This relativistic kinetic energy equation makes no sense to me

In summary, the "relativistic kinetic energy" equation presented in the e-book "Relativity: The Special and General Theory" states that the kinetic energy of a material point is given by mc^2/(squareroot)1-v^2/c^2, which can be expanded into a series. This equation may seem unfamiliar, but it is equivalent to the traditional 1/2mv^2 for non-relativistic speeds. The difference between an equation and formula is that an equation declares that two objects have the same value, while a formula is a mathematical machine used to calculate a result based on known inputs.
  • #1
This "relativistic kinetic energy" equation makes no sense to me

Presently, I'm reading an e-book I found on the internet titled "Relativity: The Special and General Theory", which may or may not have been written by Albert Einstein. Here's the part which has me in deep patatoes:

In accordance with the theory of relativity the kinetic energy of a material point of mass m is no longer given by the well−known expression:

1/2 mv^2

but by the expression:

mc^2 / (squareroot)1 - v^2/c^2

The author then mentions developing the equation into a series. I just can't understand how the second equation can represent kinetic energy.

Also, what's the difference between an equation and formula?
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  • #2
JJ said:
Presently, I'm reading an e-book I found on the internet titled "Relativity: The Special and General Theory", which may or may not have been written by Albert Einstein.

Einstein did write it.

The author then mentions developing the equation into a series.

Right. Express K as:

K=gmc2-mc2, then expand g in powers of v/c. The leading term in the expansion will be mc2, which will cancel with the -mc2 in the expression for K. The surviving leading term will be (1/2)mv2.

I just can't understand how the second equation can represent kinetic energy.

Do the expansion, and you'll see it.

Also, what's the difference between an equation and formula?

Both have an = sign, so none that I can see.
  • #3
binomial expansion

JJ said:
The author then mentions developing the equation into a series. I just can't understand how the second equation can represent kinetic energy.
Keep reading and studying and it will start to make sense. :smile:

By using the binomial theorem, one can show that for normal, non-relativistic speeds--where v/c is small--that expression for relativistic KE is equivalent to the ordinary definition of 1/2mV2. (That's what they mean by writing the equation as a series.) Here's a site that works it out:

So, the expression is not that strange after all.

Note: Oops... Tom beat me to it!
  • #4
Well, I've never learned series, so that's why it flew over my head.
  • #5
So the kinetic energy of an object would be the second equation minus mc^2? It gives good results when I test it. My calculator has a habit of rounding off numbers, how can i fix it?
  • #6
JJ said:
I just can't understand how the second equation can represent kinetic energy.
It removes the rest energy, so, whatever is left over must be kinetic.

JJ said:
Also, what's the difference between an equation and formula?
An equation relates two mathematical objects by declaring that they have the same value. It may or may not impose subordination of one object to another. A formula is a mathematical machine from which you put in your knowns to get a meaningful result. Subordination of the result is implied.

FAQ: This relativistic kinetic energy equation makes no sense to me

1. What is the relativistic kinetic energy equation?

The relativistic kinetic energy equation, also known as the Einstein's mass-energy equivalence formula, is given by E=mc², where E represents the energy, m represents the mass, and c represents the speed of light in a vacuum.

2. How does this equation differ from the classical kinetic energy equation?

The classical kinetic energy equation, given by K=1/2mv², is only valid for objects with low velocities compared to the speed of light. The relativistic kinetic energy equation takes into account the effects of special relativity at high velocities, where the classical equation would not be accurate.

3. Why does this equation not make sense to me?

This equation may seem counterintuitive because it suggests that a small amount of mass can be converted into a large amount of energy. This is due to the fact that the speed of light is a very large number, making c² a very large factor in the equation.

4. What are some practical applications of this equation?

This equation has significant implications in nuclear physics and has been used in the development of nuclear power and weapons. It also helps explain the energy released in nuclear reactions and the behavior of particles at high speeds in particle accelerators.

5. Can this equation be applied to everyday situations?

While the equation is most commonly used in the field of physics, it can also be applied to everyday situations. For example, the equation can help explain why stars and other celestial bodies produce such large amounts of energy and why small amounts of matter can create powerful explosions in nuclear reactions.

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