Constrained gradient? (optimization theory)

In summary, the requirement that the gradient of the Lagrangian be equal to zero does not imply that the objective function's gradient is equal to zero. It is possible to satisfy the KKT for constrained optimization without satisfying the unconstrained optimization, but it would require finding an extremal point not contained on the boundary.
  • #1
The first order KKT condition for constrained optimization requires that the gradient for the Lagrangian is equal to zero, however this does not necessarily imply that the objective function's gradient is equal to zero. Is it absurd to include in one's Lagrangian the requirement that the entry wise components of the objective gradient are themselves zero? I realize that if one already has other constraints then this requirement may become infeasible if in fact both sets of constraints are mutually disjoint... however, is it a practical method for finding "better" solutions (ones that satisfy the KKT for constrained optimization as well as satisfying the unconstrained optimization)... My idea is to direct a constraint to an area where, had one started close to such a solution, any constraint would have effectively been unnecessary.

In one dimension the idea is simple (I use ± because different texts write the Lagrangian differently):

f(x) = x^2, f ' (x) = 2x. Define the Lagrangian: L = f ± λ (f ' (x)) : such that f ' (x) =0.
Then x must equal zero. Therefore, L = 0 ± λ*0.

The purpose is for (multidimensional, nonlinear) numerical optimization, so if I do this, then when I compute the first derivative I would effectively have to have the second derivative (hessian) and when computing the second derivative I would have to compute the sum of the parts of the third derivative. Seems messy
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  • #2
If there is an extremal point which is not contained on the boundary, the KKT constraints ARE that the gradient must be zero. If the extremal point is on the boundary, requiring that the gradient must be zero is going to cause you to not find that point. So all you're doing is throwing away possible solutions on the boundary of the feasible set
  • #3
The KKT requirement is that:

∇ f(x) + \sum_{i=1}^m μ_i *∇ g_i(x) + \sum_{j=1}^l λ_j ∇ h_j(x^*) = 0,

NOT that ∇ f(x) = 0.

Merely that the gradient of the lagrangian is zero, NOT the gradient of the objective function.
Does that change your opinion?
  • #4
Assuming you are using the notation of wikipedia–Kuhn–Tucker_conditions

If you're in an unconstrained region, it means you have no hjs since those are equality constraints that must be satisfied. Furthermore, all the μ_i s are zero because μ_i gi(x) = 0 at the critical point, and if the g constraint isn't satisfed gi must be strictly smaller than zero. So my opinion is unchanged and I suggest you really think over the geometric implications of the KKT multipliers some more
  • #5
However, this is not unconstrained optimization. I already have equality and inequality constraints and I'm asking if adding the constraint for the gradient is a good idea? It seems like you are saying that it may be impossible to satisfy all constraints simultaneously (fyi, I already know about why the multipliers must have a certain sign or be zero).

FAQ: Constrained gradient? (optimization theory)

1. What is constrained gradient optimization theory?

Constrained gradient optimization theory is a mathematical approach used to find the minimum or maximum value of a function while taking into account certain constraints on the variables. It is often used in scientific and engineering fields to optimize complex systems.

2. How is constrained gradient optimization different from other optimization methods?

Constrained gradient optimization uses a gradient-based approach, which means it uses the gradient (or slope) of the function to determine the direction of steepest descent or ascent. This allows for more efficient and accurate optimization compared to other methods that rely on trial and error.

3. What types of constraints can be incorporated into constrained gradient optimization?

Constraints can include inequalities (e.g. x > 0), equalities (e.g. x + y = 10), or a combination of both. These constraints can be linear or nonlinear and can involve multiple variables.

4. What are some common applications of constrained gradient optimization theory?

Constrained gradient optimization theory has a wide range of applications in fields such as engineering, economics, physics, and machine learning. Some specific examples include optimal control of systems, portfolio optimization in finance, and parameter estimation in statistical modeling.

5. Are there any limitations to constrained gradient optimization?

One limitation of constrained gradient optimization is that it may not be able to find the global optimum for complex functions with multiple local optima. Additionally, the method may be sensitive to the initial starting point and may require multiple iterations to converge to a solution.

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