Relativistic mass and space-time curvature

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of relativistic mass and its effects on space-time curvature and gravitational fields. It is stated that relativistic mass is observer-dependent and that it is the source of gravity according to MTW. The conversation also mentions the use of relativistic mass in calculations involving a moving observer and the Earth's gravity. A reference is provided for further information on this topic.
  • #1
Does relativistic mass curve space-time, i.e., does relativistic mass affect the gravitational field of an object?
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, I suppose!
Do you mean to ask, is the curvature of spacetime greater for relativistic mass, then the rest mass? If so, I would say yes.
  • #3
I would love to know. What about say, a neutron star/supernova remnant/whatever on the brink of collapse into a black hole? Does the additional relativistic mass cause it to collapse into a black hole? That would make no sense since in the observer's frame they would have a black hole while from the POV of the black-hole-to-be, it would be just that.
  • #4
I think that's what relativity is all about. It is about what would an observer observe.
Say, two space ships are traveling in same line and opposite direction with a relative velocity v. Each will observe other's clock to be slow! (though, I'm yet to understand it fully :frown:)
So we can not say, what would have really happened, we can only say, what would an observer observe. Do correct me if I have missed something...
  • #5
So we can not say, what would have really happened, we can only say, what would an observer observe. Do correct me if I have missed something...

If two observers watching the same event, saw different outcomes to the same experiment, that would be a problem. Usually different observers will see events happening on different time scales, but they must see the same outcome or else there would a contradiction.

For instance, the Lorentz transformation 'explains' why different inertial observers always see the same outcome to an EM experiment.
  • #6
dst said:
Does the additional relativistic mass cause it to collapse into a black hole?

See the following FAQ:

(hmmm, I see that page has been updated recently. It used to be a lot longer.)
  • #7
Mentz114 said:
mitesh9:If two observers watching the same event, saw different outcomes to the same experiment, that would be a problem. Usually different observers will see events happening on different time scales, but they must see the same outcome or else there would a contradiction.

For instance, the Lorentz transformation 'explains' why different inertial observers always see the same outcome to an EM experiment.

Well, In the domain of SR, different observers, according to their position, are bound to see different things. For instance, an observer observes a meter stick to be of 1 meter, and the same meter stick is less then 1 meter for an observer with a relative velocity! As about the EM experiment, they won't notice any difference, just because the speed of light is constant, relative to which everything else is measured! And yet, in an experiment concerning the frequency of light, an observer may observe red shift/blue shift, depending on his position.
  • #8
redtree said:
Does relativistic mass curve space-time, i.e., does relativistic mass affect the gravitational field of an object?
Yes. In fact MTW state that relativistic mass is the source of gravity.

  • #9
Feel free to quote the chapter and page where you think this is claimed.

Relativistic mass, unlike spacetime curvature, is observer dependent.
  • #10
Wow, I'm surprised there hasn't been a straight answer yet.

Let me ask this question:

If I am moving toward the Earth at a speed very close to c, and I wish to calculate the instantaneous force of the Earth's gravity on me at any given point in time, do I use the rest mass of the earth, or do I multiply the rest mass of the Earth by my Lorentz factor?
  • #11
If you're observing a Newtonian like gravity in a reference frame where you need to account for special relativity then you need to make a relativistic coordinate change from a stationary General Relativity solution. P.C. Aichelburg and R. U. Sexl, Gen. Relativity and Grav. 2, 303 (1971) makes a similar coordinate change. If you make this coordinate change using the Schwarzschild solution then the term that normally reduces to the Newtonian potential becomes the Newtonian potential with the relativistic mass and a contracted coordinate. At distances where a Newtonian type gravity would be used it looks like the extra terms that arise from this coordinate change go to zero. I am not familar enough with General Relativity to determine if this means that you use the relativistic mass but I would speculate that you use a relativistic mass and contract the appropriate coordinate. (Interestingly enough the paper I cited goes on to find the field due to a photon!)

FAQ: Relativistic mass and space-time curvature

1. What is relativistic mass?

Relativistic mass is a concept in physics that describes the mass of an object as it moves at high speeds. It takes into account the effects of special relativity, where the mass of an object increases as its velocity increases.

2. How does relativistic mass differ from rest mass?

Rest mass refers to the mass of an object when it is at rest, while relativistic mass takes into account the increase in mass as an object moves at high speeds. Relativistic mass is always greater than rest mass and approaches infinity as an object approaches the speed of light.

3. What is space-time curvature?

Space-time curvature is a concept in general relativity that describes how gravity curves the fabric of space and time. This curvature is caused by the presence of mass and is responsible for the motion of objects in the universe.

4. How does space-time curvature affect the path of light?

According to general relativity, light follows the curvature of space-time. This means that the path of light can be bent by the presence of massive objects, such as stars or galaxies. This is known as gravitational lensing and has been observed in various astronomical phenomena.

5. Can space-time curvature be observed or measured?

Yes, space-time curvature can be observed and measured through various techniques, such as gravitational lensing and the detection of gravitational waves. These observations provide evidence for the existence of space-time curvature and support the theories of general relativity.

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