Applying Boundary Conditions for the Heat Conduction Equation

In summary, the conversation discusses solving a heat conduction equation with boundary conditions using separation of variables. The typical solution is found using the eigenvalue method, and the solution is then tested against the given boundary conditions. Different approaches are explored and one is chosen as the correct solution. Other methods, such as the characteristic method, are also mentioned as possible approaches to the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement


[tex] \left(\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial z^{2}}- \frac{1}{\kappa} \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\right) T=0 [/tex]

with boundary conditions

(i) [tex] T(0,t)=T_{0}+T_{1} Sin[\omega t] [/tex]

(ii) [tex] T [/tex] is finite as [tex]z\rightarrow\infty[/tex]

Homework Equations

Separation of Variables gives:

[tex] T = Z(z) U(t) \Rightarrow \frac{Z''}{Z}=\frac{1}{\kappa} \frac{U'}{U}=- \lambda^{2}[/tex]

This gives typical solution to the heat conduction equation:

[tex]U(t)=A_{0} e^{-\lambda^{2} \kappa t}[/tex]

[tex]Z(z)=B_{0} e^{i \lambda z} + B_{1} e^{-i \lambda z}[/tex]

Now to satisfy (i) and (ii) consider

[tex] \lambda^{2} = \frac{i \omega}{\kappa} [/tex]
[tex] \lambda = \sqrt{\frac{ \omega}{2 \kappa}} (1+i) [/tex]

so from (ii) [tex] B_{1}=0 [/tex]

With some algebra aside, we have

[tex] T(z,t)= C e^{-\sqrt{\frac{ \omega}{2 \kappa}} z} e^{-i \left(\omega t -\sqrt{\frac{ \omega}{2 \kappa}} z\right)} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Now originally, I tried


[tex] T(z,t)=e^{-\sqrt{\frac{ \omega}{2 \kappa}} z} ( C_{Re}Cos(\omega t -\sqrt{\frac{ \omega}{2 \kappa}} z)} - i C_{im} Sin(\omega t -\sqrt{\frac{ \omega}{2 \kappa}} z)})[/tex]

[tex] T(0,t)= C_{Re} Cos(\omega t) - i C_{im} Sin(\omega t) = T_{0} + T_{1} Sin(\omega t)[/tex]

so [tex] T_{Re}= T_{0} Sec( \omega t) [/tex] and [tex] T_{Im}= i T_{1} [/tex]

But, I don't know I realized that (i) is a real number and that taking the real part of the solution instead and matching that up with (i), this would give me

[tex] T(z,t)=C e^{-\sqrt{\frac{ \omega}{2 \kappa}} z} Cos(\omega t -\sqrt{\frac{ \omega}{2 \kappa}} z)} [/tex]

with [tex] C= T_{0} Sec(\omega t) + T_{1} Tan(\omega t) [/tex]

I am convinced one of them is wrong, which is my first attempt. I did some plots and stuff, and they behave too differently.

Separation of Variables feels like more of an art. Took me awhile to come up with that eigenvalue because the solution made no sense at first like exploding time terms or non-damping spatial terms etc.
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  • #2
So my question is, 1) Is my solution correct? 2) Are there other ways to think about this problem like the characteristic method?

FAQ: Applying Boundary Conditions for the Heat Conduction Equation

1. What are boundary conditions in scientific research?

Boundary conditions refer to the set of rules or constraints that are applied to a mathematical or physical model in order to accurately represent a real-world problem or system. They define the limits or boundaries within which the model is valid and provide a basis for solving the problem or making predictions.

2. Why is it important to apply boundary conditions in scientific simulations?

Boundary conditions are crucial in scientific simulations because they ensure that the model accurately reflects the real-world system being studied. Without proper boundary conditions, the results of the simulation may be inaccurate or invalid, leading to incorrect conclusions or predictions.

3. How do scientists determine the appropriate boundary conditions to apply?

The appropriate boundary conditions to apply depend on the specific problem or system being studied. Scientists may use data from experiments, observations, or previous studies to inform their choice of boundary conditions. They may also use mathematical or physical principles to determine the most appropriate boundaries for the model.

4. Can boundary conditions change during a simulation?

Yes, in some cases, boundary conditions may change during a simulation. This is often the case in dynamic systems where the boundaries themselves may change over time. In such cases, scientists must carefully consider how to incorporate these changes into the model and adjust the boundary conditions accordingly.

5. What are some common challenges in applying boundary conditions?

One common challenge in applying boundary conditions is finding a balance between accuracy and simplicity. Often, more complex boundary conditions may better represent the real-world system, but they may also make the model more difficult to solve or interpret. Another challenge is ensuring that the boundary conditions are physically meaningful and do not lead to unrealistic results.
