Magnetic Fields and Maximum Current

In summary, the conversation discusses the maximum current that a wire can carry for an experiment involving the Earth's magnetic field. The experimenter initially made a mistake in her calculation, but later realized that the +/- 1% accuracy requirement was the cause of the error. By adjusting the magnetic field by 1% and re-plugging the values, the correct answer was obtained. This may be helpful for future experiments with similar accuracy requirements.
  • #1
Hey guys I'm new here and needless to say I am completely lost...

well here is the problem...

What is the maximum current that a wire can carry if an experimenter is performing an experiment 0.60 m away that deals with the Earth's magnetic field (4.5*10-5 T), which she wishes to measure to +/- 1 percent?

i thought I could just plug the #'s given into

B = (4pi*10^-7)I / (2(pi)R)

and i ended up with 135 A...which seemed muuuuuuuuch too high...and assumably was wrong...

(4.5*10^-5) = (4pi*10^-7)I / 2(pi)(.6??)

It would be greatly appreciated if i could get this help tonight...but I just want to understand what I'm doing wrong for the most part...
Physics news on
  • #2
well i found the error of my ways...

the whole +/- 1% threw me off...

i get the right answer if i multiply by the magnetic field by 1% and then re-plug everything in...

hopefully this helps someone in the future...
  • #3

Hello and welcome! It seems like you are on the right track with using the equation B = (4pi*10^-7)I / (2(pi)R) to solve this problem. However, there are a few things to consider in order to get the correct answer.

First, let's look at the units. The Earth's magnetic field strength is given in Tesla (T), while the value of 4pi*10^-7 is in units of Tesla per meter (T/m). In order for the units to cancel out and leave you with the unit of current (A), you will need to multiply the value of 4pi*10^-7 by the distance (0.60 m) in meters. This will give you a value of 0.000000113 Tm.

Next, we need to rearrange the equation to solve for current (I). This can be done by multiplying both sides by 2(pi)R and dividing by the magnetic field strength (B). This will give us the equation I = (B*2(pi)R) / (4pi*10^-7).

Now, let's plug in the values given in the problem: B = 4.5*10^-5 T, R = 0.60 m. This gives us a value of 0.000135 A, or 135 mA. This is a much more reasonable value for the maximum current that the wire can carry in this experiment.

Finally, to account for the +/- 1 percent uncertainty, we can multiply the calculated value by 1.01 to get a range of 0.00013635 A to 0.00013365 A, or 136.35 mA to 133.65 mA.

I hope this helps you understand the problem better and get to the correct answer. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Magnetic Fields and Maximum Current

1. What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is an invisible force field that surrounds a magnetic object or flows through a conductor carrying an electric current. It is responsible for the attraction or repulsion of magnetic materials, and is created by the movement of electric charge.

2. How are magnetic fields measured?

Magnetic fields are measured using a device called a magnetometer, which can detect and measure the strength and direction of a magnetic field. The unit of measurement for magnetic fields is called the Tesla (T).

3. What is the maximum current that can pass through a magnetic field?

The maximum current that can pass through a magnetic field is determined by the strength of the magnetic field and the resistance of the material. In general, the stronger the magnetic field, the higher the maximum current that can pass through it. However, materials with higher resistance will have a lower maximum current capacity.

4. How do magnetic fields affect electronic devices?

Magnetic fields can affect electronic devices in several ways. They can interfere with the operation of the device, causing it to malfunction or even stop working. They can also induce unwanted currents in the device, which can cause damage. As a result, electronic devices are often designed with shielding to protect them from external magnetic fields.

5. Can magnetic fields be harmful to humans?

In general, the magnetic fields that we encounter in our daily lives are not harmful to humans. However, exposure to extremely strong magnetic fields, such as those found in MRI machines or industrial settings, can have negative health effects. It is important to follow safety guidelines and limit exposure to strong magnetic fields.
