Math Subject GRE Practice Materials

In summary, preparing for the Math Subject GRE can be a major pain, but compiling study materials into one central location and reviewing old textbooks and class material can be helpful. It can also be a stressful experience, especially for those who struggle with timed exams. Some recommended resources include "Cracking the Math GRE Subject Exam" and Schaum's Outlines for practice problems. The practice exam available on ETS's website can also be useful for preparing and understanding the scoring system.
  • #1
I am taking the Math Subject GRE on Saturday and finding study materials has been nothing short of a major pain. Maybe we should compile all of the study materials we have found into one central location here. I'll start:

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  • #2
Hey I am taking it Saturday as well! I am freaking out! I have been studying out of a book called "cracking the math GRE subject exam". It's been a good review. But mostly I've just gone through all my old textbooks and reviewed all my old class material. It seemed like a pain at first but wow it's just been fantastic to be honest because everything has come full circle. Even if I completely bomb this exam I am going to be so happy that I spent the time reviewing and studying. It's been great!
  • #3
Ha, well I envy your happiness as preparing for this exam has been nothing but exhausting and stressful for me! I made the foolish mistake of waiting until a couple weeks before the exam to even start reviewing, so my hopes aren't too high for my score. I'll just be glad once it is finally over and I can get back to actually enjoying doing maths!
  • #4
don't worry piAreSquare, I'm sure you'll do fine :) I'll be rootin for you on Saturday! To be honest I don't think all of my preparation is going to make much of a difference. I am terrible at timed exams. I know if I sat there for many hours I could hope to solve problems, but I'm just not someone who has the skill of solving problems instantly. Maybe I'll be able to develop this skill as time goes on but in the mean time, I'm probably going to bomb this thing.
  • #5
The exam goes by very quickly for sure! I usually do great at standardized tests but this is possibly one of the hardest things I have ever seen. dumbQuestion you're right though, I have so much fun studying for it! I wish I could have started studying earlier though :/
  • #6
Yeah same here dumbQuestion. The time restraint renders getting a good score almost impossible for me as I also suck at standardized tests. :(
  • #7
Hey don't worry, we're all in this together. Saturday afternoon we can come back to this thread and post and complain together about how difficult it was haha
  • #8
well crap... that was hard.
  • #9
Haha right? My brain is demanding a break over the next few days.
  • #10
I skipped 15 questions how many did you guys skip?
  • #11
I think I answered around 45-48 of them. So not too great :(
  • #12
I skipped way too many. I was kind of annoyed that I had no way to keep track of time. There was one clock in the room, completely in the back so you had to turn all the way around to see it. I had no way of knowing how much time had passed until they gave a 20 minute warning, then there were no other warnings, just, close your booklets. Well, I ****ed myself today for sure. I'm actually really sad. I bombed that exam.
  • #13
Yeah same here. I'm kinda worried about getting into a decent grad program now because of my scores.
  • #14
I am not taking the Math Subject GRE until April 2013, but I have found that Schaum's Outlines are good for just practice problems. Especially for Calculus, they have a '3000 Solved Problems in Calculus' book that goes from Pre-Calc all the way up to Diff Eqs. Any Schaum's Outline book is good for the most part because of the amount of practice problems you get to do. I read on an Amazon review that someone used only the Princeton Review 'Cracking the GRE Math Subject Test' as a guide for the test, but I have decided that that book doesn't have enough practice problems in it.
  • #15
One thing you can do is to download the practice test that is available directly at ETS's website:

Click "Download the Practice Book" to get the practice exam. There is a chart on p. 67 to convert your raw score to a scaled score and percentile rank as well.

PiAreSquared said:
I think I answered around 45-48 of them. So not too great :(
If you got over 90% correct on those you answered, that would be a 70th-80th percentile on the practice exam I linked to above.
  • #16
How did you guys do? I got 770 (76th percentile)

FAQ: Math Subject GRE Practice Materials

1. What is the purpose of the Math Subject GRE?

The purpose of the Math Subject GRE is to assess a student's knowledge and understanding of undergraduate level mathematics, specifically in areas such as calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, and real analysis.

2. What topics are covered on the Math Subject GRE?

The Math Subject GRE covers a wide range of topics including calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, real analysis, geometry, and number theory. It also includes some basic topics from discrete mathematics and probability.

3. Are there specific study materials available for the Math Subject GRE?

There are various study materials available for the Math Subject GRE, including review books, online practice tests, and study guides. It is also recommended to review undergraduate textbooks and lecture notes from relevant courses.

4. How can I prepare for the Math Subject GRE?

To prepare for the Math Subject GRE, it is important to review and practice mathematical concepts and problems, as well as familiarize yourself with the format and timing of the exam. It is also helpful to take practice tests and seek guidance from a tutor or study group.

5. What is a good score on the Math Subject GRE?

The scoring system for the Math Subject GRE ranges from 200-990, with the average score being around 500. A good score can vary depending on the program and institution you are applying to, but generally a score above 700 is considered competitive.

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