Alcubierre Drive: Exploring Possibilities Beyond Exotic Matter

  • Thread starter TimDubya
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using micro black holes for propulsion in space travel. While the idea may seem feasible, it is ultimately not possible due to the violation of the law of conservation of momentum and the use of gravitational acceleration. The article referenced focuses on the feasibility of producing black holes, rather than using them for propulsion. The conversation also touches on the concept of riding a wave of distorted space, but it is uncertain if this would be a successful method of travel.
  • #1
I didn't really know where to put this.

So a few months ago I was reading about the Alcubierre Drive and became fascinated with the prospects of this theory. However I was disheartened that so many felt it was unattainable due to the need for exotic matter. Recently I came across this paper:"

My understanding of gravitational space distortion is limited. However optimistically, if my guess is within the ballpark, you could use micro black holes to condense space in front of a ship. As the MBH's are fired out the front and the ship approaches them I assume they would evaporate rather quickly, so as you approach each MBH you fired previously space far in front of the ship would be condensed by subsequent MBH's while space close in front of the ship would be uncurved. Locally you would be moving at sub light but you could traverse great interstellar distances in this fashion.

I understand the engineering requirements for such a ship would be astronomical, however in the paper it suggests a method for using the MBH's as a power source, If this is sound I suppose you could just have a few power generating MBH's on board operating the pressing lasers and other systems. You would need to carry a considerable amount of condensing material for the propulsion but theoretically couldn't these be anything from tungsten to bed sheets?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
The article you link and the theory you describe are completely different. Your "micro black hole propulsion system" is completely untenable as it violates the law of conservation of momentum. So, in reality, your starship will go nowhere. Furthermore, all you are using is gravitational acceleration to try to move. So even if you had a sister ship laying black holes out in front of you, you will never accelerate to faster than the speed of light.
  • #3
Well the article was just for feasibility of producing black holes. I should clarify I did not mean to infer that the black holes would act as propulsion, rather you would use conventional means to propel your ship but would be moving into a gradient of condensed space.
  • #4
Hi TimDubya, Welcome to PF!

TimDubya said:
Recently I came across this paper:"
That is a really cool paper! :cool: Thanks for the link.

TimDubya said:
As the MBH's are fired out the front and the ship approaches them I assume they would evaporate rather quickly, so it would be like falling down a space hill instead of Alcubierres warp bubble.
AFAIK the center of mass of the BH, ship, evaporated radiation, would remain constant so the only way to actually propel the ship would be to induce some sort of asymmetry in the radiation.
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  • #5
DaleSpam said:
Hi TimDubya, Welcome to PF!

That is a really cool paper! :cool: Thanks for the link.

AFAIK the center of mass of the BH, ship, evaporated radiation, would remain constant so the only way to actually propel the ship would be to induce some sort of asymmetry in the radiation.

I've been here awhile I just never posted but thank you xD

Ok it seems that line is the one that Is being misunderstood so I changed it, I don't mean that the BH's would act as propulsion but that they would distort space in such a way as to make the apparent distance to the destination less than it is relatively. You would be riding a wave as it were, the ship encompassed by flat space behind an area of large curvature. But I could be way off with my assumptions.
  • #6
what's to stop the ship being trapped and ripped apart instead of riding the wave?

FAQ: Alcubierre Drive: Exploring Possibilities Beyond Exotic Matter

1. What is the Alcubierre Drive?

The Alcubierre Drive is a theoretical concept proposed by physicist Miguel Alcubierre in 1994 that suggests a way to achieve faster-than-light travel without violating the laws of physics. It involves manipulating the space around a spacecraft to "warp" the fabric of space-time, allowing it to travel at speeds greater than the speed of light.

2. How does the Alcubierre Drive work?

The Alcubierre Drive works by creating a "warp bubble" around a spacecraft, which compresses the space in front of the spacecraft and expands the space behind it. This effectively allows the spacecraft to ride on a wave of warped space-time, allowing it to travel faster than the speed of light. This concept is based on Einstein's theory of general relativity, which suggests that space-time can be bent and warped by matter and energy.

3. Is the Alcubierre Drive possible?

At this time, the Alcubierre Drive is purely theoretical and has not been proven to be possible. It requires the existence of exotic matter with negative energy density, which has not been observed in nature. Additionally, the amount of energy required to create a warp bubble is currently beyond our technological capabilities.

4. What are some potential applications of the Alcubierre Drive?

If the Alcubierre Drive were to be proven possible, it could revolutionize space travel by allowing us to reach distant planets and galaxies in a fraction of the time it would take using conventional propulsion methods. It could also have implications for time travel, as the warping of space-time could potentially allow for travel into the past.

5. Are there any ethical concerns surrounding the Alcubierre Drive?

As with any groundbreaking technology, there are ethical concerns that would need to be addressed if the Alcubierre Drive were to become a reality. Some potential concerns include the environmental impact of warping space-time, the potential for misuse by governments or individuals, and the impact on society and culture if faster-than-light travel becomes a reality.
