Numerically finding Coulomb gap

In summary, a Coulomb gap is a depletion of electronic states at low energies observed in disordered systems, caused by the repulsive Coulomb interaction between localized electrons. It is typically calculated using numerical methods and can be influenced by factors such as disorder strength, density of localized states, and Coulomb interaction strength. The Coulomb gap is a universal phenomenon, with varying values in different systems, and is significant in explaining the behavior of disordered materials and understanding the effects of Coulomb interactions in electronic properties.
  • #1

I'm new in the realm of numerical analysis.

I need to find the local probability density of energy P(E) of a single electron on site i from a self-consistent equation for the energy (mean field equation of energy).


\epsilon_i - energy at site i with random values between -1/2 to 1/2
E_j - average energy of site j
E_i - average energy of site j
r_{nn} - average distance of nearest neighbors
\frac{e^2}{r_{nn}} - coulomb potential energy between nearest neighbors

There are 10,000 sites
The sites were uniformly distributes on a 2D sample
The values of temperature and r_{nn} are \frac{e^2}{r_{nn}T}=20

Now the only explanation of how probability density ( P(E) ) was found is:
1."...starting with a random set of energies and evolving them iteratively within the mean-field model"

2."solving the equations for many instances and averaging over them"

I understand the physics of this equation and how they got to it and I'm searching for a good refrence that explains this general numerical method in details or someone that can explain that method.

Most regards
Physics news on
  • #2

Hello Ofek,

Welcome to the world of numerical analysis! The method used to find the local probability density of energy P(E) in this scenario is called the self-consistent field method. This method is commonly used in physics and chemistry to solve problems involving many interacting particles, such as electrons in a material.

In this case, the mean-field equation of energy is used to calculate the average energy of each site, taking into account the interactions between neighboring sites through the Coulomb potential energy. The initial energies at each site are random and the equation is iteratively solved until it reaches a stable solution. This means that the energies at each site no longer change significantly with each iteration.

To find the local probability density of energy P(E), the equations are solved for many instances, each with different initial random energies. The results are then averaged, giving a more accurate representation of the probability density. This method is often used in physics and chemistry because it allows for a more realistic and accurate description of the system.

As for references, there are many textbooks and online resources that explain the self-consistent field method in detail. Some good starting points include "Introduction to Computational Chemistry" by Frank Jensen and "Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing" by William H. Press et al. Additionally, there are many research papers and articles available online that discuss the method in various contexts.

I hope this helps to clarify the method used to find the local probability density of energy in your scenario. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: Numerically finding Coulomb gap

1. What is a Coulomb gap?

A Coulomb gap is a phenomenon observed in disordered systems, particularly in materials with localized electronic states. It refers to a depletion of electronic states at low energies, resulting in a gap in the density of states. This gap is caused by the repulsive Coulomb interaction between localized electrons.

2. How is the Coulomb gap numerically calculated?

The Coulomb gap is typically calculated using numerical methods, such as Monte Carlo simulations or exact diagonalization techniques. These methods involve solving the Schrödinger equation for a system of interacting electrons, taking into account the Coulomb repulsion between them.

3. What factors affect the size and shape of the Coulomb gap?

The size and shape of the Coulomb gap can be influenced by various factors, including the strength of the disorder, the density of localized states, and the strength of the Coulomb interaction. Additionally, the geometry and dimensionality of the system can also play a role in determining the size and shape of the Coulomb gap.

4. Is the Coulomb gap a universal phenomenon?

The existence and properties of the Coulomb gap have been observed in various disordered systems, indicating that it is a universal phenomenon. However, the exact values of the gap size and shape may vary depending on the specific system and its parameters.

5. What is the significance of the Coulomb gap in condensed matter physics?

The Coulomb gap is an important concept in condensed matter physics as it helps to explain the behavior of disordered systems, such as amorphous semiconductors and glasses. It also provides insight into the effects of Coulomb interactions on the electronic properties of materials, which has implications for various technological applications.
