Why 8 Gluons? Explaining the Mysterious Dual Charge of Gluons

  • Thread starter Kalimaa23
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In summary, the colorless combination is the state in which a particle can never change its color. This leaves us with 8 gluons.
  • #1

I found a puzzling reference in my EP-course, that basically says :

"Gluon cary a dual charge, one colour and one anticolour. This means one can have 3²=9 combinations."

So far, so good. But then :

"We have to substract one colourless combination. This leaves us with 8 gluons."

Huh? Why one colourless combination? I can see three :


Which would leave us with 6 gluons, which is obviouly wrong. Can anyone explain this to me?

Thanks in advance,

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  • #2
'Colorless' means color singlet in this context, of which there is only one type:

[tex] \Psi_c =\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} (r\bar{r}+b\bar{b}+g\bar{g}) [/tex]
  • #3
Technically, SU(3) has 8 generators, while U(3) has 9. Why SU() instead of U()?
  • #4
My prior knowledge of this matter is rather limited.
I see what the colourless combination looks like. What about the others? What do they look like?
  • #5
arivero said:
Technically, SU(3) has 8 generators, while U(3) has 9. Why SU() instead of U()?

I haven't got the slightest idea. Something to do with inversion symmetry? Parity? :confused:
  • #6
Dimitri Terryn said:

I found a puzzling reference in my EP-course, that basically says :

"Gluon cary a dual charge, one colour and one anticolour. This means one can have 3²=9 combinations."

So far, so good. But then :

"We have to substract one colourless combination. This leaves us with 8 gluons."

Huh? Why one colourless combination? I can see three :


Which would leave us with 6 gluons, which is obviouly wrong. Can anyone explain this to me?

Thanks in advance,


Roughly, there would be nine, but there are algebraic relations since the matrices of SU(3) are unitary. This knocks out one degree of freedom. The situation is that if you know any eight, you can solve for the ninth, so there are really only eight independent generators.
  • #7
selfAdjoint said:
Roughly, there would be nine, but there are algebraic relations since the matrices of SU(3) are unitary. This knocks out one degree of freedom. The situation is that if you know any eight, you can solve for the ninth, so there are really only eight independent generators.
Well, this is quite vague. What is meant here is that indeed you only need eight generators in order to describe the entire symmetry group (local SU(3)-colour-symmetry). These generators really are the conserved quantity at hand, which is in this case colour. Basically this means that when particles with colour interact (like gluons and quarks and...) the total net-colour needs to be conserved (this works just like energy conservation).
A coloursinglet is a state describing a particle of which the "colour-part" cannot change when you perform colour-tranformations on it (think of these colourtransformations as rotations and they are the actual inhabitants of the SU(3)-colour-world). A particle that is a singulet is observable. So quarks on themselves are NOT observable for this reason : they carry an overall colour (R,G or B). Now watch it: a red-antired quark may seem white but it is NO coloursingulet. And being really or truly white means being a coloursinglet.

In grouptheory, you can prove that if a local symmetrygroup has dimension N, there will always be N²-1 generators that generate the transformations under which the physical quantities (like a lagrangian) need to be invariant...

But this is all math. A more physical interpretation is this one : If the wavefunction of some gluon is completely white, then there is no colour and no interaction can go on. Basically this state is a singulet which means that it can never change (no change in charge, and so on...). Now for a gluonstate to be white there is ONE condition: the particle cannot have any preference for any colour. This means that the gluon must be red-antired, green-antigreen, AND blue-antiblue.

Now incorporating some normalization-constants we have that : the
white gluon is (red-antired + blue-antiblue + green-antigreen)/sqrt(3).

For example there are two kinds of wavefunctions that are not actually white: (red-antired -green-antigreen)/sqrt(6)
and (red-antired + green-antigreen -2*blue-antiblue)/sqrt(6).

These two gluons can interact without changing
the color of a quark, but they are not completely white.Indeed, colourcharges interact via the exchange of colour. So the singlet state cannot interact because it cannot change its colours. that's why it is a singlet !Now, a red-antired gluon is indeed white BUT NO SINGLET because the colour can be changed. Indeed the total colour is white but so is the total colour of a blue-antiblue gluon so it can change into that for example. You see the difference between being white and being TRULY white ?That is the main point

An analogous things happens in the quantum information theory. Suppose you have a wavefunction that is a superposition of spin up and down. Suppose that the probability for measuring the spins along some axis is 1/2 then you really know nothing at all do you ?This same thing happens with the TRULY white wavefunction. For this reason all combinations that yield white must be included

Check out my journal for more info...


ps : veel succes met de QFT-studie Dimitri...geniet ervan... :wink:
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  • #8
BTW this is a very good question Dimitri...

  • #9
arivero said:
Technically, SU(3) has 8 generators, while U(3) has 9. Why SU() instead of U()?

Because SU(3) is a local symmetry-group and U(3) is global. the rule is that the number of generators of a local group of dimension N is N²-1. Besides the -1 comes from the fact that SU(N)-matrices are unitary and traceless

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  • #10
marlon said:
Besides the -1 comes from the fact that SU(N)-matrices are unitary and traceless.



Jesus,Marlon,it's your area of expertise.QCD,remember??Group theory,remember?How can u say that?

SU(N) matrices are unitary and have determinant "+1".Generators of the matrices which form the Cartan subalgebra (of the Lie algebra su(n) of the group SU(N)) are traceless,not the matrices form SU(N).

That's a shocker,Marlon... :rolleyes: Didn't expect that...And u're saying all things about me... :wink: :rolleyes:


PS.U've written that thing at almost 2 a.m.Yet fatigue it's not an excuse.Not in this case...
  • #11
Hi DIMITRI, oe ist ?

Hi Dimitri, I indeed made a mistake in stating that SU(N) matrices are traceless. Of course they are NOT...Sorry for that...

Any unitary matrix U can be written as U =exp(iH) where H is a matrix with the property that [tex]H^{+} = H[/tex]

Given the fact that det(U) = exp(iTr(H)) where Tr denotes the trace, we can conclude that all generators of SU(N) are hermitic and traceless N*N-matrices. Because of hermiticity you have N² matrices and the need to be traceless gives an extra condition so in toto you have N²-1 matrices that obey these two conditins at the same time. Thus N²-1 generators for SU(N)...

That is the complete picture...

ps : let niet op de onvolledige verklaring van dextercioby, de laatste dagen doet die niets anders als mij willen verbeteren... :rolleyes:

  • #12
Thanks a lot Marlon. Mind you, this is only an introductory course. Next semester I'll have a decent QED course... Then I'll be around with more questions :-p
  • #13
Dimitri Terryn said:
Thanks a lot Marlon. Mind you, this is only an introductory course. Next semester I'll have a decent QED course... Then I'll be around with more questions :-p

And we shall be ready to help you out at any given time on any given place... :cool:

  • #14
marlon said:

In grouptheory, you can prove that if a local symmetrygroup has dimension N, there will always be N²-1 generators that generate the transformations under which the physical quantities (like a lagrangian) need to be invariant...

But this is all math.

Just a comment: it's not a question of local vs gauge symmetry whether the number of generator is N^2-1. It's just a question of which group is involved. SU(N) has N^2-1 generators, U(N) has N^2 generators. This is the math part.

Now, which of this group is a local (gauge) symmetry group is a matter of experimental verification, not of mathematics. It turns out QCD is SU(3), but
Nature could have chosen U(3) (in which case the world would be quite different!)

  • #15
nrqed said:
Just a comment: it's not a question of local vs gauge symmetry whether the number of generator is N^2-1. It's just a question of which group is involved. SU(N) has N^2-1 generators, U(N) has N^2 generators. This is the math part.
I agree...

Now, which of this group is a local (gauge) symmetry group is a matter of experimental verification, not of mathematics. It turns out QCD is SU(3), but
Nature could have chosen U(3) (in which case the world would be quite different!)


Depends on how you look at it. I do see your point and i agree. However, just look at how the eightfoldway was born. Basically the SU(3) representation was born because via tensor-products of this fundamental representation we could construct the mathematical formalism (using baryons and mesons) that would correspond to the results of the eightfolds...

Just a some way to look at it and this is what i intended.


FAQ: Why 8 Gluons? Explaining the Mysterious Dual Charge of Gluons

1. Why are there specifically 8 gluons in the Standard Model?

The number 8 comes from the mathematical theory of SU(3), which is the symmetry group that describes the strong interaction between quarks. This group has 8 generators, which correspond to the 8 different types of gluons.

2. How do gluons contribute to the strong nuclear force?

Gluons carry the color charge, which is the property that allows quarks to interact through the strong nuclear force. Gluons mediate the exchange of this force between quarks, holding them together within the nucleus of an atom.

3. Are gluons massless particles?

According to the Standard Model, gluons are considered to be massless particles. However, there is still ongoing research and debate about the possibility of gluons having a small mass that has not yet been detected.

4. How are gluons different from other force-carrying particles?

Gluons are unique in that they carry both a color charge and an anti-color charge, unlike other force-carrying particles like photons which are electrically neutral. This allows gluons to interact with each other, resulting in the strong force being confined to small distances.

5. Can gluons exist independently or do they always exist in pairs?

In the same way that photons can exist independently or in pairs, gluons can also exist as single particles or in pairs. However, due to their strong interaction with each other, gluons tend to form bound states and are rarely observed as individual particles in nature.
