Two concepts about quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory

In summary: In fact, quantum field theory is a powerful tool for studying a wide range of physical systems, from the very elementary to the most complex.
  • #1
One question has disturbed me long time, I don't know the distinction between quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory.
By the way, which quantum field theory or quantum electrodynamics textbook is prefer?
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  • #3
Quantum field theory is the general theory resulting from attempts to put quantum mechanics and special relativity together.

Quantum electrodynamics is the resulting quantum field theory when applied to electromagnetic phenomena. But [tex]\mu^3[/tex] had already said it.
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  • #4
guo_xiaobo said:
One question has disturbed me long time, I don't know the distinction between quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory.
By the way, which quantum field theory or quantum electrodynamics textbook is prefer?

Quantum field theory is the general study of quantized fields. There are a number of different ones, for different fields, some only studied for educational purposes. QED is one such theory, the quantized relativistc electromagnetic field. There were originally three formulations of QED, due to the three discoverers Schwinger, Tomonaga, and Feymann. But Dyson showed they were all equivalent, and the only difference was how you developed the equations.

Other quantum field theories that are studied are the Electroweak theory, which is the unification of electromagnetism with the weak force, and QCD, the field theory of the strong force. The standard model is a unification of these last two theories. There are conjectures of theories beyond the standard model, but none of them has yet emerged as a true competitor for it.
  • #5
guo_xiaobo said:
By the way, which quantum field theory or quantum electrodynamics textbook is prefer?

I just finished reading "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell" by A. Zee and I have to say it is simply brilliant. The only problem (but also the strong point) is that he jumps over a lot of calculations, to give you the basic ideas, but if you want to sit down with pencil and paper, it is a lot harder. The book that takes the opposite approach (a classic by now) is Peskin and Schroeder, Introduction to quantum field theory. They explain you all the calculations in all details, but sometimes you get a bit lost between all the calculational technicalities. Both books will probably get you going.

  • #6
I fully agree with Patrick. I ate Zee's Nutshell in a few hours. One gets a clean overview from the introduction of Fields as matress vibrations, to advanced subject such as supersymmetry unification strings gravity which are usually not even mentinoned in good introductory texts. There are numerous examples and application in condensed matter. This compares well to Peskin and Scrhoeder one which a I was already working at that time. Having those two books together to discover the subject is fascinating. One completes what misses in the other.
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  • #7
A principle of complementarity

Consider the following statement:

humanino said:
Quantum field theory is the general theory resulting from attempts to put quantum mechanics and special relativity together.
And now consider this one:

selfAdjoint said:
Quantum field theory is the general study of quantized fields.
The first description is in terms of "historical events with regard to human efforts". The second is in terms of "the objects of the theory". Each description is given from a different perspective, and each one, relative to the other, enhances our appreciation of "what QFT is".

To my eye, it is no coincidence that the former description is offered by one called "humanino", while the latter is offered by one called "selfAdjoint".

Furthermore, the first description tells us that, in the nonrelativistic domain, we have no particular need for QFT, while the latter suggests to us that, nevertheless, in that domain, QFT can still be applied.
  • #8
in the nonrelativistic domain QFT has to be valid. It has <to produce the same results as QM. Just as QM has to give the same results as Newtonian mechanics when you look at distances that are not to small that interference-effects come into play... This is the correspondence-principle.

  • #9
marlon said:
in the nonrelativistic domain QFT has to be valid. It has <to produce the same results as QM. Just as QM has to give the same results as Newtonian mechanics when you look at distances that are not to small that interference-effects come into play... This is the correspondence-principle.

I suppose that Eye meant the applications of the methods of quantum field theory in condensed matter physics where the fields are not "elementary fields" such as the electron field or so, but constructs that exhibit collective phenomena.

  • #10
Eye_in_the_Sky said:
... the first description tells us that, in the nonrelativistic domain, we have no particular need for QFT, while the latter suggests to us that, nevertheless, in that domain, QFT can still be applied.
The above remark was intended to dispel the not uncommon misconception in which the notion of a "quantized field" is thought to apply strictly to a relativistic domain.

So, what is an example of a nonrelativistic domain in which QFT can be applied, yet for which it may be said that QFT satisfies no particular need?

Well, quite simply ... take the single-particle Schrödinger field and quantize it.

Upon doing that ... what do we get?

(note: x is a spin-space index; i.e. x=(s,x), δ(x-x')=δ3(x-x')δss')

case (1): [Ψ(x,t),Π(x',t)]=ihbarδ(x-x') → Fock space for identical Bosons

case (2): {Ψ(x,t),Π(x',t)}=ihbarδ(x-x') → Fock space for identical Fermions

In QM, on the other hand, the Fock space is constructed by taking a direct sum of a one-dimensional Hilbert space plus a series (n = 1,2, ...) of appropriately symmetrized n-particle Hilbert spaces. Thus, QFT gives us the exact same thing back (except (with the "bonus") that the symmetrization postulates for multiparticle states in QM have been replaced by the commutator-anticommutator rules of QFT (which themselves are on par with (i.e. no stronger than) QM's rule [Qj,Pj'] = ihbarδjj')).
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  • #11
For a nice little challenge, try writing down what the infinite square well potential from vanilla quantum mechanics would be in the QFT context.
  • #12
Assuming the particle to be spinless, I get:

Ψ(x,t) = Σn bn exp(-iEnt/hbar) φn(x)

Ψ(x,t) = Σn bn exp(iEnt/hbar) φn*(x)


En = kn2 (hbar2/2m)

kn = n (π/L)

φn(x) = sqrt(2/L) sin knx

n = 1, 2, 3, ...

and each bn (bn) is a creation (annihilation) operator, relative to the single-particle energy eigenstates, for a particle with energy En.


If a(k) and a(k) are creation and annihilation operators with respect to momentum, then from

<x|a(k)|0> = [1/sqrt(L)] eikx


<x|bn|0> = sqrt(2/L) sin knx

it follows that

bn = -i/sqrt(2) [a(kn) - a(-kn)]

bn = i/sqrt(2) [a(kn) - a(-kn)] .


Pure "vanilla" ... and not a drop of "fudge"! :wink:

(I have the sneaking suspicion that somehow I circumvented the "challenge".)
  • #13
Thank you for your answers!
I think the QED is just an application of QFT, in other words, it's an special example,
of cause, the application to electronicmagnetism is very successfully. we called it QED.
and, the QFT contains the weakforce , strongforce and electromagneism force.
  • #14
guo_xiaobo said:
Thank you for your answers!
I think the QED is just an application of QFT, in other words, it's an special example,
of cause, the application to electronicmagnetism is very successfully. we called it QED.
and, the QFT contains the weakforce , strongforce and electromagneism force.

Actually, QFT is even more general than that.

QFT is a treatment or a description of the interaction in quantized fields of anything. In fundamental interactions, this reduces to the basic interactions of strong, weak, and electromagnetic. However, these are NOT the only types of interactions that QFT are used for. In condensed matter physics (where field theoretic methods are used to the full extent), the quantized fields can range from phonons, magnons, polarons, spinons, etc... These are the "collective" fields that cause the relevant interactions in a condensed matter system. In fact, a lot of the the methodologies and techniques used in condensed matter have been adopted by particle physics and field theories (eg. Anderson's broken symmetry principle).

So to put it crudely, QFT is a description of ANY kind of interaction.

  • #15
guo_xiaobo said:
the QFT contains the weakforce , strongforce and electromagneism force.

To add to what Zapper said, QFT is a framework. QED is a theory within that framework about electromagnetism. What you write above is another theory within the same QFT framework, called the standard model.
It is a matter of definition of words. If you want an analogy: QFT is like the laws of mechanics (Newton's law and so on), while QED is like the mechanics of a weight on a spring, and the standard model is like the mechanics of two bodies with gravitational interaction. The frame is mechanics, and the specific applications are weight+spring, or two bodies and gravity.

  • #16
Yea the challenge is to do it with the path integral formulation, and I just realized the subtetly is with the finite square well potential =)
  • #17
... I cannot solve this by inspection. :frown:

FAQ: Two concepts about quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory

1. What is quantum electrodynamics (QED) and how does it relate to quantum field theory (QFT)?

Quantum electrodynamics is a quantum field theory that describes the interactions between electrically charged particles and photons. It is a fundamental theory in particle physics that explains the behavior of light and matter at the atomic and subatomic level. QED is a specific example of a quantum field theory, which is a framework for describing the behavior of particles and their interactions through fields in space-time.

2. What are the key concepts in QED and QFT?

In QED, the two key concepts are the electromagnetic field and the wave-particle duality of light. QFT introduces the concept of quantum fields, which are mathematical representations of particles that permeate all of space and time. The key principles in QFT include the idea of particles as excitations of these quantum fields and the concept of renormalization, which is a method for dealing with infinities in calculations.

3. How does QED and QFT differ from classical theories?

Classical theories, such as classical electromagnetism, describe the behavior of particles and fields using deterministic equations. QED and QFT, on the other hand, incorporate the principles of quantum mechanics, which allows for the probabilistic behavior of particles and the concept of particles as excitations of quantum fields. Additionally, classical theories do not take into account the effects of virtual particles, which are a key aspect of QED and QFT.

4. What is the significance of QED and QFT in modern physics?

QED and QFT are considered to be the most accurate and successful theories in modern physics. They have been extensively tested and have made precise predictions that have been confirmed by experiments. These theories are also used in many other areas of physics, such as condensed matter physics and nuclear physics, and have provided a foundation for the development of other quantum field theories, such as the Standard Model of particle physics.

5. Are there any unanswered questions or challenges in QED and QFT?

While QED and QFT have been incredibly successful in explaining and predicting the behavior of particles and fields, there are still some unanswered questions and challenges. For example, these theories are not able to fully explain the behavior of gravity, and there is ongoing research to try to reconcile QED and QFT with the theory of general relativity. There are also ongoing efforts to develop a unified theory that can encompass all of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe.
