Electric field, solid sphere inside hollow sphere

In summary, an electric field is a physical quantity that describes the influence of a charged object on other charged objects in its surroundings. It is created by the presence of charged particles and is represented by a vector. A solid sphere has a uniform distribution of charge while a hollow sphere has a concentrated distribution, affecting the strength and direction of the electric field. The presence of a solid sphere inside a hollow sphere can alter the electric field in its surroundings. The mathematical equations for calculating the electric field inside and outside a solid sphere inside a hollow sphere are E = kQ/r^2 and E = kQ/R^3 * r, respectively.
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Physics news on Phys.org
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Eastonc2 said:
wouldn't the electric field between the solid sphere and the hollow sphere be a uniform field?
No. Why would you think it would?

FAQ: Electric field, solid sphere inside hollow sphere

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical quantity that describes the influence a charged object has on other charged objects in its surroundings. It is represented by a vector and is measured in units of Newtons per Coulomb (N/C).

2. How is an electric field created?

An electric field is created by the presence of charged particles, such as electrons or protons. These particles exert a force on other charged particles in their surroundings, thus creating an electric field.

3. What is the difference between a solid sphere and a hollow sphere in terms of electric fields?

A solid sphere has a uniform distribution of charge throughout its volume, while a hollow sphere has a concentrated distribution of charge on its surface. This difference affects the strength and direction of the electric field for each type of sphere.

4. How does a solid sphere inside a hollow sphere affect the electric field?

The presence of a solid sphere inside a hollow sphere can alter the electric field in its surroundings. The electric field inside the solid sphere remains unchanged, but the electric field outside the solid sphere is affected by the presence of the hollow sphere and its surface charge distribution.

5. What is the mathematical equation for calculating the electric field inside and outside a solid sphere inside a hollow sphere?

The electric field inside the solid sphere can be calculated using the equation E = kQ/r^2, where k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge of the solid sphere, and r is the distance from the center of the solid sphere. The electric field outside the solid sphere can be calculated using the equation E = kQ/R^3 * r, where R is the radius of the hollow sphere and r is the distance from the center of the hollow sphere.

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