Energy and matter Is that all that fills our universe?

In summary, the conversation explores the concept of whether there are other essential components besides energy and matter, and if there is a "third leg" that connects the two. The conservation of mass-energy is proposed as the unifying factor between the two, and the formula E = mc^2 is used to explain this relationship. The concept of symmetry is also discussed as the underlying source of conservation laws. Ultimately, the understanding of these concepts requires a deeper understanding of physics and mathematics.
  • #1
Rodney Flores
This question is just out of curiosity, but have you ever wondered if there exist other essential components besides energy and matter?
Space news on
  • #2
None of the observations we make fail to be explained by mass-energy, except for possibly conciousness.
  • #3
Rodney Flores said:
This question is just out of curiosity, but have you ever wondered if there exist other essential components besides energy and matter?

What third leg do you propose?
  • #4
Well, for example, what makes E=mc^2 possible? What makes energy so unified with mass? As well as were does the tide turn, when do you know that mass isn't mass and is now energy and what connects this notion? This is the true nature of my question, do you believe a "third leg" exists? One that bridges energy and mass?
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  • #5
Rodney Flores said:
Well, for example, what make E=mc^2 possible? What makes energy so unified with mass. As well as were does the tide turn, when do you know that mass isn't mass and is now energy and what connects this notion? Thats what I am asking, do you believe a "third leg" exists? One that borders energy and mass.

If a photon (a quanta of light) has enough energy, it can undergo pair production and form an electron and one positron for example. This has clearly been demonstrated in a bubble chamber. a lot of the things that needs to be conserved in this reaction is conserved. However, it is clear that mass is not. One way of explaining it is to say that the conservation of mass and conservation of energy is one and the same conservation law, that is, conservation of mass-energy. The formula [itex]E = mc^2[/itex] is used in this situation.

Light and Matter has a number of textbooks available that deals with some of this information about conservation of mass-energy.
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  • #6
So, what your saying is that what energy and mass have in common is the conservation law, which is true for both cases, and is therefore what unites them? I see... well alright, the conservation law makes it madatory for energy and mass to be conserved, I understand that but what makes it possible, what makes the transition possible? (Moridin: thanks for posting the websites, I found the cern page most enlightening :) )
  • #7
Rodney Flores said:
So, what your saying is that what energy and mass have in common is the conservation law, which is true for both cases, and is therefore what unites them? I see... well alright, the conservation law makes it madatory for energy and mass to be conserved, I understand that but what makes it possible, what makes the transition possible? (Moridin: thanks for posting the websites, I found the cern page most enlightening :) )

Is there a transition at all?

It follows from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing. The mass and energy is in fact equivalent, according to the formula mentioned above. This was demonstrated by Cockcroft and Walton in 1932, experimentally.

Sure, anyone can say that mass and energy is the same thing, but that alone is hardly enough to understand the entire concept.

Every conservation law comes from an underlying symmetry. For the conservation of energy, that symmetry is time symmetry, meaning that as time goes by, the universe doesn't change the way it works.
  • #8
Could you explain the last statement in more detail?
  • #9
Rodney Flores said:
Could you explain the last statement in more detail?

That is actually Noether's Theorem.

The orbit of the Earth is elliptical, although only 1.7% from a perfect circle1. A circle is very symmetric, isn't it? As a result, the distance between the sun and Earth is conserved, provided that the orbit is perfectly circular. Every conservation law comes from an underlying symmetry.

1 Ben Crowell Conceptual Physics page 7
  • #10
Moridin, thank you for posting the book site.
  • #11
I would recommend opening up an undergraduate, introductory calculus-based physics text and start working through it. This is the only way you will really begin to understand the physical, non-sentient universe.

The concepts of mass and energy can be better understood through the elegant relationship of experiment and mathematics.

Although, perhaps my perception is distorted.

- cP
  • #12
Im am currently trying to attain my major in chemistry, but I still haven't taken my required physics courses and, although I am taking calculus, currently I only have a high school level understanding of these concepts.
  • #13
So in short, symmetry is what defines the conservation laws which in part ties together energy and matter by defining each as conserved. Thank you everyone for you time.

FAQ: Energy and matter Is that all that fills our universe?

1. What is energy and matter?

Energy and matter are two fundamental components of the universe. Energy is the ability to do work, while matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.

2. How are energy and matter related?

E=mc², the famous equation by Albert Einstein, explains the relationship between energy and matter. It states that energy and matter are interchangeable and can be converted into one another.

3. What forms can energy and matter take?

Energy can exist in many forms, such as thermal, electromagnetic, nuclear, and chemical. Matter can also exist in different states, such as solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.

4. Is energy and matter all that fills our universe?

No, our universe is also filled with dark matter and dark energy, which are invisible and not fully understood.

5. How is energy and matter conserved in the universe?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transferred or transformed from one form to another. Similarly, the law of conservation of matter states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, only rearranged. Therefore, energy and matter are conserved in the universe.
