Are [a,b) and (a,b] Homeomorphic in Absolute Value Topology?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of homeomorphism between topological spaces, specifically in the real number space with absolute value topology. The first question asks if the spaces [a,b) and (a,b] are homeomorphic, to which it is determined that they are not due to a topological property regarding sequence convergence. The second question involves the spaces (a,b) and (r,s)U(u,v), with the idea of creating a function mapping one to the other to prove homeomorphism. The conversation also delves into the definition of the absolute value topology and connectedness in topological spaces. The speaker suggests using the identity map to show homeomorphism and explains the importance of finding a function to prove it
  • #1
Hi all, I have the following question.
Are the following spaces homeomorphic in the real number space with absolute value topology?
1) [a,b) and (a,b]
2) (a,b) and (r,s)U(u,v) where r < s < u < v.

For 1), I got that they are not homeomorphic because it fails the topological property that sequences in a set converges to a point in the set. As seen, a sequence could converge to a point a in [a,b), which is in the set, but is not contained in the set (a,b].
-Is this correct?

For 2), I'm not really sure at all. I was wondering if I should try to create a function that maps (a,b) to (r,s)U(u,v) and show the properties for homeomorphisms under topological spaces but I can't find out a function.
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  • #2
What exactly is the absolute value topology? It sounds like it is is symmetric with respect to the two kinds of half open intervals, in which case the first two spaces are homeomorphic, but it's hard to answer this without knowing exactly what the toopology is.
  • #3
The absolute value topology is exactly what it should be on the real number line. Open sets are open intervals, closed sets are closed intervals.
  • #4
that is the standard, or metric topology.

Of course the first two sets are homeomorphic, I don't get your objection.

And, if you believe tow spaces are not homeomorphic, it suffices to pretend there is a homeomorphism, you don't actually have to construct it or write it down.
  • #5
I think he's been confused by the fact the identity map is not a homeomorphism of [a, b) and (a, b].
  • #6
For 2), think of connectedness.
  • #7
The second part involves connectedness, which apparently you aren't familiar with. A space is connected if it cannot be decomposed into the union of two disjoint, non-empty open sets. Clearly two disjoint open intervals are not connected, and it can be shown that an interval is. This proof is fairly straightforward but a little long, so if you can't just use the fact that an interval is connected, you might want to look for a different approach. But it can be easily shown that any space homeomorphic to a connected space is connected from the definition I gave above, so this method will get you there, it just might not be the easiest way.
  • #8
Unfortunately, you are correct, my course has not covered connectedness yet. So far, this is what I've covered in the course regarding topological spaces: derived sets, continuity, homeomorphisms, and the separation axioms.

Also, for [a,b) and (a,b], is it necessary that I find a function that maps to one another in order to prove it's a homeomorphism?

Thanks for the help, by the way.
  • #9
It is necessary to prove such a map exists, whether or not you have to exhibit it explicitly is another matter. certainly writing it out is sufficient to demonstrate it exists, and I'm sure if you think geometrically you can describe the map easily enough. it is after all clear how to map [-1,1) to (-1,1] I hope, if you think geometrically.
  • #10
For 2:
What are the sets that are both open and closed in (a,b)?
What are the sets that are both open and closed in (r,s)U(u,v)?

FAQ: Are [a,b) and (a,b] Homeomorphic in Absolute Value Topology?

1. What is the absolute value topology?

The absolute value topology is a type of topology, or mathematical structure, that is defined on a set of real numbers. It is based on the concept of absolute value, which is a measure of distance between two points on a number line. This topology is also known as the "standard topology" or the "usual topology" on the set of real numbers.

2. How is the absolute value topology different from other topologies?

The absolute value topology is unique in that it is generated by a single metric, the absolute value metric. This means that the open sets in the topology are defined by the distance between points, rather than by other properties such as neighborhoods or open balls. Additionally, the absolute value topology is the coarsest (or weakest) topology on the set of real numbers.

3. What are the basic open sets in the absolute value topology?

The basic open sets in the absolute value topology are intervals of the form (a,b), where a and b are real numbers. These intervals are open, meaning they do not include their endpoints, and they can be used to define more complex open sets in the topology.

4. How is the absolute value topology used in mathematics?

The absolute value topology is used in many areas of mathematics, including real analysis, topology, and functional analysis. It is also used in applications such as physics, engineering, and economics to model continuous phenomena. Additionally, the absolute value topology is a fundamental concept in understanding the structure and properties of the set of real numbers.

5. What are some important properties of the absolute value topology?

Some important properties of the absolute value topology include that it is Hausdorff, meaning that every two distinct points in the topology have disjoint neighborhoods. It is also second countable, which means that it has a countable basis. This topology is also separable, meaning that it contains a countable dense subset. These properties make the absolute value topology a useful tool in many mathematical and scientific applications.

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