Math/Physics Tattoo Idea Request - Warren

In summary: Welcome to Science Tattoo, a website where you can find a variety of tattoos related to science and mathematics. Some of the tattoos featured on the website include the DNA monster, the Möbius strip, and the Euler equation.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hey guys,

I had an idea a long time ago for a tattoo involving some kind of math or physics symbolism that I would actually like to have... and then promptly forgot what it was. Years later, I still cannot remember the idea for the life of me. (Apparently it wasn't really that good?)

So, I'm appealing to the rest of you for ideas. Here are the requirements:

1) It needs to look, at least on a first glance, to be nothing more than an abstract artistic design. I don't want people to look at it and go "what a dork, he has an equation on his arm." I know a good artist can "abstractify" almost anything, but I'd prefer a genuinely artistic-looking subject rather than something simply dressed up to look artistic.

2) It needs to be relatively small. I don't want some sprawling design. Something that would fit comfortably in a 3" x 3" square would be great.

3) I don't want any large patches of any solid color.

4) I don't want anything overly pictorial or diagrammatic. No plots or fractals or otherwise photographic-type images.

5) I want it to be something can genuinely be explained to another person who is not a physicist. This means no equations from the bowels of m-theory that even I won't understand.

Any ideas?

- Warren
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Physics news on
  • #2
possibly something like a Calabi-Yau manifold or a Mobius strip?
  • #4
B. Elliott said:
possibly something like a Calabi-Yau manifold or a Mobius strip?

Hmmm, good idea. :cool: A decorative, prettied-up Mobius strip might look quite good.

- Warren
  • #5
Nothing like this then:


EDIT: beaten to it
  • #6
The coolness of the tattoo will depend completely on the artist's particular rendering of it so just pick your favorite, and one you don't mind explaining over and over, and let him unleash his imagination. F=ma, for example, would make a great tattoo, or not, completely depending on how it's rendered.
  • #7
zoobyshoe said:
The coolness of the tattoo will depend completely on the artist's particular rendering of it so just pick your favorite, and one you don't mind explaining over and over, and let him unleash his imagination. F=ma, for example, would make a great tattoo, or not, completely depending on how it's rendered.

Yeah, I don't really know anything about the artistic process. From what I can tell, most people walk into shops and have the artist design something, but then they almost always accept whatever the artist comes up with. I can personally imagine myself rejecting quite a few designs. (I assume you still pay the artist for time either way.)

- Warren
  • #8
I like the mandelbrot set one. Quite a good tattooist to get that down.
  • #9
Kurdt said:
I like the mandelbrot set one. Quite a good tattooist to get that down.

Of course, I would demand infinitely small features.

- Warren
  • #10
Now that would be a party piece if you could keep magnifying infinitely.
  • #11
Please no, don't fall into this tattoo craze Chroot!
  • #12

I honestly doubt that I will. I have never come across anything so deeply personally meaningful that I want to have it permanently stenciled on my skin. I suppose if I ever come across an idea or design that just screams "that's me," and I still think so a few weeks later, I might be tempted, though.

And no, Maxwell's equations are pretty much right out!

- Warren
  • #13
cyrusabdollahi said:
Please no, don't fall into this tattoo craze Chroot!

Yeah, I second that.

Btw, I think I'd rather wear a nazi tatoo then some kind of science-related tatoo, if one pointed a gun at my head and forced me to choose.
  • #14
Kurdt said:
Nothing like this then:


EDIT: beaten to it

Is that yours Kurdt?

The next thing chroot would be asking is where to get a piercing :bugeye:
  • #15
I honestly find almost all tattoos to be ugly. The only one that I really like is the tribal samoan artwork. I saw on TV that you get them when you enter manhood and become the captain of a boat. (Boat being a small wood canoe).

I think these are nice because they have real meaning to them. There not barb wire or some cheap thing on a girls lower back. I think these tattoos are nice, provided that your a samoan.
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  • #16
cyrusabdollahi said:
I think these are nice because they have real meaning to them. There not barb wire or some cheap think on a girls lower back. I think these tattoos are nice, provided that your a samoan.

Well said, Cyrus.
  • #17
It's not math or physics, but I thought the DNA monster shown here was pretty cool...a creative twist on a boring old theme.
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  • #18
cyrusabdollahi said:
I think these tattoos are nice, provided that your a samoan.

So all I have to do is work on becoming samoan?

- Warren
  • #19
:smile: Well, I mean I see people getting tattoos left and right and the only reason I can think why is because all their friends have one. But I really don't see why anyone would have the need to put something on their body like that if its not part of their custom/culture. I see very very very few people with nice tattoos. Id honestly say that 90% of them look bad- really bad.
  • #20
Moonbear said:
It's not math or physics, but I thought the DNA monster shown here was pretty cool...a creative twist on a boring old theme.

I like the Darwin fish and periodic table on your arm. Wonder if that would be cheating on a test?
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  • #21
Well... how about something like ... um... a light cone?
... a section of a plane electromagnetic wave [showing the E and B fields]?
... a hypercube?
  • #22
Get Gallileo's face tattooed on your face. That is sure to spark conversations and provide excellent opportunities to educate people.

how about the ubiquitous light refraction triangle, only have the corresponding wave length written on each color, or something like that. I think that'd be pretty neat.

robphy said:
Well... how about something like ... um... a light cone?
... a section of a plane electromagnetic wave [showing the E and B fields]?
... a hypercube?

ah! you beat me to it!
  • #23
ranger said:
Is that yours Kurdt?

The next thing chroot would be asking is where to get a piercing :bugeye:

No its not mine. I would never be that nerdy.
  • #24
cyrusabdollahi said:
I see very very very few people with nice tattoos. Id honestly say that 90% of them look bad- really bad.

I totally agree. I've seen people with sharks that look like they were drawn by children. I've seen people with letters that aren't straight, etc. That's why I think I'm the sort of person who would turn down numerous designs before actually getting one put on me.

Oh, another requirement: no large areas of solid colors. I think they look bad. I would prefer something more akin to line art. I'm thinking something in the line of stylized mathematical blackboard symbols, perhaps.

- Warren
  • #25
cyrusabdollahi said:
I think these are nice because they have real meaning to them. There not barb wire or some cheap thing on a girls lower back. I think these tattoos are nice, provided that your a samoan.

I think most tattoos mean something to the people that get them even if they mean nothing to you. Its the individuals choice to adorn their body with whatever they wish and its not just a social compliance thing.
  • #26
robphy said:
Well... how about something like ... um... a light cone?
... a section of a plane electromagnetic wave [showing the E and B fields]?
... a hypercube?

People would mistake a light cone for a funnel or an hourglass. The EM wave would be a little too plain, though maybe something with a sinus shape would look nice. I think I just like curved lines. I'd prefer to avoid "pictorial" tattoos, like the DNA monster or the Mandelbrot set, in favor of symbols with clean, simple lines.

- Warren
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  • #27
I could see a tattoo of your frat done nice, or a family crest or something like that.

I had a friend who just graduated who had lots of tattoos, but the one I like the most was on his inner bicpet. It was the indian with a bow and arrow that used to come in a tootsie roll done in blue. I thought it was interesting and nice.
  • #28
BTW, lest I sound too pessimistic -- I do appreciate all your suggestions! I'm just picky.

- Warren
  • #29
You damn well better be, that thing ant going away!

Get some on your eye lids and fingers that say something like LIVE \DIE on each side :smile:

Oh, and get the tattooed tear on the corner of your eye too.

Also, I could understand if your an old white guy with a big santa clause beard and a harley and sunglasses.
  • #30
cyrusabdollahi said:
It was the indian with a bow and arrow that used to come in a tootsie roll done in blue. I thought it was interesting and nice.

Surprisingly, I thought that would be exactly the kind of tattoo you'd hate.

- Warren
  • #31
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  • #32
Well, it looked nice because it was thin. It was like the outline of an indian wearing a feather hat with a bow and arrow extended infront of him about to shoot. It was like the outline of a real indian, not a comic character and it was all blue and done rather thin so it did not look stupid. It wasnt bad because it was original and nice.
  • #33
robphy said:
How about the magnetic field lines of the earth, a loop, or a bar magnet?

Thanks for the suggestions, robphy, but I don't think I could do anything pictorial and busy like that. The tattoos I tend to like best on other people are simple line art, symbolic, with sinuous, solid, bold black lines.

- Warrren
  • #34

Get ready for pain.
  • #35
Here, I drew it up over an image I found. It looks almost exactly like this:

The difference is that the front of the bow makes up the radius of the front of the circle. I couldn't get it to do that with the picture I found. So you can think of the rest of the circle extending back from the ends of the bow around the indian man.
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