Reducing Diabetes: From 200 to 90 Before Breakfast

  • Thread starter anubodh
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In summary, there is no evidence to support the use of a specific seed for lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics. Anecdotal evidence and small clinical trials do not provide enough information to make a conclusion. It is best to consult with a medical doctor for proper treatment and management of diabetes.
  • #1
Can we reduce diabetes number from 200 to 90 (before breakfast) i.e. to normal by any way
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  • #2
Can you clarify your question? What "diabetes number" are you talking about?
  • #3
Diabetic number mean blood sugar number.
  • #4
Also if there is a way how much minimum time it will take.
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  • #5
By diabetic number I assume you mean milligrams per decilitre of blood sugar which should be around 90-100. I'm confused by the question though, before eating blood sugar levels are lower, in diabetics rising to around 180 after food. This then is reduced by insulin injections.
  • #6
I'm with Ryan, I'm still not really understanding your question. If a patient has a resting blood sugar of 200 before breakfast even, at this point they would be past most medications and require insulin (basal + short acting).

Patients in a pre-diabetic state for type II diabetes (blood sugar 100-125 mg/dl after a fast) or people early on with TIIDM ( fasting blood sugar >126 mg/dl) can control their blood sugar and HgbA1C (a better marker for diabetic control than day to day blood sugar, see link) through life-style modification. Such as; weight loss, diet control, exercise, etc.

The problem is though, its hard for people to implement and maintain life-style modifications, we are unfortunately, creatures of habit. Which means most people will require a medication to either lower insulin resistance, increase glucose uptake or a combination of both.

Even some patients with longer standing TIIDM will respond well to life-style modification, but this isn't the norm. As a patient's diabetes progresses the constant strain on the pancreas to produce more insulin causes it to "burn out". Early on in TIIDM the problem is more with insulin resistance, but as the disease progresses the problem changes to lack of insulin as well as resistance. At a certain point TII diabetics will become insulin dependent like classical type I diabetics (people who loose their islet cells and are unable to produce insulin, therefore are dependent on exogenous insulin).

I'm not sure if that's what you meant by "natural", but if that doesn't answer your question please clarify it.
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  • #7
Thank You for your replies.
I just want to ask 1 more thing that if a medicine (actually it's a seed and i don't know it's name) lowers blood sugar from 140 to 125)mg/dl in 5 days.
Is it an effective medicine or such a decrease is very low.
Further does any other seed like chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, fenugreek seeds are more effective than this or the seed i have used is better?
Thanks again.
  • #8
Higher morning blood sugar levels:
In the early morning hours there is normally an increased liver's rate of glycogen breakdown into glucose, which, in Type I diabetics, requires more insulin be delivered by an insulin pump, for example. Consequently blood sugar readings are typically higher in the morning as a reflection of this activity in diabetics generally.

If you are diabetic and trying to control it without medical help, you are making a bad mistake with unpleasant consequences. Get help from a medical doctor. Type II diabetes - or adult onset diabetes - is usually related to poor diet and obesity.

To answer your question: in a small clinical trial, powdered raw fenugreek seeds had clinical significance in lowering blood sugar.
  • #9
anubodh said:
Thank You for your replies.
I just want to ask 1 more thing that if a medicine (actually it's a seed and i don't know it's name) lowers blood sugar from 140 to 125)mg/dl in 5 days.
Is it an effective medicine or such a decrease is very low.

That's very poor, fast acting insulin is used to decrease blood sugar in a much faster time frame. I have to ask at this point if you are diabetic and are considering alternative medicines? If so I would strongly advise you to discuss any self-medication with your doctor. Even though it may be possible to find small clinical trials as Jim has that should not be an indication that you should use it, rather its best to stick to medicines that have been fully approved and are prescribed or advised by a doctor.
  • #10
Actually i don't have diabetes.
I have come across a seed that helps in diabetes.We have to take 1 seed a day and it completely reduced blood sugar of my father from 200 to 90 mg/dl (average) in a month (without any other medicine).
Also, i tried giving it to my uncle whose blood sugar reduced from 140 to 125 mg/dl in 5 days.
So, i wanted to do a research study on this seed (trying it on 50 people atleast).
But i only want to ask that is this seed worth doing the research or such a decrease is normal (without using any other medicine).
Please also tell that is this seed more effective than other seeds and could it be transformed into a successful drug?
Thank You
  • #11
You need the Latin name of the plant Example: Apium graveolans is the correct taxonomic name for celery.
So you need to look up the Latin name for the plant that makes those seeds, then google for it.
Like this:
nih: Apium graveolans blood glucose levels
Change celery to the name you want.

It is very likely the seed, if it works at all as you describe, has already been investigated. Do not believe those sits that want to you the seeds. You want peer reviewed science, not anecdotal stuff like: 'Aunt Mary told me about this secret wonder seed'

Note that in the US for example, you cannot patent (under the Plant Variety Protection Act and other legislation) the use of a commonly growing plant unless you (or somebody) have spent time and money breeding the plant to produce seeds with special properties.

FAQ: Reducing Diabetes: From 200 to 90 Before Breakfast

1. What is "Reducing Diabetes: From 200 to 90 Before Breakfast"?

"Reducing Diabetes: From 200 to 90 Before Breakfast" is a scientific study that focuses on finding ways to lower blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes before they have breakfast in the morning.

2. How is the study conducted?

The study involves a group of participants with diabetes who are monitored for their blood sugar levels before and after breakfast. They are then given various interventions, such as medication, diet changes, or exercise, to see how it affects their blood sugar levels.

3. What are the main findings of the study?

The study has found that implementing healthy lifestyle changes, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise, can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. Additionally, certain medications have also been shown to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels before breakfast.

4. How can the results of this study be applied to real-life situations?

The results of this study can be applied by healthcare professionals to develop personalized treatment plans for individuals with diabetes. It can also serve as a guide for individuals with diabetes to make informed decisions about their lifestyle choices to better manage their condition.

5. What are the implications of this study for the future treatment of diabetes?

This study highlights the importance of lifestyle modifications in managing diabetes and the potential benefits of certain medications. It also opens up avenues for further research on how to effectively reduce blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes before breakfast, leading to improved treatment options and outcomes for patients in the future.

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