What Is the Landau-Khalatnikov Theory?

  • Thread starter DarkForXe
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In summary, the speaker is seeking information about a specific theory for their Final Year Project. They have searched on Google but have only found information about the application of the theory, not the theory itself. They are asking for help finding lecture notes, books, websites, or PDF files related to the theory, or for someone to teach them about it. They mention needing the theory for their study of two dimension ferroelectric material and provide a link to a website they believe will be helpful. They also suggest using Google Books for further research. They end by suggesting asking their supervisor for guidance or spending time in the library. They thank the listeners and wish them luck with their project.
  • #1
I need to learn about this theory for my Final Year Project and I searched about it using google but all i found are about the theory being applied and nothing about the theory itself. Can anyone help me in this? Any lecture notes, books title, websites, pdf files will help me a lot or just teach me here! I need the theory for my study of two dimension ferroelectric material. Thanks alot, guys.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I know this is a good site for searching in old papers:


Also use this for searcing after "Landau-Khalatnikov theory"


Have you not asked your supervisor? They should be able to put you in the right direction. othervise just spend lot of time in your library =P

Good luck with your project!
  • #3

Sure, I would be happy to help you with the Landau-Khalatnikov theory. This theory is a mathematical model that describes the behavior of ferroelectric materials, such as two-dimensional ferroelectric materials, at low temperatures. It was developed by Soviet physicists Lev Landau and Isaak Khalatnikov in the 1950s.

To understand the Landau-Khalatnikov theory, it is important to have a basic understanding of ferroelectricity. Ferroelectric materials are materials that exhibit a spontaneous electric polarization, meaning that they have a permanent electric dipole moment. This polarization can be switched by applying an external electric field, making ferroelectric materials useful for various applications such as memory devices.

The Landau-Khalatnikov theory provides a framework for understanding the behavior of ferroelectric materials at low temperatures, where quantum mechanical effects become important. It takes into account the interactions between the electric polarization and the crystal lattice vibrations, known as phonons.

There are several resources available to learn more about the Landau-Khalatnikov theory. Some recommended sources include the original paper by Landau and Khalatnikov, titled "On the Theory of Ferroelectrics" (available online), the book "Theory of Elasticity" by Landau and Lifshitz, and the book "Ferroelectricity" by J.F. Scott. You can also find lecture notes and other resources on websites such as arXiv.org and ResearchGate.

I hope this information helps you in your study of the Landau-Khalatnikov theory. Good luck with your Final Year Project!

FAQ: What Is the Landau-Khalatnikov Theory?

1. What is the Landau-Khalatnikov theory?

The Landau-Khalatnikov theory, also known as the Landau theory, is a theoretical framework developed by Lev Landau and Isaak Khalatnikov in the 1950s to explain the behavior of superfluids and superconductors at low temperatures. It is based on the concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking, where a system transitions from a symmetric state to a lower-energy state with broken symmetry.

2. What is the significance of the Landau-Khalatnikov theory?

The Landau-Khalatnikov theory has been widely used to understand and describe various phenomena in condensed matter physics, such as phase transitions, quantum fluids, and topological defects. It has also been applied to other fields, including cosmology and particle physics, to study symmetry breaking and the behavior of quantum fields at high energy scales.

3. How does the Landau-Khalatnikov theory differ from other theories?

The Landau-Khalatnikov theory is a phenomenological theory, meaning it is based on observations and experimental data rather than first principles. It also uses a mean-field approach, where the collective behavior of particles is described by a single, averaged quantity. This is in contrast to more fundamental theories, such as quantum field theory, which describe individual particles and their interactions.

4. What are some applications of the Landau-Khalatnikov theory?

The Landau-Khalatnikov theory has been applied to a wide range of systems, including liquid helium, superconductors, and Bose-Einstein condensates. It has also been used to study the early universe, specifically the behavior of the Higgs field during the electroweak phase transition. In addition, the theory has been extended to describe other phenomena, such as turbulence and topological defects, in various fields.

5. What are some current research developments in the Landau-Khalatnikov theory?

Recent research in the Landau-Khalatnikov theory has focused on its application to unconventional superconductors, such as high-temperature superconductors and heavy fermion compounds. There is also ongoing research on using the theory to study topological excitations in quantum materials and the potential role of quantum criticality in superconductivity. Additionally, there are efforts to combine the Landau-Khalatnikov theory with other theoretical frameworks, such as gauge/gravity duality, to gain a deeper understanding of condensed matter systems.

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