Communication with no time boundaries?

In summary: Basically, information is one of the basic building blocks of the universe, and entropy is a measure of how much information is lost or decreased over time.
  • #1
Assuming a perfectly rigid pole stretching from the Moon to the Earth. Wouldn't pushing on one end be felt instantly at the other?
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  • #2
wrekced said:
Assuming a perfectly rigid pole stretching from the Moon to the Earth. Wouldn't pushing on one end be felt instantly at the other?
If perfectly rigid poles exists, then yes information could be transmitted instantly. However, perfectly rigid bodies are forbidden by Special Relativity.
  • #3
Hootenanny said:
If perfectly rigid poles exists, then yes information could be transmitted instantly. However, perfectly rigid bodies are forbidden by Special Relativity.

Hmmm. Thanks! How in particular does Special Relativity forbid perfectly rigid bodies?
  • #4
wrekced said:
Hmmm. Thanks! How in particular does Special Relativity forbid perfectly rigid bodies?
SR forbids perfectly rigid bodies precisely because it violates the postulate that information cannot be transmitted faster than the speed of light.
  • #5
Information and matter are two different things. In a sense matter isn't moving anywhere. Its the communication between each particle?
  • #6
wrekced said:
Hmmm. Thanks! How in particular does Special Relativity forbid perfectly rigid bodies?

What do you think holds the molecules in a material together? Electromagnetic forces, which is governed by SR. When you transmit any vibration in a material, that vibration is being transferred via such EM forces. So it cannot be faster than c. In fact, it is quite a bit slower because the molecules/atoms have masses.

  • #7
Aethelwulf said:
Information and matter are two different things. In a sense matter isn't moving anywhere. Its the communication between each particle?
Information and matter are indeed two different things, but matter does move in this case. If you apply a force to a rod - it moves.
  • #8
If you push one end of the pole of length L the other end won't start to move until a time t=c/L later,where c is the speed of sound; which is much, much lower than the speed of light . Hence, it is not a very efficient way of transfering information.

Example: the speed of sound in e.g. steel is about 4500 m/s, meaning if you push one end of a 1 km long steel pole the other end won't start to move until 1000/4500=0.2 seconds later.
  • #9
Information and matter are two different things.

Says who? Oh how naive we are..."we know much, we understand little."

New views of the universe as a quantum computer say information is the basic constituent of matter and energy...and anyway, information theory can be viewed as a more general theory of usual, everything is linked in mysterious ways we so often fail to discern.

Before Einstein, time and space were thought to be fixed, different, unrelated entities...having little if anything to do with gravity...people would have laughed at the thought they are so intimately related before Einstein's insights.

As nature increases entropy over time it also dissipates information...see DECODING THE UNIVERSE, Charles, Seife...also some views in Wikipedia...

FAQ: Communication with no time boundaries?

1. What is communication with no time boundaries?

Communication with no time boundaries refers to the ability to communicate and exchange information without any limitations on time. This means that communication can happen at any time, regardless of the time zone or location of the individuals involved. It allows for real-time communication and eliminates the need for waiting or scheduling.

2. How is communication with no time boundaries achieved?

Communication with no time boundaries is achieved through various technological advancements such as the internet, mobile devices, and various communication platforms. These allow individuals to connect and communicate with each other at any time and from any location.

3. What are the benefits of communication with no time boundaries?

Communication with no time boundaries has numerous benefits, including increased efficiency and productivity, better collaboration among team members, improved customer service, and the ability to stay connected with friends and family across different time zones.

4. Are there any challenges associated with communication with no time boundaries?

While communication with no time boundaries has many advantages, it also presents some challenges. These include the need for individuals to manage their time effectively, potential communication overload, and the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life.

5. How can communication with no time boundaries be used in the scientific community?

Communication with no time boundaries can be highly beneficial in the scientific community. It allows for real-time collaboration between researchers from different locations, faster dissemination of research findings, and the ability to connect with experts and colleagues from around the world.

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