Proof that there is no missing/dark matter

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the big bang and its implications on the acceleration of matter and the force of gravity. It also presents a proof of 1.7% accuracy without any missing mass, using data from various sources. The conversation also touches on the idea of space expanding and its effects on physical properties.
  • #1
The acceleration of matter outwards in the big bang is a force (Newton's 2nd law) requiring a reaction (Newton's 3rd law). The reaction is the inward directed force of gravity carried by the fabric of space.

Proof of 1.7% accuracy without any missing mass:

Background info:


‘Electronic Universe’ article (Electronics World, Vol. 109, No. 1804) proves G = 3(H^2)/(4 pi ρ). [Ref:,+N and

H is the Hubble constant and ρ is the density of universe responsible for causing gravity by reaction of Catt’s 377-ohm space to the big bang, while pi is the mathematical constant. Considering the density, it is highest at early times and thus density increases in the observable space-time trajectory, as we look further into the past with increasing distance.

But the increasing spread of matter with increasing distance partly offsets this increase, as proven when we put the observed Hubble equation (v = Hr) into the mass continuity equation and solve it. For spherical symmetry, dx = dy = dz = dr. Hence: dρ/dt = -div.(ρv) = -div.(ρHr) = 3d(ρHr)/dr = -3ρH. Solving dρ/dt = -3ρH by rearranging, integrating, then using exponentials to get rid of the natural logarithms (resulting from the integration) gives the increased density to be ρe^(3Ht), where e is Euler’s constant (2.718 ...). In the absence of gravitational retardation (i.e. with the cause of gravity as inward reaction of space to the outward big bang), H = 1/t when H = v/r = c/(radius of universe) = 1/t, where t is the age of the universe, so e^(3Ht) = e^3 = 20.1 and observed G = 3(H^2)/[4pi(e^3)ρ].

Nugent, Physical Review Letters (v75 p394), cites decay of nickel-63 from supernovae, obtaining H = 50 km/sec/Mps (where 1 Mps = 3.086x10^22 m). The density of visible matter at our local time has long been known to be 4x10^-28 kg/m3. However, White and Fabian in the March 1995 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, using the Einstein Observatory satellite data, estimate that invisible gas increases this density by 15%.

Using these data, G = 3(H^2)/[4pi(e^3)ρ] = 6.783x10^-11 Nm^2kg^-2, 1.65% higher than the physical measurement for G of 6.673x10^-11 Nm^2kg^-2. This factual proof gets rid of the ‘dark matter’ speculations of the graviton theorists, as well as explaining the cause of gravity and why the universe is not slowing down. (
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  • #2
Nigel said:
The acceleration of matter outwards in the big bang is a force (Newton's 2nd law) requiring a reaction (Newton's 3rd law). The reaction is the inward directed force of gravity carried by the fabric of space.

Proof of 1.7% accuracy without any missing mass:

Background info:


‘Electronic Universe’ article (Electronics World, Vol. 109, No. 1804) proves G = 3(H^2)/(4 pi ρ). [Ref:,+N and

H is the Hubble constant and ρ is the density of universe responsible for causing gravity by reaction of Catt’s 377-ohm space to the big bang, while pi is the mathematical constant. Considering the density, it is highest at early times and thus density increases in the observable space-time trajectory, as we look further into the past with increasing distance.

But the increasing spread of matter with increasing distance partly offsets this increase, as proven when we put the observed Hubble equation (v = Hr) into the mass continuity equation and solve it. For spherical symmetry, dx = dy = dz = dr. Hence: dρ/dt = -div.(ρv) = -div.(ρHr) = 3d(ρHr)/dr = -3ρH. Solving dρ/dt = -3ρH by rearranging, integrating, then using exponentials to get rid of the natural logarithms (resulting from the integration) gives the increased density to be ρe^(3Ht), where e is Euler’s constant (2.718 ...). In the absence of gravitational retardation (i.e. with the cause of gravity as inward reaction of space to the outward big bang), H = 1/t when H = v/r = c/(radius of universe) = 1/t, where t is the age of the universe, so e^(3Ht) = e^3 = 20.1 and observed G = 3(H^2)/[4pi(e^3)ρ].

Nugent, Physical Review Letters (v75 p394), cites decay of nickel-63 from supernovae, obtaining H = 50 km/sec/Mps (where 1 Mps = 3.086x10^22 m). The density of visible matter at our local time has long been known to be 4x10^-28 kg/m3. However, White and Fabian in the March 1995 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, using the Einstein Observatory satellite data, estimate that invisible gas increases this density by 15%.

Using these data, G = 3(H^2)/[4pi(e^3)ρ] = 6.783x10^-11 Nm^2kg^-2, 1.65% higher than the physical measurement for G of 6.673x10^-11 Nm^2kg^-2. This factual proof gets rid of the ‘dark matter’ speculations of the graviton theorists, as well as explaining the cause of gravity and why the universe is not slowing down. (

The Big Bang theory as I know it which uses the "inflation model" of expansion does not have mass accelerating outward at any velocity. It is the space between the massive particles that is expanding. Observers at rest in the "crystal lattice" see all adjacent particles moving away at many orders of manitude greater than c. but no relativity violations here as it is the space expanding not the position of the particles.

This is just what I read.
  • #3
geistkiesel said:
The Big Bang theory as I know it which uses the "inflation model" of expansion does not have mass accelerating outward at any velocity. It is the space between the massive particles that is expanding. Observers at rest in the "crystal lattice" see all adjacent particles moving away at many orders of manitude greater than c. but no relativity violations here as it is the space expanding not the position of the particles.

This is just what I read.

The proof on the linked page is to a paper I put on the CERN document server titled "Solution to a problem with general relativity". There are several "issues" with the standard model which are solved by this model.

If physical space were expanding, rather than geometric space (volume), its physical properties such as permittivity, permeability, characteristic impedance, and characteristic velocity (c) would change.

You may have read a book or paper by someone confused by the difference between expanding geometric space (volume), and expanding fabric of space. I suggest Wilson's clear explanation of electromagnetic space:

"It has been supposed that empty space has no physical properties but only geometrical properties. No such empty space without physical properties has ever been observed, and the assumption that it can exist is without justification. It is convenient to ignore the physical properties of space when discussing its geometrical properties, but this ought not to have resulted in the belief in the possibility of the existence of empty space having only geometrical properties... It has specific inductive capacity and magnetic permeability." - Professor H.A. Wilson, FRS, Modern Physics, Blackie & Son Ltd, London, 4th ed., 1959, p. 361.

Basically, we don't need to get involved in ether particles speculation, we can use measured properties of the fabric of space which carry magnetic force we can feel between magnets to prove that measurable properties of a physical medium in the fabric of space, "empty space", exist. Measurable properties are scientific, so the fabric of space is a physical reality. Nobody has ever discovered a space in which the electromagnetic permittivity and permeability are zero, so an "empty space" is purely speculation. A vacuum conveys magnetic forces. We measure this as the permeability of a vacuum.

FAQ: Proof that there is no missing/dark matter

1. What exactly is "missing/dark matter"?

Missing/dark matter refers to a hypothetical form of matter that cannot be detected by traditional telescopes or other instruments, but is thought to make up the majority of the matter in the universe based on gravitational effects.

2. What evidence supports the existence of missing/dark matter?

The main evidence for missing/dark matter comes from observations of the rotational speeds of galaxies. These speeds are much higher than what would be expected based on the amount of visible matter in the galaxies, indicating the presence of additional unseen matter with a gravitational effect.

3. Is it possible that our current understanding of gravity is incorrect, and that explains the need for missing/dark matter?

While it is always possible that our understanding of gravity may change in the future, current theories and observations strongly support the existence of missing/dark matter as the most likely explanation for the observed gravitational effects.

4. Have scientists been able to directly detect or observe missing/dark matter?

No, missing/dark matter has not yet been directly detected or observed. However, scientists have been able to indirectly study its effects through various methods such as gravitational lensing and particle accelerators.

5. Is there any ongoing research or experiments aimed at finding proof of missing/dark matter?

Yes, there are ongoing research efforts and experiments, such as the Large Hadron Collider, that are focused on trying to directly detect missing/dark matter or gain a better understanding of its properties. However, it is a complex and challenging field of study, and more research is needed before any definitive proof can be found.
