Godel's rotating universe theory

In summary, Kurt Godel's "rotating universe" is a solution to the Einstein Field Equations that he discovered in 1949. This universe has an unphysical metric, allowing for the existence of closed timelike curves. These curves could potentially allow for time travel to the past. However, some argue that the term "rotating" is not accurate as it suggests the universe itself is rotating around an axis, when it may just involve a circular or closed time loop. The concept of the "Compass of the Inertia" is also discussed in Godel's article titled "An Example of a New Type of Cosmological Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations of Gravitation".
  • #1
Gold Member
can someone please explain to me this theory of kurt godel?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
"Godel's rotating universe", also called "Godel's Universe",
is a solution that godel found in 1949 to the Einstein Field Equations
In this universe, the metric is unphysical, because there exist something called closed timelike curves.
If you enter in some of these timelike curves, you can return to the past.
  • #3
Originally posted by meteor
"Godel's rotating universe", also called "Godel's Universe",
is a solution that godel found in 1949 to the Einstein Field Equations
In this universe, the metric is unphysical, because there exist something called closed timelike curves.
If you enter in some of these timelike curves, you can return to the past.

I would not call that 'rotating' but merely a circular or closed time loop instead.
Rotating seems to mean that the universe itself rotates around some fix axis, which is probably not what is being meant.
  • #4
I think it meant rptating space.
  • #5
Does anyone know what is the Compass of the Inertia ? It is in the Godel's article .
"An Example of a New Type of Cosmological Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations of Gravitation",Reviews of Modern Physics vol: 21 July,1949 Pages:447-450
Many Thanks

FAQ: Godel's rotating universe theory

1. What is Godel's rotating universe theory?

Godel's rotating universe theory is a mathematical model proposed by Austrian mathematician Kurt Godel in 1949. It suggests that the universe could be rotating, which would allow for the possibility of time travel and the existence of closed time-like curves.

2. How does Godel's theory differ from the traditional Big Bang theory?

Unlike the Big Bang theory, which proposes a universe that is expanding and non-rotating, Godel's theory suggests a universe that is infinitely large, rotating, and without a beginning or end. This concept challenges the traditional notion of a linear, cause-and-effect timeline.

3. What evidence supports Godel's rotating universe theory?

While there is no direct evidence for Godel's theory, it is supported by mathematical equations and models. Additionally, some observations of the large-scale structure of the universe, such as the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, could be explained by a rotating universe.

4. What are the implications of Godel's theory on time travel?

If Godel's theory is correct, it would allow for the possibility of time travel through the use of closed time-like curves. These are paths in which an object could travel and end up at the same point in space and time, essentially creating a loop.

5. Is Godel's rotating universe theory widely accepted?

Godel's rotating universe theory is a controversial idea and is not widely accepted in the scientific community. It goes against the traditional understanding of the universe and has not been supported by observational evidence. However, it remains a subject of interest and further research in the field of theoretical physics.
