GR - Gravity versus light - acceleration of light?

In summary: This means that the speed of light would not be noticeably affected by the gravitational pull of the moon.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Another thought on the equivalency of gravity and acceleration and it's affect on light.

If a beam of light was shot directly outwards from the moon, and partiallly reflected by a series of mirrors in it's path, would the apparent speed of light as observed by an external viewer (say Earth based) change (accelerate or decelerate) as the leading edge of the beam moved away from the the moon due to gravity of the moon?
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  • #2
Jeff Reid said:
If a beam of light was shot directly outwards from the moon, and partiallly reflected by a series of mirrors in it's path, would the apparent speed of light as observed by an external viewer (say Earth based) change (accelerate or decelerate) as the leading edge of the beam moved away from the the moon due to gravity of the moon?

This is somewhat obfuscated. A beam "partially reflected by a series of mirrors" would not be traveling "directly outwards from the moon".


  • #3
Jeff Reid said:
Another thought on the equivalency of gravity and acceleration and it's affect on light.

If a beam of light was shot directly outwards from the moon, and partiallly reflected by a series of mirrors in it's path, would the apparent speed of light as observed by an external viewer (say Earth based) change (accelerate or decelerate) as the leading edge of the beam moved away from the the moon due to gravity of the moon?

I'm assuming that what you mean is that the mirrors are used to observe the progress of the beam by reflecting part of it out at some angle from the beam.

When one is observing anything from a distance where gravity is involved, then the apparent size of rulers varies with location, and it is necessary to adopt some convention for mapping space to a flat coordinate system. This is similar to the way in which maps of the curved surface of the Earth need some convention to project them on to flat paper. This means that the answer depends to some extent on the coordinate system convention. Note also that "observing" things at relativistic speeds typically involves seeing things later and then calculating back to determine when and where they actually happened in the observer's frame of reference.

If we use "isotropic coordinates" (where the x, y and z ruler size variation is assumed to be equal relative to the coordinate system) with the moon as the origin, then relative to the coordinate system rulers appear to be shrunk by a fraction GM/rc^2 at distance r from the center of the moon of mass M, and also local clocks run slower than distant ones by the same fraction. Since the locally observed speed of light is the same standard c value everywhere, this means that relative to the coordinate system, both effects reduce the coordinate speed of light at a location closer to the moon, so as the beam gets further from the moon it will effectively speed up so that a distance r it is only a fraction 2GM/rc^2 slower than "at infinity".

This fractional reduction in c is however extremely tiny - about 6 times 10^-11 at the surface of the moon, according to a quick calculation using Google Calculator.

FAQ: GR - Gravity versus light - acceleration of light?

1. What is the relationship between gravity and light?

Gravity and light are both fundamental forces in the universe, but they have very different properties. Gravity is a force of attraction between objects with mass, while light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. However, according to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity can also affect the path of light, causing it to bend as it passes through regions of strong gravitational fields.

2. Can gravity affect the speed of light?

No, gravity does not directly affect the speed of light. The speed of light, also known as the speed of causality, is a constant and is not influenced by external forces. However, as mentioned before, gravity can alter the path of light, making it appear to travel at a different speed.

3. How does the acceleration of light compare to the acceleration of objects due to gravity?

The acceleration of objects due to gravity is related to their mass and the strength of the gravitational field they are in. On the other hand, the acceleration of light is always constant and does not depend on the mass of the light itself. This means that light will always be accelerated at the same rate, regardless of the gravitational field it is in.

4. Is it possible for light to escape a black hole's gravitational pull?

Yes, it is possible for light to escape a black hole's gravitational pull. However, this only happens if the light is emitted from a point very close to the event horizon, the point of no return for a black hole. Once light crosses the event horizon, it cannot escape the black hole's gravitational pull.

5. How does general relativity explain the relationship between gravity and light?

General relativity explains the relationship between gravity and light by describing gravity as a curvature of space-time caused by the presence of mass or energy. This curvature affects the path of light, causing it to bend or curve as it travels through space. This theory has been consistently supported by experiments and is the most accurate description of the relationship between gravity and light to date.

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