Degrees of freedom of quantum fields and elementary particles

In summary, the number of degrees of freedom for a particle depends on its quantum numbers and how one defines the particle itself. For photons, there are two degrees of freedom in terms of polarization states, while electrons have two spin states. Other particles may have different numbers of degrees of freedom depending on their properties.
  • #1
They say that a photon has two degrees of freedom, its two polarization states.

Does that also mean that the electron has only two degrees of freedom, its two spin states?

What about the frequency of a photon, is that not a degree of freedom? Or the three space directions that a electron can travel? What mans degree of freedom anyway when referring to elementary particles and its quantum fields?

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  • #2
These degrees of freedom are those over and above those of energy/momentum. For free particles, the latter give three additional quantities (three directions of momenta plus the total energy but minus one because of the relationship between total energy, total momentum and the particle's mass).

An electon does also have only two possible spin states, though this arises from different equations than those which govern photons. By contrast, W and Z bosons each have three polarisation states as they are massive.

In general the degrees of freedom correspond to whatever quantum numbers the particle has. In some cases this depends on what you define as being the 'same' particle. For example, if you define an up quark generically as a single particle then it has three colour states, whereas if you define uR, uB and uG as separate particles then obviously they don't indiviudally have that particular freedom. The former approach itends to be used when considering symmetries, particularly unbroken ones such as the colour states of quarks or spin polarisations. It's important to be clear what one is doing.

FAQ: Degrees of freedom of quantum fields and elementary particles

1. What is the concept of degrees of freedom in quantum fields and elementary particles?

Degrees of freedom refer to the number of independent parameters that can describe the state of a system. In quantum fields and elementary particles, it refers to the number of possible states that a particle or field can occupy.

2. How are degrees of freedom related to the behavior of particles in quantum systems?

The degrees of freedom of a particle or field determine its energy, momentum, and other properties. These properties affect the behavior of the particle in a quantum system, such as its position and trajectory.

3. Can degrees of freedom be observed or measured in experiments?

No, degrees of freedom cannot be directly observed or measured. They are theoretical concepts used to understand and describe the behavior of particles and fields in quantum systems.

4. How do degrees of freedom affect the stability of quantum systems?

The number of degrees of freedom in a quantum system can affect its stability. Systems with a large number of degrees of freedom are more stable, while those with fewer degrees of freedom may experience fluctuations or instabilities.

5. Are there any limitations to the number of degrees of freedom in a quantum system?

The number of degrees of freedom in a quantum system is not limited. In fact, the concept of degrees of freedom is used in theories that attempt to unify all the fundamental forces in nature, such as string theory, which postulates the existence of 10 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time.

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