The Eightfold Way categories which groups of particles?

In summary, the conversation revolved around the Eightfold Way classification system for subatomic particles, specifically the categories of particles known as hadrons. There was some confusion and correction about the specific types of particles involved, with a mention of baryons and mesons as subcategories of hadrons. The conversation also touched on the concepts of Fermions and Bosons, as well as the arrangement of electrons in orbital shells. Ultimately, the answer was determined to be quirks, and KL Kam earned a point for correctly identifying them.
  • #1
The Eightfold Way categories which groups of particles?
Physics news on
  • #2
Finaly i have been waiting all day...yeaster day for this...damn you and your 1 hour behind me location.

Now the answer is quirks (i edited it...then i chnged it) but i will learn more about it so i can earn the point sub fairly

sorry i reread soemthing and saw hadons but when i changed it I dident look at you post but looking at the time stamp u beat me too it
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  • #3
"Eightfold Way, classification of subatomic particles known as hadrons into groups on the basis of their symmetrical properties.."
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  • #4
yea that was the one i read 1 minuet too late...damn you
check this little atom builder out here
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  • #6
Fermions and Bosons??
  • #7
Well there are two things I have heard of this. One deals with baryons (protons et al.)

The other deals with chemistry and the arrangement of electrons in orbital shells.
  • #8
baryons and mesons
  • #10
aretn those sub classes of hadons
  • #11
Yep, but that's the two particle answer I was looking for.

FAQ: The Eightfold Way categories which groups of particles?

1. What are the Eightfold Way categories?

The Eightfold Way categories refer to a classification scheme for subatomic particles proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and Yuval Ne'eman in the 1960s. These categories group particles based on their properties, such as spin, charge, and mass.

2. What are the categories of particles in the Eightfold Way?

The Eightfold Way categories include baryons, mesons, and leptons. Baryons are composite particles made of three quarks, while mesons are made of a quark and an antiquark. Leptons are fundamental particles that do not interact via the strong nuclear force.

3. How is the Eightfold Way related to the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Eightfold Way is considered a precursor to the Standard Model of particle physics, as it provided a framework for understanding the relationships between different particles. The Standard Model expanded upon the Eightfold Way by incorporating the concept of quarks and the strong and weak nuclear forces.

4. Why are the Eightfold Way categories important?

The Eightfold Way categories helped physicists organize and understand the vast array of subatomic particles that had been discovered at the time. It also provided a foundation for the development of the Standard Model and our current understanding of particle physics.

5. Have any new particles been discovered that do not fit into the Eightfold Way categories?

Yes, since the development of the Eightfold Way, many new particles have been discovered that do not fit into the original categories. These include exotic particles like pentaquarks and tetraquarks, as well as particles predicted by the Standard Model, such as the Higgs boson.

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