Quantum Uncertainty vs. Universal Properties of Particles

In summary, the conversation discusses an experiment involving two electrons being placed in separate identical boxes and observing their properties. The speaker mentions that within the limits of experimental error, the results should be identical. However, they clarify that this does not mean the electrons are entangled, as there is no link between the boxes. The results simply show that quantum mechanics is consistent.
  • #1
If we have two electrons. Now put each one of them in a separate identical box and observe their properties, and collect as much information as possible, would you have obtain an identical result?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Originally posted by Hyperreality
If we have two electrons. Now put each one of them in a separate identical box and observe their properties, and collect as much information as possible, would you have obtain an identical result?

If you do the same experiment in each of the boxes you should get the same results, within the limits of experimental error.

What you cannot do is measure the position or energy of the particle in one box and the momentum or duration in the other, and then claim to have evaded the uncertainty principle. If the particles experience different measurements they will no longer be considered identical.
  • #3
If you do the same experiment in each of the boxes you should get the same results, within the limits of experimental error.

Does this mean that the two electrons are entangled?
  • #4
Originally posted by Hyperreality
Does this mean that the two electrons are entangled?

Certainly not. It just means QM is consistent. I am here assuming an experiment where the eigenvalues are degenerate, so the observable has a definite value. If you have many eigenvaues the different boxes could show different results. But there is no link between the boxes.

FAQ: Quantum Uncertainty vs. Universal Properties of Particles

1. What is quantum uncertainty?

Quantum uncertainty, also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time.

2. How does quantum uncertainty affect our understanding of particles?

Quantum uncertainty poses a challenge to our understanding of particles because it suggests that particles do not have precise, defined properties, but instead exist in a state of probability. This challenges the traditional concept of particles having fixed properties.

3. What are universal properties of particles?

Universal properties of particles refer to the fundamental characteristics and behaviors that are shared by all particles, regardless of their specific type or location. These properties include features such as mass, charge, and spin.

4. How do universal properties of particles differ from quantum uncertainty?

Universal properties of particles are observable and measurable, while quantum uncertainty suggests that certain properties of particles cannot be known with absolute certainty. Additionally, universal properties are consistent across all particles, while quantum uncertainty applies to individual particles and their behavior.

5. How do scientists reconcile quantum uncertainty with universal properties of particles?

Scientists have developed mathematical models and theories, such as quantum field theory, to explain how particles can have both fixed properties and also exist in a state of uncertainty. These models help to reconcile the seemingly contradictory principles of quantum uncertainty and universal properties of particles.

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