifies the equation to r^2secθ = 4. This makes it easier to solve for r.

4. Are integrating factors only used in polar coordinates?

No, integrating factors can be used in various coordinate systems, including polar coordinates. They are also commonly used in solving differential equations. In general, integrating factors help to simplify equations and make them easier to solve, regardless of the coordinate system.

5. Do all equations in polar coordinates require an integrating factor?

No, not all equations in polar coordinates require an integrating factor. Some equations can be solved directly without the need for an integrating factor. However, for more complex equations or when converting equations from Cartesian to polar coordinates, an integrating factor may be necessary to simplify the problem and make it easier to solve.
