What is the significance of the term Achilles' heel in anatomy?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, the term "Achilles' heel" was first used by a Dutch anatomist, Verheyden, in 1693 when he dissected his own amputated leg. This term is derived from the story of Achilles, where his mother attempted to make him immortal by dipping him in the river Styx and anointing him with ambrosia. However, when Peleus saw Achilles, he cried out and Thetis was prevented from completing her task. Achilles had to be thrown to the ground and left with his father. The term "Achilles' heel" has to come from the story of Achilles because there is no other reference to the term before 1693.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
The term “Achilles’ heel” was first used by a Dutch anatomist, Verheyden, in 1693 when he dissected his own amputated leg.

Do you have an achilles heel ? I guess mine is my pride at work.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
strong man he must have been, catching his own amputated leg!
and disecting it
  • #3
wolram said:
Do you have an achilles heel ? I guess mine is my pride at work.
I have two.
  • #4
why can i never hijack a thread?
hope this one will do
  • #5
I may have a Achilles high-heel some where in the closet.
  • #6
For goodness sake, hypatia, let the birthday boy have his hijacking if he wants it that much.
  • #7
ok...but is anyone else haveing a craving for Leg of lamb?
  • #8
hypatia said:
ok...but is anyone else haveing a craving for Leg of lamb?
Isn't that forhidden?
(Dutch names are so difficult..)
  • #9
ok, being compleatly lost with forhidden, I googled forhidden&Norway and came up with this...On the mountains you can hunt forhidden gold - cloudberries.
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  • #10
hypatia said:
ok, being compleatly lost with forhidden,
It was a pun on the name Verheyden and the word "forbidden".
I googled forhidden&Norway and came up with this...On the mountains you can hunt forhidden gold - cloudberries.
Ok, you've made your point. My pun wasn't very good.
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  • #11
Wolram buddy, they're :devil: stealing your thread. Here are the cops to rescue it. Unfortunately they googled for http://mbhs.bergtraum.k12.ny.us/cybereng/shorts/lamb.html
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  • #12
lol Andre! Touché!
  • #13
I'm guessing it would not be wise to say that everyone has an achilles heel anatomically speaking.

Being a bit philosphocial one may say:

"Everyone has an Achilles heel, and those that do not realize it have the most apparent of all"
  • #14
wolram said:
The term “Achilles’ heel” was first used by a Dutch anatomist, Verheyden, in 1693 when he dissected his own amputated leg.
The term "Achilles' heel" has to come from the story of Achilles. I can't believe no one used the term until 1693. Are you sure this anatomist didn't merely name the "Achilles' tendon"?
  • #15
gurkhawarhorse said:
why can i never hijack a thread?
hope this one will do

Do not worry Horsey, it is a skill, the old timers have mastered,
but are not yet masters of. :smile:
  • #16
zoobyshoe said:
The term "Achilles' heel" has to come from the story of Achilles. I can't believe no one used the term until 1693. Are you sure this anatomist didn't merely name the "Achilles' tendon"?

Was it even his heel ?? or some other spot.
  • #17
When Achilles was born, his loving mother Thetis wished to make him immortal, and for that purpose she dipped him in the waters of the river Styx [for this river see Underworld]. But others affirm that she, without the knowledge of the child's father, used to put the babe in the fire by night in order to destroy the mortal element which Achilles had inherited from Peleus, while anointing him with ambrosia during the day. But when Peleus saw the child writhing on the fire, he cried out, thus preventing Thetis from accomplishing her purpose [Apd.3 .13.6]. Then she threw the screaming child to the ground, and leaving both husband and son, departed to the NEREIDS and never returned again to Phthia, though she always kept an eye on her offspring.

"From mortal sight he [Apollo] vanished into cloud,
And cloaked with mist a baleful shaft he shot
Which leapt to Achilles' ankle..." - Fall of Troy (Quintus Smyrnaeus)

- http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Achilles.html
On the same page, there's a Rubens painting, Paris doodt Achilles, depicting Paris shooting Achilles through the ankle/heel. I don't know when it was painted, but Rubens died in 1640.

I ?hurt? (it didn't rupture completely) my Achilles tendon once - I couldn't walk with that foot for a few days, but it wasn't so bad. I think I hurt myself more trying to hop and crawl around the house. :rolleyes:
Anywho, PF is my only weakness. o:) Well, there is something else, but it's a secret.
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  • #18
honestrosewater said:
PF is my only weakness.
Kryptonite for me. (but don't tell anyone)
  • #19
Mk said:
Kryptonite for me. (but don't tell anyone)
My other weakness is men in tights! :!)

FAQ: What is the significance of the term Achilles' heel in anatomy?

1. What is an Achilles heel?

An Achilles heel refers to a weakness or vulnerability in a person's character or physical body that can lead to their downfall or defeat.

2. Where does the term "Achilles heel" come from?

The term "Achilles heel" originates from Greek mythology, specifically the story of Achilles who was a Greek hero known for his strength and bravery in battle. However, his only weakness was his heel, which was his only vulnerable spot. This ultimately led to his defeat.

3. Can anyone have an Achilles heel?

Yes, anyone can have an Achilles heel. It is a common human trait to have weaknesses or vulnerabilities that can affect us in different aspects of our lives.

4. How can I identify my Achilles heel?

Identifying your Achilles heel can be a self-reflective process. It involves introspection and being aware of your own thoughts, behaviors, and patterns. Pay attention to areas where you struggle or face challenges, and try to identify any underlying weaknesses that may be contributing to these difficulties.

5. Can an Achilles heel be overcome?

While an Achilles heel may always exist, it is possible to overcome its negative effects. This can be done through self-awareness, seeking support from others, and actively working on improving and addressing the weakness. With determination and effort, it is possible to minimize the impact of your Achilles heel and achieve success in spite of it.

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