A Book on Quantum Physics by a Russian Author

In summary, the speaker is looking for a book on Quantum Physics that they read 10 years ago but have forgotten the name and author of. They remember that it was written by a Russian and had a black and yellow cover. The book was easy to understand and had minimal math, making it suitable for laymen. They are seeking help from the forum to identify the book and are willing to provide more information if needed.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

I am not much of a quantum physicist but love reading texts on QP.
I have a small problem and maybe, I thought, users of this forum can help me out.

About 10 years ago, when I was still a teenager, I remember reading a book on Quantum Physics. I still remember the book was a fantastic read. Concepts were explained in an extremely simple manner that all could understand. I bet it was a classic.

Unfortunately I have forgotten the name of the book as well as its author.
One thing I know for sure that the book was written by a Russian. The cover of the book was black and yellow. The top half black and the bottom yellow or vice versa. I think but am not sure that it was a translation. The author made quantum physics look so simple (remarkably). The texts were mostly theory (very little mathematics) with illustrations. The book was not a textbook for school or university students but for a layman.

If anyone in the forum can tell me the name of the book and its author provided the information above, I would be extremely grateful.

I am willing to let you know any other information that you require.

Thanks and regards,
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  • #2
Could it be you mean George Gamow ? He wrote several books for laymen. I haven't read one of them so I can't tell you if they contain the things you' mentioned. I didn't succeed in finding cover images of an old edition on abebooks so I can't tell whether named colours match.
  • #3

Hello Zapp,

Thank you for reaching out to this forum for help in finding the book on Quantum Physics. I am a quantum physicist and I have come across many books on this subject. From your description, it seems like the book you are looking for is "Quantum Physics for Everyone" by Leonid V. Vasiliev. This book was originally written in Russian and has been translated into English.

The cover of the book matches your description of black and yellow halves, with the title in white letters. This book is known for its simple and easy-to-understand explanations of complex quantum physics concepts. It is not a textbook but rather a popular science book for non-experts.

I hope this helps you find the book you are looking for. If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,

FAQ: A Book on Quantum Physics by a Russian Author

1. What is quantum physics?

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at a very small scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which explain the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

2. Why is quantum physics important?

Quantum physics plays a crucial role in our understanding of the fundamental workings of the universe. It has led to breakthroughs in technology, such as transistors and lasers, and has revolutionized fields such as chemistry and biology.

3. What are some key concepts in quantum physics?

Some key concepts in quantum physics include wave-particle duality, superposition, and entanglement. These concepts describe the counterintuitive behavior of particles at the quantum level, such as being in multiple states at once and being connected over large distances.

4. How does quantum physics differ from classical physics?

The main difference between quantum physics and classical physics is that classical physics describes the behavior of macroscopic objects, while quantum physics describes the behavior of microscopic objects. Classical physics follows deterministic laws, whereas quantum physics introduces probability and uncertainty into the equations.

5. Are there any real-world applications of quantum physics?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of quantum physics. Some examples include quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum sensors. These technologies use the principles of quantum physics to perform tasks that would be impossible with classical physics.

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