What would happen if a tube like this were placed in the earths atmosphere?

In summary: So the water would just keep rising until it reached the atmospheric pressure at the top of the tube, at which point it would stop.
  • #1
Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I wondered if this belonged in one of the astronomy related sections but I don't know much about physics, I've never even taken a physics class.

I constantly daydream about random stuff, and I thought up something the other day that was been bothering me and I just wanted an answer.

Say you somehow suspended a tube in the atmosphere, its about 57 miles long and 30 feet in diameter. One end is in the troposphere about 5 miles above sea level, one is just above the karman line in the thermosphere [I think I accidently labeled it exosphere in the diagram <.<']
Would the pressure difference cause the air in the troposphere to be constantly sucked into the mesosphere, and then that air returned to Earth by Earth's gravity? I know I'm missing something, but I don't have the physics know how to figure it out.

I drew up a diagram too


Any help would be appreciated :)
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  • #2
Nothing would happen. Why would tube walls make any difference?
  • #3
Nothing would happen. The pressure gradient and the density gradient in the atmosphere due to Earth's gravity are already in equilibrium, and as Vanadium says the tube does not effect this equilibrium.
  • #4
Suppose the tube was so big in diameter is enclosed the entire surface of the earth? would anything happen?

Or you can work a rough analogy in your bathtub: If it were filled with water and you stuck a tube in vertically with both ends in the water, would anything happen? Suppose you held it horozontally??

In each case, just as was posted above, the interior contents were just as they were before...stable.

Now, if you heated the water or the air at the bottom of the tube, then the lower density hotter water would begin to rise...

FAQ: What would happen if a tube like this were placed in the earths atmosphere?

1. What is the purpose of placing a tube in the Earth's atmosphere?

The purpose of placing a tube in the Earth's atmosphere could vary depending on the specific context. However, some potential reasons could be to collect air samples, measure atmospheric pressure or temperature, or to release particles for research purposes.

2. How would the tube affect the Earth's atmosphere?

The impact of the tube on the Earth's atmosphere would depend on its size, composition, and location. In general, the tube could potentially alter the composition of the atmosphere by releasing gases or particles, or by creating changes in air pressure or temperature. It could also have a physical impact on the surrounding atmosphere, such as creating turbulence or blocking air flow.

3. Would the tube have any negative effects on the Earth's atmosphere?

It is possible that the tube could have negative effects on the Earth's atmosphere, depending on its purpose and design. For example, if the tube were releasing harmful pollutants, it could contribute to air pollution and harm human health and the environment. Additionally, if the tube were to disrupt natural atmospheric patterns, it could potentially have negative impacts on weather and climate.

4. Could the tube have any positive effects on the Earth's atmosphere?

While there could be potential negative effects of placing a tube in the Earth's atmosphere, there could also be positive effects. For instance, if the tube were used to release beneficial substances or particles, it could help improve air quality or contribute to scientific research. Additionally, if the tube were to collect data on atmospheric conditions, it could help us better understand and predict weather patterns and climate change.

5. Would the placement of the tube have any consequences for life on Earth?

The impact of placing a tube in the Earth's atmosphere on life on Earth would depend on the tube's purpose and effects. In some cases, the tube could potentially harm living organisms through air pollution or physical disturbances. However, if the tube were used for research or to improve atmospheric conditions, it could potentially have positive impacts on life on Earth by providing valuable data and improving air quality.
