How important are these two math classes?

In summary, this person is taking full loads of 18 units of engineering (EE)/computer science (minor) classes and is having some problems planning the next few semesters. They'll be taking a comp sci class that they don't need for the minor but requires 3 pre-requesites, and they don't need that class but they do need a good foundation in math and after finishing a minor they'd like to be able to take a few high-level computer science classes.
  • #1
I'm having some problems planning the next few semesters. I'll be taking full loads, 18 units of engineering(EE)/computer science (minor) classes.

One thing is bugging me, a comp science class that I don't need for the minor but requires 3 pre-requesites: philosophy: symbolic logic, linear algebra, and discrete math. I can only squeez in one class at a time, so it'll take two years to take that comp science class (AUTO LANG+COMPUTN) and its pre-reqs.

Now I don't need that class, however I do need (or just want...) the following:

- a good foundation in math. Those two classes sound pretty good. :-)

- After finishing a minor, being able to take a few high-level Computer science classes like robotics or software engineering. Not many require 310 (that compsci. class) as a pre-req, but many need 'instructor consent' and I'm sure that class will weigh in.

So is it worth it? There is some sort of middle ground, by taking just linear algebra. Discrete math requires I take philosophy: intro to symbolic logic first so lin. algebra is more accessible.

I'd also like to know how important those two math classes are for an Electrical Engineer. Obviously the more math the better, but will I be using much of it? For EE majors at my school we only need to take Cal I-III and diff. equations.

Thanks for any advice. :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
Linear Algebra and Discrete Math are a definite requirement for an EE as far as math goes, other than calculus (single and multivariable) and diff eq. I don't think you need symbolic logic for linear algebra, as it has nothing to do with it nor will it be benefecial for linear algebra. A lot of those philosophy and sophomore-level based classes will be a derivation of some higher aspects from senior classes, so I'd rather pass on that and go straight to senior level classes and/or graduate level classes without wasting your time
  • #3
Doh! I was hoping someone would say 'nah not really' and it'd be over. :biggrin:

That's 21 units of madness next semester! :smile:

Btw multivariable calculus is usually covered in calculus III, right? After your post I looked up the catalog and couldn't find a class for it. It's also not in the description for 'Advanced Calculus.' I called the math department and they say multi-var. is Math Analysis III (which is basically calIII for eng/sci in our school). The course description is 'solid analytic geometry, partial differentiation, and multiple integrals with applications.' Does that fall under multi-variable calculus? I thought calculus III is just I and II in 3d or something like that. :confused:

Anyway thanks for the advice!
  • #4
What they call "Calculus III" at some schools is "Multivariate" or "Multidimensional" calculus at others, and I've heard a few places call it "Calculus IV" (scheduling differences?).
Math Analysis III (which is basically calIII for eng/sci in our school). The course description is 'solid analytic geometry, partial differentiation, and multiple integrals with applications.''
That sounds right, although I can't guess why it's called "Analysis".

Rough idea of what's covered in multivariate (from Larson/Hosteler/Edwards, "Multivariate Calculus"):

Vector-valued functions
Arc length, curvature
Functions of several variables
Partial derivatives
Lagrange multipliers
Multiple (iterated) integrals
Change of variables (integrating in polar/spherical coordinates)

and some introductory vector analysis (this is critical for E&M!):
Vector fields
Line/surface integrals
Divergence/Curl/Gradient (ironically enough, Maxwell didn't know about these when he first formulated his 4 Equations! His paper was a mess - my professor told me this.)
Conservative vector fields
Parametric surfaces
Green's & Stoke's theorem

Linear algebra is essential to physics. Discrete math is almost the easiest course offered (after Statistics); it's all fun and games, and binary algebras. It ties in with Comp. Sci. very well.

intro to symbolic logic first so lin. algebra is more accessible.
They're mostly unrelated subjects.
  • #5
Thanks for clearing that up. :smile:

And the philosophy: intro to symbolic logic course is a pre-requisite for the discrete math course, sorry for the confusion. :redface:

FAQ: How important are these two math classes?

1. How do math classes relate to scientific research?

Math classes are essential for scientific research as they provide the foundation for understanding and analyzing data. Many scientific experiments involve collecting data and using mathematical methods to interpret the results. Without a strong understanding of math, it would be challenging to accurately analyze and draw conclusions from the data.

2. Are math classes necessary for a career in science?

Yes, math classes are necessary for a career in science. Whether you are conducting research or working in a scientific field, you will need to use math skills to solve problems and make accurate calculations. Additionally, many scientific careers require a strong understanding of advanced math concepts.

3. How will taking these two math classes benefit me in the long run?

Taking these two math classes will benefit you in the long run by providing you with essential skills and knowledge that can be applied in various aspects of your life. These classes will help improve your critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and numerical literacy, which are valuable in both personal and professional settings.

4. Can I be successful in science without excelling in math?

While math skills are crucial for success in science, it is possible to excel in science without being a math prodigy. Many scientific fields require different levels of math proficiency, and there are various resources available to help individuals improve their math skills. It is important to have a basic understanding of math and be willing to continue learning and practicing mathematical concepts as you pursue a career in science.

5. How can I make the most out of these math classes for my scientific studies?

To get the most out of these math classes for your scientific studies, it is essential to actively engage in the material and seek help when needed. Practice problems and seek out additional resources, such as tutoring or online tutorials, to reinforce your understanding of mathematical concepts. Additionally, try to relate the math to real-world applications, especially in your scientific studies, to better understand its relevance and importance.

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