What is the Best Saxophone Song?

  • Thread starter Evo
  • Start date
In summary, some of the best songs are "Baker Street" by Gerry Rafferty, "Guns N Roses, Sweet Child O' Mine." by Axl Rose, "Bruce Springsteen - "tunnel of love"" by Led Zeppelin, "Honor thy Father" by Dream Theater, and "Octavarium" by Dream Theater.
  • #2,346
[I hadn't listened to Animals in a very, very long time... I can't even remember! Thanks for the reminder]

... and The Machine - one of my absolute favorites

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  • #2,347
The Fall
Marc E. Smith: the Francis Bacon of Music
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  • #2,348
Ivan Seeking said:
... and The Machine - one of my absolute favorites

And from the same album,


I haven't found any Pink Floyd that isn't my favorite. :!)
  • #2,349
dlgoff said:
And from the same album,


I haven't found any Pink Floyd that isn't my favorite. :!)

Same here. :biggrin: I really can't think of a single song they did that I didn't like. There have been a lot of great bands but Floyd was in a league of their own.

  • #2,350
I've always liked this one


Metal wins, too.

  • #2,351
Ivan Seeking said:
Same here. :biggrin: I really can't think of a single song they did that I didn't like. There have been a lot of great bands but Floyd was in a league of their own.

I agree. Pink Floyd was when of the greatest bands of the 70's and early 80's. I mentioned them in a previous GD thread, the "Best Songs of the 80's":

SW VandeCarr said:
When you ask a question like this, you get a lot of personal favorites. The most prominent figure in popular music in the 80's was Michael Jackson. Other major figures include Madonna, Bon Jove, Duran Duran, Bruce Springsteen, Abba and Axel Rose. None of these are my personal favorite. I like Fleetwood Mac and Heart, but I consider these to be 70's bands. Nothing in the 80's really impressed me that much except maybe Pink Floyd which is not really an 80's group except for the fact that the The Wall was released in Nov, 1979 and is was on the charts for most of 1980. I like all the tacks on this album, particularly the title tracks, named Another Brick in the Wall I and II.

Having said that, there's much more to the music universe than pop/rock. I think my post 2344 deserves a listen if you haven't already. To me, this music has a natural attraction. You don't have to "learn" to like it.
  • #2,352
SW VandeCarr said:
I agree. Pink Floyd was when of the greatest bands of the 70's and early 80's. I mentioned them in a previous GD thread, the "Best Songs of the 80's":

I would go a good bit further with that thought. I personally rate Floyd as at least a strong contender for the best band in my lifetime. I am hard pressed to think of any rock band whose music has impacted my life [produced as much enjoyment] as Floyd. Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here alone [one tape] nearly wore out my reel-to-reel. :biggrin: If we consider the cultural impact of the music, Floyd definitely generated a long-lived, "religious", cult following. And their music is still popular with a good percentage of the younger crowd - a real testament to their staying power some 30-40 years later. From an artistic perspective, as I said in all sincerity, I consider Floyd to be in a league of their own. They are a genre of one.
Having said that, there's much more to the music universe than pop/rock. I think my post 2344 deserves a listen if you haven't already. To me, this music has a natural attraction. You don't have to "learn" to like it.

Apparentlly you missed the part where Evo was threatening to ban me for posting Jackie Evancho videos. :biggrin: Her performance of Nessun Dorma, in her Sarasota [PBS] performance, is for me, breathtaking...
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  • #2,353
CSN's Wooden Ships.

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  • #2,354
Carrying on my renegade, grenade, trans-topic topic of my own...


There's things I am, and there's things I'm not... I ain't no... Treetop Flyer...

but I do admire them.

thank you turbo, for the CSN preemtive strike.
  • #2,355
SW VandeCarr said:
... there's much more to the music universe than pop/rock.

Any style of music if preformed well with feelings can bring tears of joy to me.
  • #2,356
turbo said:
CSN's Wooden Ships.

Seems fitting to add a little Young.


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  • #2,357

After the Goldrush.

I always thought that was the coolest song in the world.

I must go to bed now.
  • #2,358
OmCheeto said:
Carrying on my renegade, grenade, trans-topic topic of my own...


There's things I am, and there's things I'm not... I ain't no... Treetop Flyer...

but I do admire them.

thank you turbo, for the CSN preemtive strike.
Thanks, Om! This is my favorite later Stills presentation. The version I hear on the radio doesn't include the crowd-noise (probably mic-selection before mixing the popular version) though I feel that this editing could be a real mistake.

If you've got a hot tune with crowd response, go with it. I'm no Stills, but when I wish that at least some of my open-mic jams could have been recorded with crowd-noises so I could post them. The musicians that came to those non-paying (for them) gigs were there for the music, not the money, and some of them were killer.
  • #2,359
Okay kids, if you want to hear REAL 70s pop, this is the definition.


And here is another one from which there was no escape on AM radio [FM was still somewhat renegade back then. For example, most cars only had AM radio].

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  • #2,360
Chi Meson said:
The Fall
Marc E. Smith: the Francis Bacon of Music

Really nice, thanks!
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  • #2,361
Some more antipodean 80's music, like the lyrics.
  • #2,362

you know you played too many video games as a kid when this song gives you the shivers
  • #2,363
Joe Cocker, Leon Russell 1970

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  • #2,364
SW VandeCarr said:
I think my post 2344 deserves a listen if you haven't already. To me, this music has a natural attraction. You don't have to "learn" to like it.
That brought back memories of listening to Segovia records when I was kid. I couldn't find a Segovia version of Asturias on youtube that I like as well as the John Williams version you posted.

Here's some more great guitar tunes:

r2Xdlgii-Rc[/youtube] [MEDIA=youtub...om/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=0iX8tsA0N7E
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  • #2,365
turbo said:
Thanks, Om! This is my favorite later Stills presentation. The version I hear on the radio doesn't include the crowd-noise (probably mic-selection before mixing the popular version) though I feel that this editing could be a real mistake.

If you've got a hot tune with crowd response, go with it. I'm no Stills, but when I wish that at least some of my open-mic jams could have been recorded with crowd-noises so I could post them. The musicians that came to those non-paying (for them) gigs were there for the music, not the money, and some of them were killer.
I too really like this (thank you Om) -- with the crowd stuff. I've always liked Stills' tunes, his guitar playing, and his voice. I don't recall hearing this one before though.
  • #2,366
ThomasT said:
That brought back memories of listening to Segovia records when I was kid. I couldn't find a Segovia version of Asturias on youtube that I like as well as the John Williams version you posted.

I'm a great fan of Segovia. There is a Segovia version on YT. I debated whether to post his or Williams'. The Williams version is a bit sharper IMO (and less subtle). I guess you thought the same if this is the one you heard.


BTW, how do you keep on getting banned and coming back? We miss you here. Maybe you could copy me and others in a PM. In any case, stop misbehaving!

EDIT: Thanks for the additional postings.
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  • #2,367
A couple of songs I like because they just have a great tune to them.

I may have already posted this one.

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  • #2,368
SW VandeCarr said:
I'm a great fan of Segovia. There is a Segovia version on YT. I debated whether to post his or Williams'. The Williams version is a bit sharper IMO (and less subtle). I guess you thought the same if this is the one you heard.

I listened to several. They were all from when Segovia was really old I think. Anyway, I liked the Williams version the best of many other great guitarists' versions that I listened to as well. As you note, it has a sharpness and clarity. Also, it's not too fast or too slow but just the right tempo, imo. But all the versions were great, imo. Youtube is a great resource. I hope it doesn't get taken away from us.

SW VandeCarr said:
BTW, how do you keep on getting banned and coming back?
Well, one gets temporarily banned for 10 days, and then one returns. I suppose that if I were to get banned again it wouldn't be temporary. So, I'm trying really hard not to write anything vulgar, or to insult any persons, ethnicities, races, nationalities, organizations or institutions.

The fact is, I'm really not mad at anybody. It's just that sometimes, after a few shots of tequila or whatever, I say things meant to stimulate discussion (or meant to be humorous) in a way that contradicts the rules of the forum. So ... I get banned, as I should.
I suppose you might say that I get banned (and/or infracted) due to intermittent phraseological ineptitude. :smile:

SW VandeCarr said:
We miss you here. Maybe you could copy me and others in a PM.
That's nice of you to say. We should become PF friends ... for however long it might last. :smile: If only because it seems that we have similar taste in music. But also, I enjoy your thoughtful posts.

SW VandeCarr said:
In any case, stop misbehaving!
It's a learning process, and I think I'm learning.
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  • #2,369
OmCheeto said:
I always thought that was the coolest song in the world.
Thanks for the version you posted. I've always especially liked Neil Young's stuff as well. Most unique, original, and well done, imo.

Here's the original studio version:
1e3m_T-NMOs[/youtube] [MEDIA=youtube]1e3m_T-NMOs[/MEDIA]
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  • #2,370
Ivan Seeking said:
From an artistic perspective, as I said in all sincerity, I consider Floyd to be in a league of their own. They are a genre of one.
I agree. As all creators of great original music are. Thanks for your Pink Floyd postings. Most enjoyable.
  • #2,371
ThomasT said:
[snip] In those days I was still fiddling with an acoustic guitar, a bit (a very small bit) of piano, some violin (literally fiddling), flute, recorder, trumpet, trombone, sax, etc. The intricacies and subtleties of electric guitar playing were, and still are, beyond me, though I think I can hear and appreciate much of it. I admire the people who can do things with an electric guitar that I really enjoy and can only imagine being able to do.

Very impressive. I play the harmonica, harp, violin, and drums. :smile: Oh my, I need a happy song since I injured my achilles tendon on each leg. Took a bad tumble three times and well...I need a tune to soothe my aches and horrid pain. Can you think of a tune that will make me laugh my woes away? Anybody? Somebody?

Pretty please.
  • #2,372
This is presented to ViewsofMars in the hope that ViewsofMars will reciprocate with a tune and a view of Mars (preferably in Technicolor, and, please, something other than the giant volcanic mountain, the 'face', or the 'canals'). I'm not sure what that leaves.

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  • #2,374
ThomasT said:
This is presented to ViewsofMars in the hope that ViewsofMars will reciprocate with a tune and a view of Mars (preferably in Technicolor, and, please, something other than the giant volcanic mountain, the 'face', or the 'canals'). I'm not sure what that leaves.

Thomas, Frank Zappa - Muffin Man is not my cup of tea. The guy is a freak'n weirdo though I admit he makes me chuckle! :smile: Fortunately, I picked up the telephone and confirmed it with a dear friend. (lol) Well, it appears you want to see me. I will describe what I look like for you. ( No one can read this but YOU! tee-hee) Woman: green eyes, long sandy blonde hair, petite, 105lbs, smiling :biggrin: and ankle & legs hurting.) The first song that came to my mind is Cat Stevens - Moonshadow:

Listening to it right now and feeling much better! Thanks Thomas:biggrin:

Looks like you changed your mind from the the Muffin Man to another song! Sneeky you! lol!
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  • #2,375
ViewsofMars said:
Listening to it right now and feeling much better! Thanks Thomas:biggrin:
You're welcome. Glad you're feeling better.

ViewsofMars said:
Looks like you changed your mind from the the Muffin Man to another song!
The second one is funnier, imo.
  • #2,376
Ivan Seeking said:
From an artistic perspective, as I said in all sincerity, I consider Floyd to be in a league of their own.

Agreed, but there are still others worth of listening to.

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  • #2,377
Borek said:
Agreed, but there are still others worth of listening to.
Copland rocks! It's cool. In fact it looks very cool there.
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  • #2,378
  • #2,379
I can't post links yet but I would have to go with Stairway to Heaven.
  • #2,380
jeff1909 said:
I can't post links yet but I would have to go with Stairway to Heaven.



The original studio version comes up as a choice at the end of this video. It has a better volume level than the ones I found for direct download from YT.
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