Focal Length of Thin Lenses in Different Mediums

In summary, the diamond lens has a focal length in air of 16.1 cm, while the glass lens has a focal length of 13.3 cm. The diamond lens has a focal length in water of 20.7 cm, while the glass lens has a focal length of 10.2 cm.
  • #1
For this question, assume that the index of refraction of diamond is 2.39, that of glass is 1.65, that of water is 1.30, and that of air is extremely close to 1.

A thin lens made of glass has a focal length in air of 16.1 cm. A lens of exactly the same shape is then made from diamond.

HINT: Review the derivation of the thin lens formula. Note that the index of refraction, n, used in the derivation is actually the relative index of refraction: n = n lens/n surrounding

a) What is the focal length of the diamond lens in air?

b) What is the focal length of the diamond lens in when it is immersed in water?

I was not sure at all how to even get started on this problem.
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  • #2
Find out from your books or lecture notes or the web the 'lens formula' sometimes called the the 'lensmakers formula'. Then it becomes easy.
  • #3
Is that (1/d o) +(1/d i)=1/f ? b/c I was looking more for a formula that related f to n.
  • #4
The formula I have in mind is

1/f = (n-1)( 1/d0 + 1/d1)

which does just that.
  • #5
but if I'm not given do or di, how do I go about using that equation?
  • #6
You can choose any values you like that give the correct focal length for the glass lens. Easiest is to set them equal, then solve for d0.
  • #7
for the value of n, is that n of the material? how would you factor in n of the outside (i.e. when the lens is immersed in water?)
  • #8
Remember Snell's law that relates refractive index n to the speed of light in the material ? That will tell you how to work out the refractive index between two materials.

It's over to you now, do some research.
  • #9
okay thank you so much!

FAQ: Focal Length of Thin Lenses in Different Mediums

1. What is focal length?

Focal length is the distance between the center of a lens and its focal point, where parallel rays of light converge to a single point.

2. How is focal length affected by the medium through which light passes?

Focal length can be affected by the medium through which light passes due to the change in refractive index. A higher refractive index will result in a shorter focal length, while a lower refractive index will result in a longer focal length.

3. What is the difference between the focal length of a thin lens in air and in water?

The focal length of a thin lens in water will be shorter than in air due to the higher refractive index of water compared to air. This means that the lens will bend light more, resulting in a shorter focal length.

4. How does the thickness of a lens affect its focal length?

The thickness of a lens does not affect its focal length as long as the curvature of the lens remains the same. Only changes in the curvature of the lens will affect the focal length.

5. Can the focal length of a thin lens be negative?

Yes, the focal length of a thin lens can be negative. This occurs when the lens is concave and the focal point is located in front of the lens. This is known as a diverging lens and is used to correct for nearsightedness.
