Exploring the Properties of Water: Answers to 3 Common Questions

  • Thread starter neginf
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of water molecules being "continuous" and whether or not they have gaps between them. It is mentioned that molecules are mostly empty space and this can be difficult to visualize. The surface of calm water may appear smooth because of scale, but if magnified, it may actually be ragged and constantly changing shape. The conversation also touches on the behavior of molecules and the limitations of visualizing them accurately.
  • #1
1. Do adjacent water molecules fit together so tightly that water is "continuous" ?
2. If the answer to 1. is "no", what is in between them ?
3. What would the surface of a calm puddle look like if magnifed so individual molecules could be seen?
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
what does "continuous" mean to you in this context? Molecules are almost nothing but pure emptiness, so what is it that would be "continuous".
  • #3
Maybe I should have asked if it had no gaps instead of using the word "continuous".

Is the answer to 1. "no" because the molecules are mostly gaps to start with and have gaps between them ?
Does this mean many things in ordinary life are mostly empty space ?

Does the surface of calm water appear smooth because of scale - if you could magnify it enough to see individual molecules, would that surface actually be not smooth and even changing shape ?
  • #4
neginf said:
Maybe I should have asked if it had no gaps instead of using the word "continuous".

Is the answer to 1. "no" because the molecules are mostly gaps to start with and have gaps between them ?
Does this mean many things in ordinary life are mostly empty space ?

Does the surface of calm water appear smooth because of scale - if you could magnify it enough to see individual molecules, would that surface actually be not smooth and even changing shape ?

Water's a lot smoother than many things but I'm sure if you could see down to enough granularity it would be very ragged.

It's not that "many thing in ordinary life are mostly empty space" it's that EVERYTHING (outside of black holes and neutron stars) is amost pure space.
  • #5
Thank you very much.
  • #6
For number three it would look something like this, the molecules at the top represent evaporation.

  • #7
Nice picture, but it shows molecules as solid objects. This is not entirely correct - in some situations they behave like that, in others they don't.
  • #8
I would agree with your comment Borek but to visualize what's happening we could never illustrate it with enough detail to include electrons in their orbitals and such.

Also it was one of the better images on google and I couldn't find anything clearer.

FAQ: Exploring the Properties of Water: Answers to 3 Common Questions

What is water?

Water is a transparent, tasteless, and odorless substance that is essential for all known forms of life. It is a chemical compound made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, with the chemical formula H2O.

Why is water important?

Water is important for a variety of reasons. It helps regulate our body temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, aids in digestion, and helps flush out waste from our bodies. It is also essential for plant growth and plays a crucial role in many industrial processes.

How much water should I drink per day?

The amount of water a person should drink per day varies depending on factors such as age, gender, activity level, and climate. Generally, it is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water (8 ounces each) per day, but individual needs may differ. It is important to listen to your body and drink enough water to stay hydrated.

Is all water safe to drink?

No, not all water is safe to drink. While water from sources such as rivers and lakes may look clean, it can still contain harmful bacteria and pollutants. It is important to treat water from these sources before drinking it. Tap water is generally safe to drink in developed countries, but it is always a good idea to check with your local water provider for any potential contaminants. Bottled water is also a safe option, but it is important to check the source and quality of the water before purchasing.

How does water affect the environment?

Water plays a crucial role in the environment. It helps maintain ecosystems and supports a wide range of plants and animals. However, pollution and overuse of water resources can have negative impacts on the environment. It is important to conserve water and take steps to reduce pollution to protect our environment and ensure the sustainability of our water resources.
