Finding Solutions for na=0 (mod m) with Positive Integers m and n

  • Thread starter quasar987
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses finding all solutions to na=0 (mod m) given positive integers n and m. It is determined that all solutions can be represented as a = m/d * l, where d is the greatest common divisor of m and n. The conversation also discusses the need for a proof that these are the only solutions and the fact that the solutions are only of interest in mod m. Finally, a solution is found by writing m=pd and n=qd and determining that the solutions are all multiples of p where p and q are relatively prime.
  • #1
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Given n and m positive integers, how can I find all the solutions to na=0 (mod m)??
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  • #2

If na = 0 (mod m) then na = km for some k. To find all a consider d = gcd(n,m), if we let a = m/d * l for l any positive integer then a is guaranteed to be an integer as d divides m and as d divides n we must have na = m * (n*l/d) which implies na is a integer multiple of m.

I assume that a = m/d is the smallest a allowed as d is the greatest common divisor and I don't want to think of a proof.
  • #3

solve an = mt

PS the congruence relation m/n does not work since n does not have to be a divisor of m, eg 11/5 = 9 mod n since 9*5 = 1 mod n, but the congruence relation m/gcd(m,n)*t mod m works. as m/1 is the solution for a in that case. (Re the t If a = 2 is a solution to m = 14, n = 7 so are 4,6,8,10.12 and 14)

Sorry but Thirsty Dog gave the correct solution before me.
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  • #4

Thanks for the reply guys.

However, I had already figured out that all elements of the form a = m/d * l (ThirstyDog's notation) are solutions. What remains for me to do is prove that these are the only solutions.

Also, I actually only interested in solutions mod m... that is, solutions such that [itex]1\leq a \leq m[/itex].
  • #5

Ok, I found the solution in a book.

Write m=pd and n=qd (where d=gcd(m,n)) and notice that p and q are relatively prime, otherwise, d would not be the greatest common divisor of m and n.

And then it's easy: we have that m|an <==>pd|aqd <==>p|aq <==> p|a.

So the solutions are all the multiples of p.

FAQ: Finding Solutions for na=0 (mod m) with Positive Integers m and n

1. What is "na=0 (mod m)" and why is it important?

"na=0 (mod m)" is a mathematical equation that represents the concept of congruence, where "a" and "m" are integers and "n" is a variable. It is important because it is used to solve problems involving modular arithmetic, which has applications in various fields including cryptography, computer science, and number theory.

2. What does it mean to find solutions to "na=0 (mod m)"?

To find solutions to "na=0 (mod m)" means to determine the values of "n" that satisfy the equation, also known as the solutions or solutions set. This is usually done by finding the smallest positive integer solution, called the least residue, and then finding all other solutions by adding or subtracting multiples of the modulus "m".

3. How do you find solutions to "na=0 (mod m)"?

To find solutions to "na=0 (mod m)", one can use various methods such as trial and error, substitution, or the extended Euclidean algorithm. The specific method used may depend on the values of "a" and "m" and the complexity of the equation.

4. Can there be more than one solution to "na=0 (mod m)"?

Yes, there can be multiple solutions to "na=0 (mod m)" depending on the values of "a" and "m". For instance, if "a" and "m" are relatively prime, there will be exactly one solution. However, if they have a common factor, there may be multiple solutions.

5. What are the practical applications of solving "na=0 (mod m)"?

The solutions to "na=0 (mod m)" have various practical applications such as in cryptography, where it is used to encrypt and decrypt messages, and in computer science, where it is used for error detection and correction. It also has applications in number theory, where it is used to study patterns in integers and prime numbers.

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