Spacetime Translational Invariance vs(?) Lorentz Covariance

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between Lorentz covariance and spacetime translational invariance in physical theories. It is noted that almost all physical theories have the symmetry of Lorentz covariance, which means that the Lagrangians transform according to a representation of the Lorentz group. The question is raised about whether this also means the action is still stationary under a Lorentz transformation and what the relevant Noether's charge would be. The concept of relativistic energy and momentum conservation is also discussed and its relationship to Lorentz covariance and spacetime translational invariance is questioned. The conversation concludes with a request for clarification on the fundamental aspects of these symmetries and the corresponding Noether charges/currents in
  • #1

I have been reviewing some relativity notes, and I am confused over something. I apologize if this seems like a silly or obvious point, but humor me.

When we are talking about Lagrangians in field theory and in regular mechanics, we are often looking at symmetries. Namely, almost all physical theories in the universe have the symmetry of Lorentz covariance, which as I understand it means the Lagrangians transform according to a representation of the Lorentz group. Does that necessarily mean the action is still stationary if we do a Lorentz transformation? If so, what would be the relevant 'Noether's charge'? Would it be the invariant dot-product E^2 - p^2 c^2?

And then, a part of me wonders what the relationship is between Lorentz covariance and spacetime translational invariance, which has as its 'Noether's charge' the relativistic stress-energy tensor, effectively amounting to overall relativistic energy and momentum conservation. Is this relativistic energy and momentum conservation a fundamental property of all physical theories like Lorentz covariance? I had for the longest time thought so, and so I had kind of thought that relativistic energy and momentum was the Noether's charge of the Lorentz covariance symmetry, but now I don't know about that at all.

I ask this question because it occurred to me, the relativistic Navier-stokes equations of fluid dynamics are derived simply by writing the Lorentz covariant Lagrangian, and writing down the equations for relativistic energy and momentum conservation. If relativistic energy and momentum conservation is fundamental among all known physical theories (amounting effectively to the fact that all physical theories have spacetime translational invariance), then we should be able to do a similar writing out of the equations for any such theory. But I don't see people doing that, so I fear I have it all wrong.

Basically, can someone clear up my confusion between Lorentz covariance and spacetime translational invariance? Which ones are more fundamental to all known physical theories? What are the Noether charges/currents? I again am sorry if this seems silly, it is just something to ponder.

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  • #2
The Lorentz group is generated by rotations and boosts. The Poincare group is generated by rotations, boosts, and translations.

Invariance under rotations leads to conservation of angular momentum. Invariance under translations leads to conservation of energy and momentum. Invariance under boosts leads to? See

Representation theory of the full Poincare group leads to relativistic wave equations like, e.g., the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations. For a little bit more on this, see
  • #3

Hi there,

Your question is not silly at all, it is actually a very interesting and important one. Let me try to provide some clarification on the concepts of Lorentz covariance and spacetime translational invariance.

Firstly, Lorentz covariance and spacetime translational invariance are both fundamental symmetries in physics, and they are closely related. Lorentz covariance refers to the invariance of physical laws under rotations and boosts (changes in velocity) in spacetime, while spacetime translational invariance refers to the invariance of physical laws under translations in spacetime (changes in position). These two symmetries are connected through the concept of spacetime, which combines space and time into a single four-dimensional entity.

Now, to answer your question about Noether's charge and its relation to these symmetries, let's start with Lorentz covariance. As you mentioned, the Lorentz group is a mathematical representation of these rotations and boosts in spacetime. When a physical theory is Lorentz covariant, it means that the equations of the theory remain unchanged under these transformations. This leads to the conservation of certain quantities, which are known as Noether's charges. In the case of Lorentz covariance, the Noether charge is the conserved quantity associated with the symmetry of rotations and boosts, and it is indeed the invariant dot product of energy and momentum that you mentioned.

Now, for spacetime translational invariance, the Noether charge is the conserved quantity associated with the symmetry of translations in spacetime. This quantity is known as the stress-energy tensor, which represents the energy and momentum density of a system. So, in a way, the Noether charge for spacetime translational invariance is the same as the one for Lorentz covariance, just expressed in a different form.

To summarize, both Lorentz covariance and spacetime translational invariance are fundamental symmetries in physics, and they are both associated with the conservation of certain quantities (Noether charges). The difference is that Lorentz covariance is related to rotations and boosts in spacetime, while spacetime translational invariance is related to translations in spacetime. Both are essential for understanding the behavior of physical systems, and they are closely connected through the concept of spacetime.

I hope this helps to clarify your confusion. Keep exploring and asking questions, as these concepts can be quite complex and

FAQ: Spacetime Translational Invariance vs(?) Lorentz Covariance

1. What is the difference between spacetime translational invariance and Lorentz covariance?

Spacetime translational invariance refers to the property of physical laws remaining unchanged under translations in space and time, meaning that the laws are the same regardless of where and when they are observed. On the other hand, Lorentz covariance refers to the property of physical laws remaining unchanged under Lorentz transformations, which include rotations and boosts in spacetime. In other words, while translational invariance refers to the invariance of laws under changes in position and time, Lorentz covariance refers to their invariance under changes in reference frames.

2. How do spacetime translational invariance and Lorentz covariance relate to each other?

Spacetime translational invariance and Lorentz covariance are closely related concepts in the field of physics. In fact, they are both fundamental principles that underlie many physical theories, including Einstein's theory of relativity. While spacetime translational invariance ensures that physical laws are the same for all observers regardless of their position and time, Lorentz covariance ensures that the laws are the same for all observers regardless of their motion.

3. Are spacetime translational invariance and Lorentz covariance always satisfied in physical theories?

In general, yes, spacetime translational invariance and Lorentz covariance are satisfied in physical theories. However, there are some exceptions, such as in certain theories that incorporate quantum mechanics or theories that deal with extreme conditions, like near a black hole. In these cases, modifications may need to be made to the principles in order to accurately describe the behavior of physical systems.

4. Can a physical law be Lorentz covariant but not spacetime translationally invariant?

No, a physical law cannot be Lorentz covariant but not spacetime translationally invariant. This is because spacetime translational invariance is a more fundamental principle that implies Lorentz covariance. In other words, if a physical law is invariant under translations in space and time, it automatically satisfies Lorentz covariance as well.

5. How do spacetime translational invariance and Lorentz covariance impact our understanding of the universe?

Spacetime translational invariance and Lorentz covariance are crucial concepts in modern physics that have greatly impacted our understanding of the universe. These principles are key components of Einstein's theory of relativity, which has revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. They also play a key role in other areas of physics, such as particle physics and cosmology, and have helped us develop a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the universe and its laws.

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