Nature and Properties of materials

In summary: They are so important in every day life. After all, they are the most common corrosion resistant steels. Also, a brief discussion on stainless steel is warranted. Maybe a brief discussion on the iron-carbon phase diagram. And why the eutectoid is important to steel.The Heyes book is more comprehensive but it is not an introductory book. I think Callister is better than Shackelford.In summary, "In summary, the conversation is about a course on nature and properties of materials and the search for a good book to cover the topics such as structure, processing, properties, and performance relations, materials structures such as space lattices and unit cells, ceramic structures, non-cryst
  • #1
Hi all ,, i have a course on nature and properties of materials next semester,,If u guys can pls advice me some good book which have nice coverage of the following topics ,,it will be highly appreciated.

MATERIALS, 3-1-3-1-5
Examples of materials highlighting Structure-
relations. 14 space lattices, unit cells, cubic
and HCP structures, Miller indices,
Packing, interstitials, different ceramic
structures; Non-crystalline/nanocrystalline
materials-definitions, concept of Tg,
local order, different polymer structures.
Structure determination using X-ray diffraction
(Bragg’s diffraction and structure
factor for cubic lattices); Point defects,
edge and screw dislocations-their notation
and concepts, energy of a dislocation,
stacking fault, grains and grain boundaries,
bulk defects;
PHASE EVOLUTION: Definition of
diffusivity, concept of activation energy,
examples of diffusion process; Definition
of a phase, phase rule, unary and binary
(eutectic, eutectic with terminal solid solutions)
systems and examples, phase diagrams
of important metal and ceramic systems,
Nucleation and growth (homogeneous
and heterogeneous), Introduction
to TTT curves, examples of various transformations;
Measures of mechanical response (fundamental
measurable mechanical properties),
engineering and true stress-true
strain response, concept of yield point and
Elastic modulus (composite materials)
viscoelesticity, fracture toughness, stress
intensity factor, fracture energy, comparison
of these properties for different engineering
Deformation of single and polycrystalline
materials, slip systems, criticalshear stress, mechanisms of slip and
twinning; Fatigue and creep properties
of materials with suitable examples,
Strengthening mechanisms, Fracture in
ductile and brittle (Griffith’s Theory) solids,
ductile to brittle transition, ELECTRONIC
PROPERTIES: Drude theory
of metals, free electron theory (density
of states, Fermi energy, Fermi-Dirac statistics,
band theory of solids, existence
of metals and insulators, Brillouin zones),
Semiconductors (structures of elements
and compounds), equilibrium properties
of semiconductors, conductivity as a
function of temperature, measurement
of band gap, doping, law of mass action,
Hall effect, carrier concentration of mobility
of non-generate semiconductors,
Excess carrier generation, optical properties
of semiconductors, concept of
lifetime, I-V characteristics of p-n junction
and their applications as LEDs, lasers
and solar cells, Introduction to semiconductor
crystal growth and processing
modern methods of expitaxy (brief
introduction to quantum wells and
superlattices, if time permits), Dia-, paraferro-
and ferri magnetism; soft/hard
magnetic materials.
Dielectric and ferroelectric materials
(BaTiO3 as an example); linear and nonlinear
behaviour. resolved
Engineering news on
  • #2
Callister: Materials Science and engineering. An introduction

covers quite a bit of those topics. Not in too much depth though but considering how many topics the course covers I suppose you won't be going into too much detail anyways. It lacks a section on xrd though.
  • #4
I see that Callister seems to be a recommended book. I would agree with that.

One word of advice though: get the older edition. The newer edition has a lot of the material taken it out and put on CD. This makes it much less handy.

Callister is extremely comprehensive though.
  • #5
thank u all very much for urs suggestions,,
I have got both of these books...

what about that book Raghawan , its an Indian book ..probably Gokul u might be knowing this and i think u might have had studied..some suggestion over it..
  • #6
Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers by James F. Shackelford is another reasonably good introductory book, but Callister seems more comprehensive in some areas. I am planning to compare the two. I just ordered Callister.

I have the 5th Ed of Shackelford's book, but the structure appears same or similar -

1. Materials for Engineering.


2. Atomic Bonding.
3. Crystalline Structure-Perfection.
4. Crystal Defects and Noncrystalline Structure-Imperfection.
5. Diffusion.
6. Mechanical Behavior.
7. Thermal Behavior.
8. Failure Analysis and Prevention.
9. Phase Diagrams-Equilibrium Microstructural Development.
10. Kinetics-Heat Treatment.


11. Metals.
12. Ceramics and Glasses.
13. Polymers.
14. Composites.


15. Electrical Behavior.
16. Optical Behavior.
17. Semiconductor Materials.
18. Magnetic Materials.


19. Environmental Degradation.
20. Materials Selection.
  • #7
heman said:
what about that book Raghawan
Physical Metallurgy by Raghavan is not too bad. I personally preferred Reed-Hill but I used both books.
  • #8
No one anylonger reads classic Ashby's :smile: ? ... if had to give a single book Callister would be it.
  • #9
Its bad luck for me ,,i did not find Callister..Someone had already taken it..
But i found both Shackelford and Smith...
Will they make it..
  • #10
McCallister's hepled me alot.Also covers a lot of issues, it's not sufficient though if u r goin to get much deeper in some topics, but if it's ur 1st course, u don't need more..A very usefull referrance anyway...

I've the 6th edition, it's the best, it's not heavier than the previous one, but u've extra coverage on Cd and online..
  • #11
Callister, 6th Edition

My copy arrived yesterday, so I have started review it.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.

2. Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding.

3. The Structure of Crystalline Solids.

4. Imperfections in Solids.

5. Diffusion.

6. Mechanical Properties of Metals.

7. Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms.

8. Failure. (really important stuff)

9. Phase Diagrams.

10. Phase Transformations in Metals: Development of Microstructure and Alteration of Mechanical Properties.

11. Applications and Processing of Metal Alloys.

12. Structures and Properties of Ceramics.

13. Applications and Processing of Ceramics.

14. Polymer Structures.

15. Characteristics, Applications, and Processing of Polymers.

16. Composites.

17. Corrosion and Degradation of Materials. (really important stuff)

18. Electrical Properties.

19. Thermal Properties.

20. Magnetic Properties.

21. Optical Properties.

22. Economic, Environmental, and Societal Issues in Materials Science and Engineering.

Appendix A: The International System of Units (SI).

Appendix B: Properties of Selected Engineering Materials.

Appendix C: Costs and Relative Costs for Selected Engineering Materials.

Appendix D: Mer Structures for Common Polymers.

Appendix E: Glass Transition and Melting Temperatues for Common Polymeric Materials.


Answers to Selected Problems.


I will be comparing Callister and Shackelford. So far there are many similarities. However, I am somewhat disappointed by the brevity of discussion on metal alloys. Superalloys and refractory alloys deserve more.

Even steels should be a little more developed, especially the 18-8 series.

FAQ: Nature and Properties of materials

1. What is the definition of "Nature and Properties of materials"?

The nature and properties of materials refer to the physical and chemical characteristics of substances that make up our natural world. This includes their composition, structure, behavior, and how they interact with each other and their environment.

2. Why is understanding the nature and properties of materials important?

Understanding the nature and properties of materials is crucial for various fields such as engineering, medicine, and environmental science. It allows us to develop new materials, improve existing ones, and make informed decisions about their use and impact on our surroundings.

3. What are the different types of materials and their properties?

Materials can be classified into three categories: metals, polymers, and ceramics. Metals are generally strong and conductive, polymers are lightweight and flexible, and ceramics are hard and brittle. However, each type of material can also have unique properties such as heat resistance, electrical conductivity, or biodegradability.

4. How do scientists study the nature and properties of materials?

Scientists use various methods and techniques to study the nature and properties of materials. These include microscopy, spectroscopy, and mechanical testing. They also conduct experiments and simulations to understand how materials behave under different conditions.

5. Can the nature and properties of materials be changed or manipulated?

Yes, the nature and properties of materials can be changed or manipulated through various processes such as alloying, heat treatment, and coatings. These techniques can alter the composition, structure, and behavior of materials, making them more suitable for specific applications.
