Reason for taking birth control pills

In summary: On the other hand, there are also those who take birth control pills for other reasons, like to regulate their periods, lessen symptoms of PMS, or to prevent pregnancy.There are also those who take birth control pills for other reasons, like to regulate their periods, lessen symptoms of PMS, or to prevent pregnancy.
  • #1
Reason for taking "birth control" pills

One time my sister told me she was taking 'birth control' pills. She has never had sex. She never does either. I asked her why she was taking them and she couldn't give me an answer. So my question is, why would someone take them if they have no risk of getting pregnant?
Biology news on
  • #3

JerryClower said:
One time my sister told me she was taking 'birth control' pills. She has never had sex. She never does either. I asked her why she was taking them and she couldn't give me an answer. So my question is, why would someone take them if they have no risk of getting pregnant?
Many women have a hormone imbalance and birth control pills correct a number of medical problems.
  • #4

They are sometimes prescribed to treat acne.
  • #5

They also help regulate the cycle. In young girls especially, the cycle can often be erratic.
  • #6

They also protect against lying...
  • #7

JerryClower said:
One time my sister told me she was taking 'birth control' pills. She has never had sex. She never does either. I asked her why she was taking them and she couldn't give me an answer. So my question is, why would someone take them if they have no risk of getting pregnant?

If she doesn't have a prescription from a MD for a diagnosed hormonal imbalance, she is just having all sex she can get. Dont tell your mother, let her have fun.
  • #8

How the hell do you know that your sister doesn't have sex, I've heard of close families but that takes it a little too far.
  • #9

Jobrag said:
How the hell do you know that your sister doesn't have sex, I've heard of close families but that takes it a little too far.

What ? It's common for siblings to share a lot of "secrets". Having sex is normal, it's not a dark secret no one should share, and many siblings of close age share a lot, and certainly much more significant things than quotidian and mostly irrelevant things like bedding somebody.

I always was pretty close to my brother , and for that matter with 2 of my cousins. We share a lot of things. It's blood man, it comes before anything else.
  • #10

another usage lately is to skip the placebo week and stop having periods altogether
  • #11

women with PCOS or polycystic ovaries will use it sometimes to regulate periods and decrease their natural tendency for hirsutism ( increased facial hair), if someone has endometriosis, the birth control pills shrink the ectopic endometrial tissue and helps with their pain or organ of involvement ( for instance if the ectopic tissue is on the bladder it decreases their "chronic cystitis" complaints. One woman I know has endometriosis in her lungs, she coughed up blood every month during her menstrual cycle, the birth control pills have eliminated it all together. Your sister does not sound old enough but in older women with AVMS ( arterial venous malformations) in their colon causing recurrent GI bleeds we use bcp to stop that. Women with dysfunctional uterine bleeding also find relief with birth control pills.
  • #12

but taking birth control pills..will it make the woman to become little fat..? [i know this from my friend]
  • #13

Rajini said:
but taking birth control pills..will it make the woman to become little fat..? [i know this from my friend]

In some cases. In other weight loss can be observed. Talk to your MD , and discuss options.
  • #14

Rajini said:
but taking birth control pills..will it make the woman to become little fat..? [i know this from my friend]

i hear this a lot about Depo Provera. they also have a tendency to lower libido, perhaps by elevating SHBG levels.
  • #15

Rajini said:
but taking birth control pills..will it make the woman to become little fat..? [i know this from my friend]

I think that was common with early pill formulations, but it is no longer an issue.

Disclaimer: I can be wrong or even deliberately lie.
  • #16
Borek said:
I think that was common with early pill formulations, but it is no longer an issue.

Disclaimer: I can be wrong or even deliberately lie.


from web md

the older bcp had higher progesterone content which induced hunger ( we still use high dose progesterone like megace to deal with cachexia and induce a greater appetite)
  • #17

Let's also not forget the obvious that some people actually plan ahead, as they should, and if they are at an age when they may soon choose to become sexually active (perhaps she already has a boyfriend, or someone in mind to soon become one), they start the birth control so they don't have to wait a couple months to be sure it's working when they decide the time is right with their partner.

And, yes, some do it simply for the convenience of lighter menstrual periods and knowing when to expect them.
  • #18

FAQ: Reason for taking birth control pills

1. What is the main reason for taking birth control pills?

The main reason for taking birth control pills is to prevent pregnancy. These pills contain hormones that prevent the release of an egg from the ovaries, making it difficult for sperm to fertilize an egg.

2. Are birth control pills effective in preventing pregnancy?

When taken correctly, birth control pills are very effective in preventing pregnancy. They have a success rate of over 99% if taken at the same time every day.

3. Can birth control pills regulate menstrual cycles?

Yes, birth control pills can regulate menstrual cycles by providing a consistent amount of hormones to the body. They can also help with symptoms of PMS, such as cramps and mood swings.

4. Do birth control pills have any side effects?

Like any medication, birth control pills can have side effects. These can include nausea, headaches, and changes in mood or libido. However, these side effects tend to be mild and usually go away after the first few months of taking the pills.

5. Is it safe to take birth control pills long term?

Yes, it is generally safe to take birth control pills long term. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best birth control method for your individual needs and to monitor any potential side effects.

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