2008 Member Awards Ceremony

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, the awards are taken lightly and should be celebrated by all recipients. The polls will be archived in the feedback forum.
  • #1
Congrats to all members who are being presented with these awards! All award holders and award nominees should feel honored to be recognized by their community peers. At the same time the awards should be taken light hearted and in good spirit. If you see the old awards, please clear your browser cache. The polls will be archived in the feedback forum.

Cue the music!

2008 Physics Guru

2008 Astro/Cosmo Guru

2008 Mathematics Guru

2008 Engineering Guru
Fred Garvin

2008 Other Sciences Guru

2008 Homework Helper #1

2008 Homework Helper #2

2008 Community Spirit

2008 Best Humor
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Congrats to all the winners and nominees. Thanks to all who voted for me. :smile:
  • #3

Congratulations to all of the winners!

Of course everyone nominated is a winner in my book. Thank you all for everything you do every day.
  • #4
Good choices, all. Congrats!

How come Kurdt didn't get the "best Kurdt" award, though?
  • #5
turbo-1 said:
Good choices, all. Congrats!

How come Kurdt didn't get the "best Kurdt" award, though?

I don't think he's qualified :-p.

Congrats to everyone!
  • #6
Congratulations to all, and any many thanks for the staff and the members for the expressed confidence :smile: Now I have to learn a lot of other science
  • #7
Congrats to everyone (including myself).

When does the volcano ceremony start? Is volcano allergic to anything, or can I eat whatever I want before? Should I dress formal? Plastics allowed, or natural fabric only to keep pollution low? Sorry if I am asking too many questions, but I don't won't to spoil the ceremony, and you know, I was never thrown into before, so I am a volcano virgin :shy:
  • #8
lisab said:
I don't think he's qualified :-p.

Congrats to everyone!
Darn! I'll have to watch out for that sneaky MIH if she tries to steal my "best turbo" title. She'll have to camp out here and grow chili peppers and make chili relishes to qualify. In the case of a tie (yay!) there may have to be a Jello-wrestling tie-breaker. Tickets will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • #9
Wow - thanks and congratulations to everyone!
I'm going to have to be more careful checking my answers now.

Well done Borek (I know I should have worn a wig as well - assuming that is a wig and not a chemistry lab accident )
  • #10
Congrats to the winners, and congrats to all who were nominated! Even those who did not win are much appreciated here.
  • #11
one small step for a goldfish …

congrats to all the other winners, and thanks to everyone who hangs around the homework forums and knows more physics than i do, but voted for me! :redface:

ahem … is this mike working?

i'd like to thank all the smilies who've supported me during the last year …

particularly wink smilie :wink:
rolleyes smilie :rolleyes:
and of course smilie smilie :smile:

i could not have done this without them!

i would also like to thank my scientific mentor, sir isaac the newt :approve:, and my mouse, whisskerstein :eek:, with his sage advice "what we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence" (and without whom of course i would not be able to access my computer!)

this now qualifies me for the international goldfish of the year finals
in the superbowl! :approve:
i hope everyone will come and support me! :smile:

i'd like to thank my 117 brothers and sisters, my mum,

:cry: :cry: :cry:

oh I'm sorry

this has never happened to a goldfish before


i think i'd better just quote from julie brown's speech in the 1988 film Earth girls are easy …
being chosen as this month's miss august is
like a compliment I'll remember …
for as long as I can

right now I'm a freshman in my fourth year at ucla,
but my goal is to become a veterinarian …
cause I love children :smile:
  • #12
To tiny-tim, the funniest Homework Helper Guru we've ever had. (and a fellow smillie aficianado)
  • #13
Congrats to all.
I did not vote this year because I simply couldn't make up my mind. All nominees were over-qualified for their categories. Also, I haven't really been around enough to form a solid opinion.
The election results are pleasing, though.
  • #14
mgb_phys said:
Wow - thanks and congratulations to everyone!
The same here. :smile:
  • #15
Evo said:
To tiny-tim, the funniest Homework Helper Guru we've ever had. (and a fellow smillie aficianado)

And, he was very nearly the most helpful Humor Guru too!

Congrats to all the winners. If I get around to it, I'll try to honor some of you with special redbelly avatars in the near future.
  • #16
turbo-1 said:
Good choices, all. Congrats!

How come Kurdt didn't get the "best Kurdt" award, though?

Because I slightly out-Kurdted him. :-p

Congrats to all the nominees and weiners. er- winners! yeah, winners!
  • #17
Math Is Hard said:
Because I slightly out-Kurdted him. :-p

Congrats to all the nominees and weiners. er- winners! yeah, winners!

How dare you escape MIH by being a mentor for a couple of days. :devil:
  • #18
Kurdt said:
How dare you escape MIH by being a mentor for a couple of days. :devil:

I'm sneaky like that. :approve:
  • #19
Congratulations to all winners!

Keep up the good work in 2009!

An extra contgratulation I would like to give mgb_phys, winner of physics guru with one vote more than me(?) :-)
  • #20
malawi_glenn said:
An extra contgratulation I would like to give mgb_phys, winner of physics guru with one vote more than me(?) :-)


That's not the only category in which differences between the winner and the second place were minimal.


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  • #21
I have to laugh about this. This makes 3 years in a row. One day I will be allowed to retire :-p

Thank you to everyone who threw a vote my way! I am not sure if that means that we have a sad state of affairs in the engineering forums or not!

There are quite a few others that could have easily worn the hat this year: Brewnog, Q_Goest, Mech_Eng, stewartcs, mgb_phys (could have worn two hats!) and Mapes (among others).

Thanks again everyone.
  • #22
mgb_phys said:
Wow - thanks and congratulations to everyone!
I'm going to have to be more careful checking my answers now.

Don't worry. They won't take it away from you :-p.
  • #23
Congrats to all the winners.

Kurdt, treat it well. :teary:
  • #24
Don't fear Gokul. I'll keep it warm for you until next year. :wink:
  • #25
Congrats everybody!
  • #26
This is just a wonderful out come. Congrats to all the winners, and thank you for all you have done to help.
  • #27
Hey, thanks everybody! I see not all of the 2008 medals were delivered it in time for the ceremony... Congrats to the other winners as well!
  • #28
Borek, congrats on the most humerus award.

Andre, congrats also, i thought you should be good for a bit of the other.
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  • #29
A belated congratulations to all our well-deserved winners!
  • #30
Hypatia, I love your avatar! So cute!
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  • #31
Congrats winners and nominees too!

FAQ: 2008 Member Awards Ceremony

What is the "2008 Member Awards Ceremony"?

The "2008 Member Awards Ceremony" is an event held to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of members within a specific organization or community in the year 2008.

Who is eligible to attend the "2008 Member Awards Ceremony"?

All members of the organization or community who have actively participated and contributed in the year 2008 are eligible to attend the ceremony.

How are the award recipients chosen for the "2008 Member Awards Ceremony"?

The award recipients are chosen through a nomination and selection process, where members of the organization or community can nominate individuals for specific awards and a committee or panel selects the final recipients based on set criteria.

What types of awards are given at the "2008 Member Awards Ceremony"?

The types of awards given at the "2008 Member Awards Ceremony" may vary, but they typically include recognition for outstanding contributions, leadership, innovation, teamwork, and other notable achievements within the organization or community.

When and where will the "2008 Member Awards Ceremony" take place?

The date and location of the "2008 Member Awards Ceremony" will be announced by the organizing committee or leadership of the organization or community. It is usually held at a designated venue, such as a banquet hall or conference center, on a specific date and time.

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