Timing of the big bounce in eternal inflation

In summary, there are two competing theories - loop quantum gravity and eternal inflation - that both challenge the traditional concept of the big bang. If all three - LQG, eternal inflation, and the Guth, Borde Vilenkin theory - are true, then the big bounce would have occurred much earlier than 13.7 billion years ago. However, there is also the possibility of a continuous inflation universe, which could explain the observations used as evidence for inflation. The singularity at the beginning of eternal inflation is still a topic of debate, and some believe that it may require a different quantum process to explain its existence.
  • #1
In the picture given to us by loop quantum graivty, the big bang is replaced by the big bounce. So 13.7 billion years our universe bounced from a previous one.
In the picture given to us by eternal inflation, our big bang is just a local big bang and there is a far greater inflating sea. If the Guth, Borde Vilenkin (GBV) theory is right the singularity is located at the beginning of eternal inflation.
So If LQG, eternal inflation and the GBV theorom are all true the bounce happened not 13.7 bln years ago but some time many aeons before that at the beginning of eternal inflation. Is this correct? or am I missing something?
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  • #2
The bouncing model endlessly repeats the cycle of big bang, expansion, and recollapse. The eternal, or chaotic inflation model invokes a multiverse populated by innumerable bubble universes each with its own big bang.
  • #3
Thanks! I had not realized that someone else had proposed an eternal and continuous inflation model. I had wondered myself if our observable universe might be just a small part of an enormous continuous inflation universe where we are further down the river from the inflation source so to speak..
  • #4
Hey Chronons, you seem to imply that these theoreis are mutually exclusive, but I've not found any reference to that in the literature, if there are any would love to see them. all I've found is that inflation is actaully better explained by LQG
but no mention is made of eternal inflation. If this theoroem :
is true then there is singularity at the beginning of eternal inflation. So that's why I am thinking the bounce might be here.
  • #5
LQC is definitely a different picture than inflation. It's not that it explains inflation, but rather that it purports to explain the observations used as evidence for inflation.

As for the singularity at the beginning of any sort of inflation, most people consider that evidence that the inflationary model just can't be extrapolated back in time that far, that some other quantum process must get inflation going at some point.

FAQ: Timing of the big bounce in eternal inflation

1. What is the theory of the "Big Bounce" in eternal inflation?

The Big Bounce theory suggests that the universe goes through a cycle of expansion and contraction, where the current expansion phase is followed by a contraction phase which leads to the formation of a new universe. This process is believed to continue infinitely, resulting in an eternal inflation scenario.

2. How does eternal inflation differ from the Big Bang theory?

In the Big Bang theory, the universe is believed to have started from a single point and expanded outward. In eternal inflation, the universe is constantly expanding and contracting, resulting in the formation of multiple universes.

3. What evidence supports the theory of the Big Bounce in eternal inflation?

One of the main pieces of evidence is the observation of cosmic microwave background radiation, which is believed to be the remnants of the early universe. The patterns and fluctuations in this radiation support the idea of an expanding and contracting universe.

4. Is the timing of the Big Bounce predictable?

Currently, there is no way to accurately predict the timing of the Big Bounce in eternal inflation. It is believed to be a random process and can vary in each cycle.

5. How does the concept of the Big Bounce impact our understanding of the universe?

If the theory of the Big Bounce is proven to be true, it would significantly change our understanding of the origin and fate of the universe. It also opens up the possibility of parallel universes and the idea of an infinite and ever-changing cosmos.

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