Engineers in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics

In summary, it is common for engineers to work for astronomical societies/research institutes/observatories, directly designing instruments, optics, and observatories. There are also opportunities for engineers to work for engineering companies contracted to do design work. It is possible to transition from a CFD background to PhD studies in astrophysics, with many opportunities available. Large telescope projects are being developed by various institutions and organizations, such as Carnegie Institute, UC-Santa Cruz, Caltech, U Arizona, and ESO. The SPIE conference on large telescopes is a good resource for finding out about current projects and who is working on them.
  • #1
I have had a love for astronomy when I was a child. Today, I am well on my way toward becoming an engineer (Mech). I would like to find out how much of a common thing is it for engineers to go work for astronomical societies/research institutes/ observatories doing any kind of engineering work..maybe designing new instruments, optics, designing new observatories or anything else related. And I'm talking about working directly for them rather than working for an engineering company whose contracted to do design work.

I've also thought about the possiblity of doing PhD studies in astrophysics with my developing CFD background. Any thoughts on that? Would there be an easy transition? Many opportunities?
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  • #2
A lot of the engineering of instruments and to a lesser extent the telescopes is done in house. Carnegie Institute (OCIW) UC-Santa Cruz (lick) + Caltech and U Arizona are building large telescope projects. There are also national observatories and international projects such as ESO.
Many more depts develop instruments.

Have a look in your library for SPIE (Society Photonic Instrumentation engineers) there is a bi-annual conference on large telescopes which will give you pointers on who is building what - there is a whole generation of Very-very large > 25m telescope projects starting.
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  • #3

It is not uncommon for engineers to work in the field of astronomy and astrophysics. In fact, engineers play a crucial role in the development and advancement of astronomical technologies and instruments. Many engineers work directly for astronomical societies, research institutes, and observatories, designing and building new instruments, improving existing technologies, and helping to construct new observatories.

As for pursuing a PhD in astrophysics with a background in CFD, there may be opportunities for you to apply your expertise in fluid dynamics to studying phenomena in space, such as stellar winds or the dynamics of galaxy clusters. However, it may require some additional coursework or self-study to familiarize yourself with the specific concepts and techniques used in astrophysics. It is always a good idea to reach out to potential advisors or researchers in the field to discuss your interests and potential opportunities.

FAQ: Engineers in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics

1. What is the role of engineers in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics?

Engineers play a crucial role in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics by designing, building, and maintaining the various instruments and technologies used to study the universe. They also develop and improve upon existing technologies to further advance our understanding of the cosmos.

2. What types of engineering are involved in Astronomy and Astrophysics?

Many different types of engineering are involved in Astronomy and Astrophysics, including mechanical, electrical, software, and aerospace engineering. Each type of engineering has a specific role in the design and development of instruments and technologies used in this field.

3. How do engineers contribute to space exploration and research?

Engineers contribute to space exploration and research by designing and building spacecraft, satellites, and rovers that are used to collect data and images from space. They also design and develop instruments and technologies that are used on these spacecraft to study different aspects of the universe.

4. What are some challenges engineers face in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics?

One of the main challenges engineers face in this field is dealing with the extreme conditions of space, such as temperature fluctuations, radiation, and lack of gravity. Engineers also have to constantly push the boundaries of technology to develop new and innovative ways of studying the universe.

5. How do engineers ensure the accuracy and reliability of instruments used in Astronomy and Astrophysics?

Engineers use various methods and techniques to ensure the accuracy and reliability of instruments used in Astronomy and Astrophysics. This includes rigorous testing and calibration, as well as continuous monitoring and maintenance. Engineers also work closely with scientists to identify and address any potential issues or errors in the data collected by these instruments.

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