Relation strength interaction and decay time

In summary, there are different characteristic times associated with the decay of particles depending on the type of interaction. The decay time is inversely proportional to the coupling constant squared, which explains why decays via strong interactions are faster than those via weak interactions. This can be seen physically through the relation between virtual particle mass and interaction range. In addition, interactions with exchange of virtual massless gluons go faster than those with exchange of photons, which in turn go faster than the exchange of massive intermediate vector bosons.
  • #1
There is this characteristic time associated with the decay of particles; ~10^-16s for electromagnetic decay, ~10^-23s for strong decay and >10^-13s for weak decay. Now I know that the decay time is to first order inversely proportional to the coupling constant squared (from a first order Feynman diagram with only a vertex contribution). So from this point of view I 'understand' why decay via strong interactions go faster than via weak interactions, but how can one see this physically?

Short times for virtual particles correspond to high energies by the hup, and I've seen the relation between the virtual particle mass and the interaction range, but why do interactions with exchange of virtual massless gluons go faster than those with exchange of photons which goes faster than the exchange of massive intermediate vector bosons?!
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Physics news on
  • #2
da_willem said:
why do interactions with exchange of virtual massless gluons go faster than those with exchange of photons which goes faster than the exchange of massive intermediate vector bosons?!
1. [tex]\alpha(EM)[/tex], and [tex]\alpha(QCD)[/tex] each vary with energy.
At energies for typical decays (~100 MeV)
[tex]\alpha(QCD)\sim 100\alpha(EM)[/tex].

2. The effective weak coupling for typical decays
[tex]\sim \alpha(EM)(M_p/M_W)^2[/tex].
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  • #3

The reason for the different decay times for different types of interactions lies in the strength of the interaction and the particles involved in the decay process.

Firstly, the strength of an interaction is determined by the coupling constant, which is a measure of how strongly particles interact with each other. The stronger the interaction, the larger the coupling constant. This means that interactions with a larger coupling constant will happen more frequently and therefore have a shorter decay time.

In the case of strong interactions, the coupling constant is very large, which means that the interaction is very strong and happens very frequently. This is due to the fact that the strong force is mediated by massless gluons, which can travel over large distances without losing energy. This allows for a very strong and fast interaction between particles, resulting in a short decay time.

On the other hand, weak interactions have a much smaller coupling constant, which means that they are much weaker and happen less frequently. This is because weak interactions are mediated by massive particles, such as the W and Z bosons, which have a much shorter range compared to massless particles like gluons and photons. This results in a weaker and slower interaction, leading to a longer decay time.

The difference in decay times between strong and weak interactions can also be understood from a quantum mechanical perspective. According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, there is an inherent uncertainty in the energy and time of a particle. This means that particles with a shorter lifetime will have a larger uncertainty in their energy, which corresponds to a higher energy state. This is why particles that decay via strong interactions have higher energies compared to those that decay via weak interactions.

In summary, the shorter decay time for strong interactions compared to weak interactions can be attributed to the larger coupling constant, the massless nature of the particles involved, and the inherent uncertainty in energy and time at the quantum level.

FAQ: Relation strength interaction and decay time

1. What is the relationship between interaction strength and decay time?

The relationship between interaction strength and decay time is that as the interaction strength increases, the decay time decreases. This means that the stronger the interaction between two objects, the faster they will decay or break apart.

2. How does the strength of a relationship affect the decay time of a system?

The strength of a relationship directly affects the decay time of a system. A stronger relationship will lead to a shorter decay time, while a weaker relationship will result in a longer decay time.

3. Can interaction strength and decay time be measured?

Yes, interaction strength and decay time can be measured using various scientific methods and techniques. For example, in physics, decay time can be measured using a decay constant, while in chemistry, it can be measured through the use of half-lives.

4. What factors can influence the strength of a relationship between two objects?

The strength of a relationship between two objects can be influenced by factors such as the distance between the objects, their respective masses, and the type of force or interaction between them. Other factors may include external forces acting on the objects and the surrounding environment.

5. How does decay time impact the stability of a system?

The decay time of a system is directly related to its stability. A shorter decay time means that the system is less stable and more likely to break down, while a longer decay time indicates a more stable system that is less likely to decay. This is because a longer decay time allows the system to maintain its structure and resist any external forces that may cause it to break down.

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