What is the Unique Design of the New Railway Station in Spain?

  • Thread starter xexus
  • Start date
In summary, the building is a tubular design with two metal columns in the middle and holes cut out for lighting. It is supported by two compressed air supports and two cables. It is designed to be a 'building' and a 'railway station'.


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  • #1
Here is a new building in Spain.
It's 36 meters flying on air over two compressed supports, and two cables.
What do you think about??

You can see this in http://www.subarquitectura.com" website of SUBARQUITECTURA studio in Spain.

Thank you!


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  • #2
What the hell is that link? :confused: All that I got was a screen full of asterisks chasing my cursor around.
  • #3
I think those photos show a pretty good station, it sure beats some plastic moulded construction with broken panels and tramps' piss.

That link was rubbish though, would a mod sort it out?
  • #4
One good wind --- couple hundred mashed people. Artists should never be licensed to practice architecture.
  • #5
That was my thought: power outage = splat! Until I see a funtional link to a reliable source, I'm going on the assumption that it's a trick photo of some kind.
  • #6
Danger said:
What the hell is that link? :confused: All that I got was a screen full of asterisks chasing my cursor around.
Hit the gravity on button and they don't chase you anymore :biggrin:
  • #7
Okay, that worked... but the site still sucks.
  • #8
wow, that looks superb!
  • #9

What the hell is that?
A floating object over the people's heads...
I think there's a long way to do in architechture, but these people are starting something interesenting in my humble point of view...
Good luck! and congratulations!
  • #10
My choice for a vote would be -- Interesting.

But I have a similar concern to those expressed by Bystander and Danger - is the structure sound under all conceiveable conditions - including wind, storms, loss of power?

Two 'compressed' air supports and two cables.

Hopefully if the air compression fails, it gently settles down giving time for people underneath to move away. :rolleyes:
  • #11
Er, looking at the picture I do not see any 'compression air supports' (which would need a system of vents on the platform) nor do I see any cables. What I do see are two grey metal columns supporting the structure from the middle.

I would like more information on how it is supporting, I tried to find some but came up empty handed.

I like how spain has taken many modern designs in their cities.
  • #12
Definetly need to see those structural blueprints :smile:
  • #13
cyrusabdollahi said:
What I do see are two grey metal columns supporting the structure from the middle.
Well, I wrote those off as being an elevator shaft in the middle of the back end and a stairwell coming up from the back corner, until I realized that neither shows up in the other two pictures. Upon further study, going by the size of the man on the sidewalk as reference, both would be too small for that. In fact, the whole thing looks like a tubularly cross-braced hollow rectangular shell with holes in it. I can see absolutely no purpose to it.
  • #14
:confused: Stairwell? It's all ground level, there is no stairwell. Think of a metrobus station. Same thing. Look at the pictures, those metal columns are in every picture. The purpose of those holes is asthetic when it lights up at night. And those are cross braces do not look structural, they are fluorescent lamps for lighting.

(Yes, there are a *FEW* cross braces that are structual within that mess of lamps.)

Edit: See this pic


You can see him WELDING the columns on the structure.
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  • #15
cyrusabdollahi said:
It's all ground level
How do you figure?! The base of that thing is ten feet or so off of the ground. I stand corrected about the pillars; the near one appeared to be inside about half-way across in the one picture, and in the background in the others. The diagonal, which I guess is actually part of a construction crane, is what I at first took to be a staircase. I didn't even see the other vertical. In any event, those two together could not possibly hold up a cantilever structure of those dimensions unless it's made out of plastic. There's certainly no way you're going to get people in it.
  • #16
People in it? People go under it. The people have no effect on the weight of the stucture. It's like a metro bus station. It's simply a roof over their heads, nothing more. The people stand ground level.

Why can't it hold it up, its just a big hollow box. (In fact it does hold it up, the picture is proof!) Most of the weight is further removed with the holes cut out of it; besides, the holes allow the air to vent through preventing some pressure forces from developing due to winds.

Just look at the picture of it.

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  • #17
Well, that picture makes a lot more sense. The perspective was all screwed up in the others.
The reason that I thought of people being in it was that the OP called it a 'building' and a 'railway station'. That might be a language ambiguity. To me, both imply an occupied structure. This appears to just be a big bus-stop.

FAQ: What is the Unique Design of the New Railway Station in Spain?

1. What is the purpose of building a new railway station in Spain?

The purpose of building a new railway station in Spain is to improve the country's transportation infrastructure and provide more efficient and convenient travel options for both residents and visitors.

2. Where will the new railway station be located?

The exact location of the new railway station in Spain has not been announced yet. However, it is likely to be built in a central location that is easily accessible and well-connected to other transportation hubs.

3. When will the new railway station be completed?

The construction timeline for the new railway station in Spain has not been finalized. However, it is expected to take several years to plan, design, and build the station, so it may not be completed for several more years.

4. How will the new railway station benefit the local economy?

The new railway station in Spain is expected to bring a boost to the local economy by creating jobs during the construction phase and providing more convenient travel options for tourists, potentially increasing tourism revenue. It may also attract businesses and investment to the surrounding area.

5. Will the new railway station have any environmentally friendly features?

While the exact details have not been announced, it is likely that the new railway station in Spain will incorporate environmentally friendly features such as energy-efficient lighting, sustainable building materials, and possibly even solar panels to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability.

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