Conveyor Belt on Sun: What is it & How Does it Link to Solar Storms?

In summary, the sun's conveyor belt is a term used by Dr. Tony Phillips to describe the convection zone in the sun, where hot material rises and spreads while cooler material sinks. This concept is similar to how weather works in the air and how tectonic plates work in the Earth's crust.
  • #1
Can anyone kindly describe to me in simple words what is sun’ conveyor belt all about and how it is link to solar storm? Thanks
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Sounds like a homework problem and it doesn't make a while lot of sense...
  • #3
Its a term used by Dr. Tony Phillips in . Since his articles are typically public domain, they tend to get on lots of websites. I think he uses the phrase to mean convection zone. See e.g.
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  • #4
Same way weather works in the air and techtonic plates work in the crust.

Hot stuff rises and spreads, cool stuff sinks (or subducts).

FAQ: Conveyor Belt on Sun: What is it & How Does it Link to Solar Storms?

1. What is a conveyor belt on the sun?

A conveyor belt on the sun refers to the movement of plasma (charged particles) that is constantly circulating from the equator to the poles and back. This circulation is caused by the sun's rotation and the different speeds at which its surface moves.

2. How does the conveyor belt on the sun affect solar storms?

The conveyor belt on the sun plays a crucial role in the formation and intensity of solar storms. As the plasma moves towards the poles, it creates areas of strong magnetic fields. When these fields become unstable, they can release a burst of energy in the form of a solar storm.

3. Can we see the conveyor belt on the sun?

No, the conveyor belt on the sun cannot be seen with the naked eye. However, scientists are able to observe its movement through satellites and other specialized instruments.

4. How long does it take for the conveyor belt on the sun to complete one cycle?

The conveyor belt on the sun takes about 22 years to complete one full cycle, with the plasma taking 11 years to move from the equator to the poles and back.

5. How does the conveyor belt on the sun impact Earth?

The conveyor belt on the sun can have a significant impact on Earth, as solar storms can disrupt satellites, communication systems, and power grids. It can also cause beautiful auroras in the polar regions, but these storms can also pose a threat to astronauts and spacecraft.

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