Why do some people have such irrational thought processes?

  • Thread starter Pengwuino
  • Start date
In summary: How can someone have such an ego?In summary, we encounter many people with illogical and dangerous thought processes. Examples include gamblers who believe the odds are always in their favor, individuals who refuse to make choices because they believe their destiny is predetermined, those who meddle with complex equipment without understanding its function, people who think their skills apply to all aspects of life, individuals who talk loudly on cell phones without considering those around them, and those who think they can disprove centuries of scientific research with minimal understanding.
  • #1
Gold Member
Do you ever just run into these people who'se thought processes are just so incredibly insane that you just want to slam your head into the wall until you passout and die? EXAMPLES:

1) The people who tell you that their rationale for gambling in any sense is that they always say "well the odds are 50/50, i either win or i lose!". I mean if that were the case, i should have won the lottery about 10 times by now.

2) The people who refuse to make choices in their lives because they say their decisons won't matter (and I'm not talking about this philisophical freewill thing). For example, one girl i know started drinking young and I tell her "you better watch out or you're going to become an alcoholic" and her response is "Well it doesn't matter what i do, i'll either become an alcoholic or not, it's my destiny"

3) The guy (not people because i don't think women do this to any great extent) that insists on touching anything and everything that looks complicated. You know the type. In a hospital, they're the ones messing with all the nice equipment meant to keep people alive. Why not press this? What does this button do? Well that doesn't look right, i better change it.

4) The people who feel their profession/job/skill base applies to 99% of things in life. You know who I'm talking about. The guy who thinks his computer knowledge is the key to fixing a car. I'm not talking about the guy who thinks the electrical system in a car is exactly like a computer... I'm talking about the guy who thinks the solution to your hichuping engine is to replace it.

5) People who talk on cell phones everywhere with 0 consideration to who is around them and how loud they talk. What are these people thinking? How are they thinking? Are they even thinking? Have a certain portion of the human population evolved into this monsterous blob of inconsideration?

6) Crackpots and the people who are really ignorant of science that jump at the idea that they may circumvent 100 years of human knowledge with a doodle and 2 lines of math (or none at all). I think russ said it beautiful once: "Do you think scientists are stupid?" when some guy did that 2nd law of thermodynamics vs. evolution thing. How can someone really grow up to think that it's very possible that 5 seconds of their own thought may very well undermine thousands of scientists and hundreds of years of work in scientific fields? How can someone have such an ego?

What do you want to add to this list? Add to the drunks, gamblers, and IV pullers. People that either have the most contradictory or dangerous or inane thought processes.
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  • #2
Pengwuino said:
3) The guy (not people because i don't think women do this to any great extent) that insists on touching anything and everything that looks complicated. You know the type. In a hospital, they're the ones messing with all the nice equipment meant to keep people alive. Why not press this? What does this button do? Well that doesn't look right, i better change it.
I do this all the time. It's my way of telling them half an hour of waiting for someone to have a look at me is excessive. Make me wait and I'm going to start experimenting with your toys.
  • #3
People who say Gawd...who are you Jessica Simpson? Oh yeah, and people who can't park inside the white lines.
  • #4
Pengwuino said:
Do you ever just run into these people who'se thought processes are just so incredibly insane that you just want to slam your head into the wall until you passout and die? EXAMPLES:

1) The people who tell you that their rationale for gambling in any sense is that they always say "well the odds are 50/50, i either win or i lose!". I mean if that were the case, i should have won the lottery about 10 times by now.

2) The people who refuse to make choices in their lives because they say their decisons won't matter (and I'm not talking about this philisophical freewill thing). For example, one girl i know started drinking young and I tell her "you better watch out or you're going to become an alcoholic" and her response is "Well it doesn't matter what i do, i'll either become an alcoholic or not, it's my destiny"

3) The guy (not people because i don't think women do this to any great extent) that insists on touching anything and everything that looks complicated. You know the type. In a hospital, they're the ones messing with all the nice equipment meant to keep people alive. Why not press this? What does this button do? Well that doesn't look right, i better change it.

4) The people who feel their profession/job/skill base applies to 99% of things in life. You know who I'm talking about. The guy who thinks his computer knowledge is the key to fixing a car. I'm not talking about the guy who thinks the electrical system in a car is exactly like a computer... I'm talking about the guy who thinks the solution to your hichuping engine is to replace it.

5) People who talk on cell phones everywhere with 0 consideration to who is around them and how loud they talk. What are these people thinking? How are they thinking? Are they even thinking? Have a certain portion of the human population evolved into this monsterous blob of inconsideration?

6) Crackpots and the people who are really ignorant of science that jump at the idea that they may circumvent 100 years of human knowledge with a doodle and 2 lines of math (or none at all). I think russ said it beautiful once: "Do you think scientists are stupid?" when some guy did that 2nd law of thermodynamics vs. evolution thing. How can someone really grow up to think that it's very possible that 5 seconds of their own thought may very well undermine thousands of scientists and hundreds of years of work in scientific fields? How can someone have such an ego?

What do you want to add to this list? Add to the drunks, gamblers, and IV pullers. People that either have the most contradictory or dangerous or inane thought processes.

I think these aren't set personalities of specific people, but just some things that everyone does at some point. We all take turns at these things. Maybe some people more than others, but those some people are good at other things too. It's that sacred law of engineering, if you give to A, you must take from B. The thing is, people aren't set in stone, and everybody is constantly changing their A's and B's, to different magnitudes, not to mention that there seem to be an infinate number of A's and B's.
  • #5
Pengwuino said:
3) The guy (not people because i don't think women do this to any great extent) that insists on touching anything and everything that looks complicated. You know the type. In a hospital, they're the ones messing with all the nice equipment meant to keep people alive. Why not press this? What does this button do? Well that doesn't look right, i better change it.
That one's a real pet peeve of mine. It drives me nuts when someone starts fiddling with stuff they don't belong touching. I just want to slap their hands away and tell them, "Didn't your parents ever teach you to sit still and keep your hands to yourself?"
  • #6
Religious fanatics. Are they really saying something important?
  • #7
Pengwuino said:
Do you ever just run into these people who'se thought processes are just so incredibly insane that you just want to slam your head into the wall until you passout and die? EXAMPLES:

1) The people who tell you that their rationale for gambling in any sense is that they always say "well the odds are 50/50, i either win or i lose!". I mean if that were the case, i should have won the lottery about 10 times by now.
I seen people that said well the odds 80/20 there's 20 chance.
2) The people who refuse to make choices in their lives because they say their decisons won't matter (and I'm not talking about this philisophical freewill thing). For example, one girl i know started drinking young and I tell her "you better watch out or you're going to become an alcoholic" and her response is "Well it doesn't matter what i do, i'll either become an alcoholic or not, it's my destiny"
I call them the "whatever I don't care kill myself"people.I hate these people too If they don't care what they do with there own life then whould they care what they do with other's.They seem to try to "recurit"
people in drinking,drugs etc. and that's what I hate about them
3) The guy (not people because i don't think women do this to any great extent) that insists on touching anything and everything that looks complicated. You know the type. In a hospital, they're the ones messing with all the nice equipment meant to keep people alive. Why not press this? What does this button do? Well that doesn't look right, i better change it.
Those people seem like they think everything is there property.
4) The people who feel their profession/job/skill base applies to 99% of things in life. You know who I'm talking about. The guy who thinks his computer knowledge is the key to fixing a car. I'm not talking about the guy who thinks the electrical system in a car is exactly like a computer... I'm talking about the guy who thinks the solution to your hichuping engine is to replace it.
I only take advice form people whose job is whatever I need advice on.But there times where I do like them when they apply there knowlage to things outside of there profession/job/skill for example:A computer guy who puts computers in his car with GPS system to help with navigation and you can Internet while driving.
5) People who talk on cell phones everywhere with 0 consideration to who is around them and how loud they talk. What are these people thinking? How are they thinking? Are they even thinking? Have a certain portion of the human population evolved into this monsterous blob of inconsideration?
There just Idoit's.They're very ignorant about what there talking about here's an example:Some guy decides go out of the office when there excepting an importent phone call.So he tells him to call him on his cell phone.He answears the phone while in a crowed.Everone can hear him.The person is calling for the passwords to the companys central server so he says the password out lould while everone hears him.Very smart thing to do escpially when you work for a bank...
6) Crackpots and the people who are really ignorant of science that jump at the idea that they may circumvent 100 years of human knowledge with a doodle and 2 lines of math (or none at all). I think russ said it beautiful once: "Do you think scientists are stupid?" when some guy did that 2nd law of thermodynamics vs. evolution thing. How can someone really grow up to think that it's very possible that 5 seconds of their own thought may very well undermine thousands of scientists and hundreds of years of work in scientific fields? How can someone have such an ego?
I blame popular secince for this.They never fully explain everything about a new theory and they don't even take the time to show what crictisim there is about a new theory.I still wonder why secientist are even doing interviews with popular secience magizines/websites.
I have an idea to counter these Crackpot theorist.It's pretty common for Crackpot theorist for them to offer money if anyone proves them worng and try get the money.If they don't we sue them(not we as in PF'ers we as in anyone who doesn't like crackpot theorist) I know it seems stupid and probally sueing whouldn't work.Also we should try to put warnings out for other science and physics sites/fourms about these theories and try to convince them to have the same police as PF does.So crackpot theroies won't sperd as far.We should also try to get popluar secience magizine/websites to do articles about these crackpot theories(I know I balme popluar secience for crackpot theories but I think they can help)
I think wouldn't to hard if someone could write an article about these theories and show the readers why there worng.This would really prevent Crack theories.
  • #8
I hate people.

But I'm not prejudiced. I hate every one equally.
  • #9
The two things I cannot stand without wanting to kill someone.

1. People who can't do a day's work without screwing up, but yet think they're a genius. Inept, pathetic, hopeless bunglers who somehow delude themselves into believing they're smart and hold the answer to the mystery of life.

2. Little children who can't sit still for five minutes without turning on a TV or video game. God, I can't tell you how much I hate undiciplined kids, and their parents who, by their neglect, are screwing up their lives. "Oh, let's give John another toy and hamburger, he's so cute". Why don't we just take their minds and turn it into mush while we shove fat-pills down their throats?
  • #10
I hate people who hate people...

hmm... then that would mean that I hate myself...

I hate people who hate people, and I love people who love people...

hmm... that would mean that I can't decide if I hate myself or if I love myself...

I hate people who hate people, I love people who love people, and I like people who can't decide.

there we go, all settled.
  • #11
Jonny_trigonometry said:
I hate people who hate people...

hmm... then that would mean that I hate myself...

I hate people who hate people, and I love people who love people...

hmm... that would mean that I can't decide if I hate myself or if I love myself...

I hate people who hate people, I love people who love people, and I like people who can't decide.

there we go, all settled.

Self consistency is a wonderful thing, eh?
  • #12
For me it's the people who give answers when they really don't know. This is one of the greatest frustrations in my work. I have learned to be like Muldur - trust no one, ever - but in the beginning I did, and all totaled this cost me weeks worth of work without pay.
  • #13
Ivan Seeking said:
For me it's the people who give answers when they really don't know. This is one of the greatest frustrations in my work. I have learned to be like Muldur - trust no one, ever - but in the beginning I did, and all totaled this cost me weeks worth of work without pay.

Come on Ivan, you can use that 40KV generator in that 20KV port :approve:
  • #14
I think so... ya, I'd agree. But there is an exception, when someone is trying to be 100% hypocritical, they are completely inconsistant, but that would mean that they are consistant in being inconsistant... hmm
  • #15
I hate people who change their tastes in order to be seen as "cool" by others that they want to impress...

"Ya I like Limp Bizkit! In fact I was on my way to go buy a couple t-shirts and a hat and maybe even get one of their albums!"

I hate people who brag about things they haven't done.

"Ya I've gone skydiving. I was the best at it too... I landed perfectly! right where I wanted to on the first try!"
  • #16
I honestly couldn't say I hate anybody. I'm pretty indifferent to all of the types you described. Even the most annoying of persons can still be effectively ignored. Why raise my blood pressure over something I have no control over? I'm not the master of all humans; let them be dumbasses.
  • #17
loseyourname said:
Even the most annoying of persons can still be effectively ignored.
What if they were your conjoined twin?
  • #18
Pengwuino said:
4) The people who feel their profession/job/skill base applies to 99% of things in life. You know who I'm talking about. The guy who thinks his computer knowledge is the key to fixing a car. I'm not talking about the guy who thinks the electrical system in a car is exactly like a computer... I'm talking about the guy who thinks the solution to your hichuping engine is to replace it.

That's the definition of a physisist surely :smile:

I hate mobile phones anyway I think they are just fashion statements in 50% of people who use them, it's kind of like a fad that got out of hand.

I don't hate anyone but I do find anyone who inisists on believing something despite a hundred and one pieces of evidence to the contrary very annoying. Usually fundementalist religous types. I think you know what I mean :smile:

Related to Why do some people have such irrational thought processes?

1. Why do some people have such irrational thought processes?

There are several potential reasons for this. It could be due to underlying psychological or neurological disorders, past traumas or experiences, cultural or societal influences, or cognitive biases. It is also possible that individuals may simply lack certain critical thinking skills or have not been exposed to accurate information.

2. Can irrational thought processes be changed or improved?

Yes, with proper guidance and support, individuals can learn to recognize and challenge their irrational thoughts and develop more logical and rational thinking patterns. This may involve therapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques, or behavioral interventions.

3. Are there any benefits to having irrational thought processes?

While irrational thought processes can sometimes lead to harmful behaviors or decisions, they can also serve as a coping mechanism for individuals facing difficult or stressful situations. It may also allow for more creative thinking and problem-solving in certain scenarios.

4. How do irrational thought processes affect decision-making?

Irrational thoughts can heavily influence decision-making and can lead to impulsive or illogical choices. They can also contribute to confirmation bias, where individuals seek out information that supports their beliefs and ignore contradictory evidence, leading to flawed decision-making.

5. Can irrational thought processes be inherited?

While there may be a genetic component to certain psychological disorders that can contribute to irrational thinking, irrational thought processes are primarily learned behaviors and can be influenced by environmental factors. However, some individuals may be more predisposed to certain cognitive biases due to their genetic makeup.

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