Is the Complex Number z on a Circle?

In summary, the complex number z, given by z = 1 + cos(theta) + i*sin(theta), where -Pi < theta <= Pi, represents a point on a circle in the Argand Diagram. This can be shown by using the identity e^{i\theta} = cos\theta + isin\theta and the general formula for a circle in the complex plane, {z| |z-w|=r}. Another approach is to consider the numbers as points in the complex plane and use the trigonometric identity sin^2\theta + cos^2\theta = 1 to show that the points are a distance r from w. Lastly, the concept of translation of the unit circle with center at the origin
  • #1
The question is :
The complex number [tex]z[/tex] is given by
z = 1 + cos (theta) + i*sin (theta)
where -Pi < theta <= Pi
Show that for all values of theta, the point representing z in a Argrand Diagram is located on a circle. Find the centre and radius of the circle.

Note that i understand perhaps some of you don't understand the symbol i used above, hence i will explain it here :
smaller or equal to : <=
theta : an angle
Pi : a usefull constant in circle, i don't know how to define it.
i = square root of -1
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Hint: go into the the reference frame with translated origin at 1+0i.
  • #3
I think we all new what the symbols meant, if not we'd probably not be able to help...

do you know the general formula for a circle in the complex plane? It's the set S ={ z | |z-w|=r} for some fixed w in the plane and r a positive constant. Do any choices of w and r spring to mind given we know that cos^2+sin^2 is identically 1?

Of course there are other ways to see the answer since it is translation of the unit circle (centred on the origin).
  • #4

Let me denote
: theta as x
:z* the complex conjugate of z
:^ denotes power x^2 ==x squared


ZZ*=2 + 2Cosx^2 //z multiplied by (z*) will give you that

=2 + 2Cosx^2 - 1 - Cosx - iSinx - 1 - Cosx + iSinx

ZZ* - Z - Z* + 1=3

==>Z(Z*-1) - (Z*-1) = 3
==>(Z-1)(Z*-1) = 3
Which is the general form of a circle in complex plane as matt grime pointed out.

Hope you found this solution useful :shy:


P.S:Where did you get this question ??
  • #5
This any help ?

e^{i\theta } = cos\theta + isin\theta

  • #6
hard to understand

First of all, thanks to those people who had post reply to my question, your message is meaningful to me, thanks you.
Well, this question i get it from my work book in complex number exercise. Note that i am not European people, i live in South East Asian, hence i don't think is meaning to you if i told you which book i found this question, ok poolwin2001 ?

matt grime, i am just begin the Complex Number chapter, hence i really don't know got such Set which define any circle in the Argand Diagram. And to poolwin2001 also, i understand all your working but just don't understand how can u state that once u able to show |Z-1|=real , this implies that the point of complex number Z is located on a circle in Argand Diagram.

I just begin study this chapter, hence i don't think that the author expect me to use this kind of "theorem" ( which i think is under Further Mathematic ) to show Z is located in a circle, do you have any other easier method ?
For your information, i just study the operation of Complex Number (plus, minus, multiply and divide), conjugate ,draw Argand Diagram, that is all in my syllabus, and that question i was found it inside my textbook (so i sure the author will expect us use the method i study to solve it, and not using those "theorem" )
  • #7
The idea that these points define a circle doesn't have anything to do with the complex numbers as such.

You should be thinking of the numbers as points in the complex plane, yes? then | | means distance. so {z| |z-w|=r} means all the points z a distance r from w. This is just geometry in the plane, but with nicer notation.
  • #8
what matt grime probably asked you to do was to use the trigonometry identity.

Let z= x + iy
=[tex] (1+cos\theta) + isin\theta[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow x = 1+cos\theta[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow y = sin\theta[/tex]

[tex]sin^2\theta + cos^2\theta = 1[/tex]
[tex]y^2 + (x-1)^2 = 1[/tex]

Compare with the circle equation : [tex] (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2[/tex]
with center coordinate of (a,b) and radius r.
  • #9
I think I got the explanation down in the zip file (couldn't upload the image directly). Hope it helps, sure took me a long time to create it.


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  • #10
wow 3 different solutions

WOW 3 different solutions:bugeye:
Great !3 different solns each radically different have been given .Awesome!
(But mine had to be the longest :frown: :cry: )

FAQ: Is the Complex Number z on a Circle?

1. What is a complex number?

A complex number is a number that contains both a real part and an imaginary part. It is typically written in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part, with i representing the square root of -1.

2. Why are complex numbers difficult to solve?

Complex numbers are difficult to solve because they involve both real and imaginary components, making them more complex than traditional real numbers. They also require different operations and properties than real numbers, making them more challenging to manipulate and work with.

3. How are complex numbers used in science?

Complex numbers are used in various scientific fields, such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. They are particularly useful in solving problems that involve oscillatory or cyclical behavior, as well as in representing and analyzing electrical circuits and systems.

4. What is the difference between a complex number and an imaginary number?

An imaginary number is a complex number with a real part of 0. It is typically written as bi, where b is the imaginary part. A complex number, on the other hand, can have both a real and imaginary part, and is written as a + bi.

5. How are complex numbers represented graphically?

Complex numbers can be represented graphically on a complex plane, with the real part plotted on the horizontal axis and the imaginary part plotted on the vertical axis. The position of a complex number on the plane can be determined by its distance from the origin and the angle it forms with the positive real axis.

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